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Elongate; subparallel; subconvex; reddish-brown; eyes dark; antennomeres 1 or 1-2 yellow, 3-11 darker. Head: vertex impunctate, medial sulcus absent; frons not projecting; not depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; robust; male with antennomeres 1-4 or 1-5 compressed; 1 clavate, almost twice length of 2, subtriangular; 2-3 nearly equal, subtriangular; in female 3 longer than 2; 4-10 transverse, subequal in length, each shorter than 3; 11 2
<bibRefCitationid="5EB7382029DF0A57274CA12B0B802383"author="McKenna, DD"journalOrPublisher="Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution"pageId="290"pageNumber="291"pagination="117 - 131"title="Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of host plant use in the Neotropical rolled leaf ' hispine' beetle genus Cephaloleia (Chevrolat) (Coleoptera: Cassidinae)."url="10.1016/j.ympev.2005.06.011"volume="37"year="2005">McKenna and Farrell 2005</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="D2012EE7EAC1690EA54C2A3F12BEA9FB"author="Meskins, C"journalOrPublisher="International Journal of Tropical Insect Science"pageId="290"pageNumber="291"pagination="159 - 171"title="A comparison of hispine beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) associated with three orders of monocot host plants in lowland Panama."volume="27"year="2008">Meskins et al. 2008</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="C3C2A0E9CAE46C96E2F381413F5DA022"author="Garcia-Robledo, C"journalOrPublisher="Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata"pageId="287"pageNumber="288"pagination="115 - 120"title="Host plant scents attract rolled-leaf beetles to Neotropical gingers in a Central American tropical rain forest."url="10.1111/j.1570-7458.2009.00843.x"volume="131"year="2009">
Color when alive yellow with darker margins (Figs 51-52); color when dead yellowish-brown, somewhat darker medially, venter paler than dorsum. Body elongate-ovate, flat. Dorsum with glabrous longitudinal ridge extending from anterior to posterior margin. Pronotum with central area micropustulate, rugose-punctate along anterior and lateral margins. Mesonotum with central area micropustulate, lateral margin punctate. Metanotum with raised central area micropustulate, lateral areas rugose-punctate, without carina or sulcus. Abdominal tergites 1-6 narrowed medially, without carinae near lateral margin, rugose-punctate along lateral margin; spiracles appear as darker brown macula without darker margin; orifice as in Fig. 13. Abdominal tergites 7-10 without carina, punctate along lateral and posterior margins. Venter with surface expansions rugose-striate, micropustulate, without fringe of setae along margins. Head (Fig. 11) with surface rugose-punctate; labrum with surface alutaceous, with row of short setae along anterior margin; clypeus with dense fringe of setae at apex, with four setae on apical
, surface punctate; mandibles tridentate; maxillary palps with two palpomeres and 12 short robust setae at apex; maxilla robust, clavate, with fringe of long setae at apex; labrum densely setose. Antenna with antennomere 1 short, robust; 2 robust, nearly subglobular; 3 elongate, cylindrical, with a few setae at apex. Pro-, meso-, and metasterna wider than long, slightly depressed medially, surface rugose-punctate. Abdominal sternites wider than long, decreasing in length and width; with one sulcus on apical
; laterally with curved sulcus on each side; 9-10 fused, rounded at apex. Leg (Fig. 12) with femur short, robust; tibotarsus subconical, with strong claw and 7 setae at apex. Total length 9.7-10.6 mm; total width 4.7-5.1 mm.
, 5 August 1938 (USNM). COSTA RICA: Alajuela- San Carlos (USNM). Heredia- Transecto Braulio Carillo, N.P., 1500-2050 m, October 1989 (INBIO); F. La Selva, 3 km S Pto. Viejo, 21 July 1992 (USNM); La Selva Biol. Sta., 2 km S. Pt. Viejo, 3-5 June 1984 (EGRC), 07 July 2001 (USNM);
, 1 February 1932 (MUCR), 16 January 1936 (USNM); Est Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 30 June- 20 July 1992 (INBIO); Valle Estrella, 100-200 m (INBIO); Est Miramar, R. B. Hitoy Cerere, 300-400 m (INBIO);
Cuatro Esquinas (INBIO); Talamanca, Amubri, 0-100 m (INBIO); R. V. S. Gandoca Manzanillo, 0-100 m (INBIO). Puntarenas- Barranca site, 1 km N Puntarenas, 11 September 1969 (USNM); Las Alturas,
Achiote Road, 10 km SW Gatun, 12 June 1976, 12 June 1977 (EGRC); Fort Sherman, 8 May 1999 (USNM, EMEC); Gamboa, 22 July 1975 (EGRC); 5 mi NW Gamboa, 27-??-74 (EGRC); Gatun (USNM); Pipeline Road, 12 May 1978 (USNM), 23 June 1984 (EGRC); Porto Bello, 2 March 1911, 3 March 1911, 13 March 1911 (USNM); Skunk Hollow nr. Ft. Sherman, 28 May 1980 (EGRC); Skunk Hollow, nr. Fort Sherman, 28 May 1980 (EMEC).
, 4 June 1912 (USNM). PERU: Loreto- Yahuarango, 11 February 1910 (USNM). Madre de Dios- CICRA Field Station, 272 m, 9 June 2011, 11 June 2011, 12 June 2011, 13 June 2011 (SEMC);