Randersonia Chamorro, a new genus with two new species of North American Cryptorhynchinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Author Chamorro, M. Lourdes Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, USDA ℅ National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. Author Presnall, Tara Milovana The Pennsylvania State University, College of Engineering, University Park, PA. 16802. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-23 5222 6 591 599 journal article 55320 10.11646/zootaxa.5222.6.6 859d0b80-d708-4f98-b528-6c5a508ce1bb 1175-5326 7477441 68D41AEE-0EBB-4063-9B9E-623C32FF6F9D Amended key for Cryptorhynchinae of U.S.A. (modified from Anderson (2002:40) to include Randersonia ) 6(3). Metasternum short, the distance between middle and hind coxae distinctly shorter than length of antennal club............ 7 – Metasternum long, the distance between middle and hind coxae subequal to or distinctly longer than length of antennal club................................................................................................... 15 15(6). Pronotum markedly produced over head, head not visible in dorsal view; tibia very short, less than one-half as long as femur; hind tibia with or without apical comb of stout setae;....................................................... 15b – Pronotum not produced over head, head visible in dorsal view; tibia longer than one-half length of femur; hind tibia with apical comb of stout setae (usually arranged subparallel to long axis of tibia);.......................................... 16 15b (15). Hind tibia without apical comb of stout setae; integument clothed in grey and black or variously colored, tightly arranged scales obscuring underlying cuticle, scattered plumose scales absent, scutellum and humeri prominent; disk not distinctly punctate; interstriae elevated, metanepisternal suture distinct and wings present; longitudinal elytral striae with each puncture shallow, diameter less than space between punctures…............................................. Paracamptus –- Hind tibia with apical comb of stout setae; integument straw colored, visible, mostly glabrous, not clothed in dense scales, scattered plumose scales present, scutellum may or may not be visible and humeri not or weakly developed; interstriae not elevated, metanepisternal suture covered by elytra; longitudinal elytral striae with each puncture deep, diameter equal to or greater than space between punctures.......................................................... ... Randersonia