The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) Author Staines, Charles L. Author Garcia-Robledo, Carlos text ZooKeys 2014 436 1 355 journal article 1313-2970-436-1 4AE52FD68CF948DCAA79C15AD75FF7F1 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Cephaloleia erichsonii Baly, 1858 Fig. 132 Cephalolia erichsoni Baly 1858 : 43. Gemminger and Harold 1876 : 3601 (catalog); Donckier 1899 : 549 (catalog); Weise 1910 b: 83 (noted), 1911a : 8 (catalog), 1911b : 10 (catalog); Uhmann 1936b : 482 (key). Cephaloleia erichsonii Baly. Baly 1885 : 11 (distribution); Blackwelder 1946 : 719 (catalog); Papp 1953 : 16 (catalog); Uhmann 1957a : 18 (catalog), 1964b : 16 (faunal list); Strong 1977a : 163 (host plants); Wilcox 1983 : 137 (catalog); Staines 1996 : 31 (Central America species), 2004 : 312 (host plants), 2011 : 49 (faunal list); Staines and Staines 1999 : 524 (Baly species list); McKenna and Farrell 2005 : 119 (phylogeny), 2006 : 10949 (phylogeny); Meskins et al. 2008 : 163 (host plants), 2011 : 483 (food web); Descampe et al. 2008 : 227 (host plants); Garcia-Robledo and Horvitz 2009 : 116 (host plants); Garcia-Robledo et al. 2010 : 64 (noted), 2013a : 3 (biology). Description. Elongate; subparallel; subconvex; reddish-brown; eyes dark; antennomeres 1 or 1-2 yellow, 3-11 darker. Head: vertex impunctate, medial sulcus absent; frons not projecting; not depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; robust; male with antennomeres 1-4 or 1-5 compressed; 1 clavate, almost twice length of 2, subtriangular; 2-3 nearly equal, subtriangular; in female 3 longer than 2; 4-10 transverse, subequal in length, each shorter than 3; 11 2 x length of 10, pointed at apex; 1-6 punctate with scattered setae; 7-11 setose. Pronotum: subquadrate; lateral margin slightly rounded, somewhat dilated, broadly canaliculate; anterior angle obtuse, slightly produced; posterior angle angulate; anterior margin emarginate behind head; disc subconvex; surface very finely and sparsely punctate; disc surface impunctate; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.4-1.7 mm; pronotal width 1.9-2.6 mm. Scutellum: broadly triangular, impunctate. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, margined; apex obtusely rounded; sutural angle without tooth; humerus rounded, not produced; slightly constricted behind humerus; slightly convex; disc flattened; indistinct longitudinal sulcus at humeral callus; puncture rows moderately impressed, rows faint and confused at apex; elytral length 5.0-6.0 mm; elytral width 2.4-3.1 mm. Venter: prosternum impunctate; meso- and metasterna impunctate medially, punctate laterally; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 obsolete medially; last sternite with apical margin truncate, slightly sinuate medially in male, broadly but slightly sinuate in female. Leg: short; robust; femur sparsely punctate; tibia spatulate, setose at apex. Total length: 6.7-8.0 mm. Diagnosis. This species is similar to Cephaloleia calathae sp. n. and Cephaloleia conforma sp. n. It can be distinguished by the sulcus on the humerus callus. Host plant. Adults have been collected on Calathea gymnocarpa H. Kennedy ( Staines 1996 ); Cephaloleia inocephala (Kuntze) H. Kenn. and Nicolson, Cephaloleia leucostachys Hook. ( Strong 1977a ) ( Marantaceae ); Heliconia sp. ( Heliconiaceae ) ( McKenna and Farrell 2005 ); Cephaloleia insignis Hort. and Bull., Cephaloleia latifolia Klotzsch, Cephaloleia lutea Schult. ( Marantaceae ), Heliconia catheta R. R. Smith, Heliconia latispatha Nemth., Heliconia mariae Hook., Heliconia vaginalis Benth. ( Meskins et al. 2008 ); Heliconia wagneriana Peterson ( Descampe et al. 2008 ) ( Heliconiaceae ); Cephaloleia cleistantha Standl., Cephaloleia crotalifera S. Watson, Cephaloleia lutea Schult., Cephaloleia marantifolia Standl. ( Marantaceae ) ( Garcia-Robledo and Horvitz 2009 ); Heliconia stricta Huber. Immatures. Color when alive yellow with darker margins (Figs 51-52); color when dead yellowish-brown, somewhat darker medially, venter paler than dorsum. Body elongate-ovate, flat. Dorsum with glabrous longitudinal ridge extending from anterior to posterior margin. Pronotum with central area micropustulate, rugose-punctate along anterior and lateral margins. Mesonotum with central area micropustulate, lateral margin punctate. Metanotum with raised central area micropustulate, lateral areas rugose-punctate, without carina or sulcus. Abdominal tergites 1-6 narrowed medially, without carinae near lateral margin, rugose-punctate along lateral margin; spiracles appear as darker brown macula without darker margin; orifice as in Fig. 13. Abdominal tergites 7-10 without carina, punctate along lateral and posterior margins. Venter with surface expansions rugose-striate, micropustulate, without fringe of setae along margins. Head (Fig. 11) with surface rugose-punctate; labrum with surface alutaceous, with row of short setae along anterior margin; clypeus with dense fringe of setae at apex, with four setae on apical 1/2 , surface punctate; mandibles tridentate; maxillary palps with two palpomeres and 12 short robust setae at apex; maxilla robust, clavate, with fringe of long setae at apex; labrum densely setose. Antenna with antennomere 1 short, robust; 2 robust, nearly subglobular; 3 elongate, cylindrical, with a few setae at apex. Pro-, meso-, and metasterna wider than long, slightly depressed medially, surface rugose-punctate. Abdominal sternites wider than long, decreasing in length and width; with one sulcus on apical 1/2 ; laterally with curved sulcus on each side; 9-10 fused, rounded at apex. Leg (Fig. 12) with femur short, robust; tibotarsus subconical, with strong claw and 7 setae at apex. Total length 9.7-10.6 mm; total width 4.7-5.1 mm. Distribution. Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru. Type material examined. Holotype: Columbia [handwritten label]/ Baly Coll. [printed label]/ Cephalolia erichsonii Baly, Columbia [blue handwritten label] (BMNH). Specimens examined. No label data (USNM). COLOMBIA: Antioquia- Puerto Berrio , 5 August 1938 (USNM). COSTA RICA: Alajuela- San Carlos (USNM). Heredia- Transecto Braulio Carillo, N.P., 1500-2050 m, October 1989 (INBIO); F. La Selva, 3 km S Pto. Viejo, 21 July 1992 (USNM); La Selva Biol. Sta., 2 km S. Pt. Viejo, 3-5 June 1984 (EGRC), 07 July 2001 (USNM); Sarapiqui , La Virgen, P. N. Braulio Carrillo, Estacion Magsaysay, 100-200 m (INBIO). Limon- Finca Castilla, 30 April 1940 (MUCR); Guapiles , 30 October 1942 (MUCR); Hamburg Farm, Reventazon , Ebene Limon , 1 February 1932 (MUCR), 16 January 1936 (USNM); Est Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 30 June- 20 July 1992 (INBIO); Valle Estrella, 100-200 m (INBIO); Est Miramar, R. B. Hitoy Cerere, 300-400 m (INBIO); Pococi , Estacion Cuatro Esquinas (INBIO); Talamanca, Amubri, 0-100 m (INBIO); R. V. S. Gandoca Manzanillo, 0-100 m (INBIO). Puntarenas- Barranca site, 1 km N Puntarenas, 11 September 1969 (USNM); Las Alturas, 1400 m, 22-26 May 1992 (CDFA, USNM); Est Sirena, 100 m, P. N. Corcovado, March 1990, June 1991, July 1991 (INBIO); Estacion Altamira, 1 km S Cerro Biolley, 1400-1500 m (INBIO); El Carmen, 400-500 m (INBio); P. N. Carara, Garabito, Tarcoles, Estacion Quebrada Bonita; Estacion Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa, 0-100 m (INBIO); Finca Isaac Murillo, 0-100 m (INBIO); Sirena, Corcovado Nat Pk, 0-100 m (INBIO); Alrededor del Rio Corcovado, 0-100 m (INBIO); Reserva Ftal Golfo Dulce, Est Agujas, 200-300 m (INBIO); Pque Nal Corcovado, Est Agujas, Cerro Rincon , 600-700 m (INBIO); Sierpe, Ranco Quemado, 200-300 m (INBIO). San Jose- San Jose (USNM). PANAMA: Bocas del Toro- 6 km N Punta Pena , 3 June 1994 (CDFA). Canal Zone- no further data (USNM). Colon- Achiote Road, 10 km SW Gatun, 12 June 1976, 12 June 1977 (EGRC); Fort Sherman, 8 May 1999 (USNM, EMEC); Gamboa, 22 July 1975 (EGRC); 5 mi NW Gamboa, 27-??-74 (EGRC); Gatun (USNM); Pipeline Road, 12 May 1978 (USNM), 23 June 1984 (EGRC); Porto Bello, 2 March 1911, 3 March 1911, 13 March 1911 (USNM); Skunk Hollow nr. Ft. Sherman, 28 May 1980 (EGRC); Skunk Hollow, nr. Fort Sherman, 28 May 1980 (EMEC). Panama- Barro Colo. Isl., April-May 1939, 15-27 May 1972 (USNM); Bueno Vista Pt., nr. B.C.I., May 1972 (USNM); 6 km N Capira (Cerro Campana), 8 April 1981 (SEMC); Trinidad Rio , 4 June 1912 (USNM). PERU: Loreto- Yahuarango, 11 February 1910 (USNM). Madre de Dios- CICRA Field Station, 272 m, 9 June 2011, 11 June 2011, 12 June 2011, 13 June 2011 (SEMC); Rio Tamnopata Res., 30 km SW Puerto Maldonado, 290 m, 1-26 November 1982 (CASC), 22 October 1983 (USNM). Ucayali- Tingo Maria (USNM). Total: 222.