<bibRefCitationid="65B91B27BB0F5FBBD26A356DF211699B"author="Kobayashi, T"journalOrPublisher="Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro"pageId="0"pageNumber="69"pagination="1 - 242"refId="B24"refString="Kobayashi, T, 1970. Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro 226: 1 - 242"title="Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories."volume="226"year="1970">Kobayashi (1970)</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="FDA66B686D17EA1D6344DD885180F307"DOI="https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1163-2"author="Fan, XL"journalOrPublisher="Mycological Research"pageId="0"pageNumber="69"refId="B9"refString="Fan, XL, Du, Z, Liang, Y, Tian, CM, 2016. Melanconis (Melanconidaceae) associated with Betula spp. in China. Mycological Progress 15: 40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1163-2"title="Melanconis (Melanconidaceae) associated with Betula spp. in China. Mycological Progress 15: 40."url="https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1163-2"year="2016">Fan et al. (2016)</bibRefCitation>
: Colony on MEA circular, first hyaline, forming a white outer and brown inner zone, with radial stripes; conidiomata forming mostly in the inner zone. Odour indistinct.
in China and is particularly well characterised by its long narrow fusoid conidia, which are more or less pointed at each end. It was originally described by
<bibRefCitationid="D400E38C9ED9885BAEEF873A932BC9E1"author="Kobayashi, T"journalOrPublisher="Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro"pageId="0"pageNumber="69"pagination="1 - 242"refId="B24"refString="Kobayashi, T, 1970. Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro 226: 1 - 242"title="Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories."volume="226"year="1970">Kobayashi (1970)</bibRefCitation>
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<bibRefCitationid="7C1F2E5511728798AFE9CA5D5DD8B6D0"author="Kobayashi, T"journalOrPublisher="Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro"pageId="0"pageNumber="69"pagination="1 - 242"refId="B24"refString="Kobayashi, T, 1970. Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experimental Station Meguro 226: 1 - 242"title="Taxonomic studies of Japanese Diaporthaceae with special reference to their life-histories."volume="226"year="1970">Kobayashi (1970)</bibRefCitation>
<figureCitationid="2E8B41E6B53788AF95D268658A3C082D"captionStart="Figure 1"captionStartId="F1"captionText="Figure 1. Phylogram of the best ML tree (lnL = - 18240.558) revealed by RAxML from an analysis of the ITS-LSU- ms 204 - rpb 2 - tef 1 - tub 2 matrix of Melanconis, with 5 species of Juglanconis (Juglanconidaceae) selected as outgroup. ML and MP bootstrap support above 50 % are given at the first and second position, respectively, above or below the branches. Strain numbers are given following the taxon names; strains formatted in bold were sequenced in the current study. Melanconis taxa occurring on Alnus are marked blue, those on Betula in green. The broken branches to the outgroup were scaled to 10 %."figureDoi="10.3897/mycokeys.63.49054.figure1"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/384811"pageId="0"pageNumber="69">1</figureCitation>