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, ±200m, 180m, 15 Jun 2008 (LLAMA#Ba-A-08-3-01-03) [
<collectionCodeid="BBA930ACEA74CFBC3B92CC96271E3F24"collectionName="Mexico, Mexico D.F., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico">UNAM</collectionCode>
, unique specimen identifier CASENT0609109]. Paratypes: major and minor workers. Same data as holotype [
<collectionCodeid="D90EEB46F9B3EA2AF43206C7F9C9FA53"collectionName="United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]">BMNH</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="DC13C5BC1A1D0F70C471EAEA8F0A6042"collectionName="USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences">CAS</collectionCode>
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<collectionCodeid="AD2BDC965F39AD0D1AAF837BFB9AD1E7"collectionName="USA, Illinois, Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History (also used by Finnish Museum of Natural History)">FMNH</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="97D30C4479E72C891B4357E13EE354C8"collectionName="Costa Rica, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)">INBC</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="AB413E73AA64BC3C4923765EB0276A37"collectionName="John T. Longino">JTLC</collectionCode>
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<collectionCodeid="C097B69059B49DB2CC313DDCAE6C6719"collectionName="USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology">MCZ</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="11B8E78ABF356F66E978B23FDA9B9C6F"collectionName="Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle">MHNG</collectionCode>
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<collectionCodeid="5C53998AF4ACC4795D2304F7C2FF0719"collectionName="Mexico, Mexico D.F., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico">UNAM</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="EBF716BAA9A510A5A9A6B2D90FAC721D"collectionName="Colombia, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Insituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional">ICN</collectionCode>
<collectionCodeid="83591549C3D6D7725685C479396BD4BD"collectionName="USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]">USNM</collectionCode>
. Major worker: A, face view; B, lateral view; C, dorsal view; D, hypostomal margin. Minor worker: E, face view; F, lateral view; G, dorsal view; H, hind tibia. A-C, Holotype major worker; D, non-type major worker; E-H, Paratype minor worker. Scale bar 0.5mm for E, 1mm for others.
<paragraphid="746FAD4C873836C1A8BB7219D1DC55A2"pageNumber="51">With the general habitus and morphometric profile of P. tschinkeli, with which it is sympatric. Minor and major worker: katepisternum and side of propodeum uniformly foveolate versus with conspicuous rugulae overlaying foveolate sculpture; propodeal spines short, tapering, with sharp tips, versus long, not tapering, tips blunt.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="390585C2E74228317B55F00F46D720C8"pageNumber="51">Description of minor worker</paragraph>
<paragraphid="CB7A2096FD5877D87D205C90886FC191"pageNumber="51">Measurements (paratype): HL 0.72, HW 0.65, HLA 0.28, SL 0.78, EL 0.16, ML 0.94, PSL 0.07, PMG 0.03, SPL 0.03, PTW 0.13, PPW 0.20, CI 90, SI 120, PSLI 10, PMGI 3, SPLI 4, PPI 154.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="998F2B3370BCA88882306381E38A6D65"pageNumber="51">Measurements (n=10): HL 0.67-0.78, HW 0.59-0.68, SL 0.73-0.86, CI 87-91, SI 120-127.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="D33E2ACCBBC5FBEE2C3D274D17D05E03"pageNumber="51">Mandible, clypeus, and entire face smooth and shiny, highly polished; margin of vertex rounded with median impression; occipital carina narrow, barely visible in full face view; scape with abundant erect setae longer than maximum width of scape; promesonotal groove present, strongly impressed; propodeal spines present, with sharp tips; katepisternum and side of propodeum foveolate, rest of mesosoma smooth and shining; mesosomal dorsum with about six pairs erect black setae; dorsal (outer) margin of hind tibia with appressed pubescence and 4-6 suberect setae that are longer than maximum width of tibia; first gastral tergum smooth and shining; gastral dorsum with moderately abundant, erect stiff black setae; color dark red brown.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="D6246699D06415589954FBC9E2A06D08"pageNumber="51">Description of major worker</paragraph>
<paragraphid="77C025A125CD244569EEE11A73ADEBC6"pageNumber="51">Measurements (holotype): HL 1.13, HW 1.08, HLA 0.32, SL 0.79, EL 0.19, ML 1.07, PSL 0.10, PMG 0.05, SPL 0.05, PTW 0.21, PPW 0.32, IHT 0.43, OHT 0.49, CI 96, SI 73, PSLI 9, PMGI 4, SPLI 4, PPI 154, HTI 87.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="AFA42901C03D0FB8BF74C7A47C3C5052"pageNumber="51">Measurements (n=10): HL 1.09-1.21, HW 1.07-1.18, SL 0.76-0.84, CI 94-98, SI 67-74.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="62818BB903F35B4D141AE5F6CA0390E3"pageNumber="51">Mandible smooth and shiny; clypeus smooth and flat with distinct anterior notch; face mostly smooth and shiny, with a few carinulae on malar space; head lacking setae projecting from sides of head in face view; scape smooth and shining, terete at base, with appressed pubescence and abundant erect setae longer than maximum width of scape; hypostomal margin flat; median tooth absent or a small gibbosity; inner hypostomal teeth thin and sharp, located much closer to outer hypostomal teeth than to midline; promesonotal groove present; propodeal spines present; katepisternum and side of propodeum foveolate, rest of mesosoma smooth and shining; mesosomal dorsum with about six pairs erect black setae; dorsal (outer) margin of hind tibia with appressed pubescence and 4-8 suberect setae that are longer than maximum width of tibia; first gastral tergum smooth and shining; gastral dorsum with moderately abundant, erect stiff black setae; color dark red brown.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="5E232A1A3FAFAB3AA89B0CC6351DEF74"pageNumber="51">This species occurs in wet forest habitat. It is locally abundant and recruits heavily to baits on the forest floor. Major and minor workers frequently occur together at baits. The nest is unknown.</paragraph>
<paragraphid="3308F29CA8330595541B960A96940D73"pageNumber="51">The species is named for Dr. Jorge Leon Cortes, Director of the San Cristobal campus of the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chiapas, Mexico. Jorge was an extremely generous and effective host during LLAMA project sampling in Chiapas. He is an energetic field biologist actively promoting biological studies in Chiapas.</paragraph>