Scandinavian Oncophorus (Bryopsida, Oncophoraceae): species, cryptic species, and intraspecific variation
Lars Hedenäs
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
Oncophorus virens
(Hedw.) Brid.
Fig. 9
Bryologia Universa
1: 399 (von
Bridel 1826
). –
Dicranum virens
Species Muscorum Frondosorum
: 142 (
Hedwig 1801
). –
Aongstroemia virens
(Hedw.) Müll.Hal.
Synopsis Muscorum
Frondosorum omnium hucusque Cognitorum
2: 609 (
Müller 1851
). –
Cynodontium virens
(Hedw.) Schimp.,
Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae
: 12 (
Schimper 1856
). – Type: no potential type material is extant in G (cf.,
et al.
;; accessed 4 Feb. 2016), and the typification will be dealt with separately (Hedenäs & Ochyra in prep.).
Dicranum virens
Bruch & Schimp.,
Bryologia Europaea
1: 119. 49g (fasc. 37–40. Mon. 13. 3g) (
Bruch & Schimper 1847
). –
Cynodontium virens
(Bruch & Schimp.) Schimp.,
Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae
: 12 (
Schimper 1856
). –
Oncophorus virens
(Bruch & Schimp.) Braithw.,
The British Moss-Flora
1: 116 (
Braithwaite 1883
). – Type: “secus rivulos” (BM, n.v.; cf., below).
Aongstroemia curvicaulis
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano
, n.s.
5 (2): 169 (
Müller 1898
). –
Cynodontium curvicaule
(Müll.Hal.) Paris
Index Bryologicus Supplementum Primum
111 (
Paris 1900
). –
Oncophorus curvicaulis
(Müll.Hal.) Broth.,
Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien
1 (3): 319 (
Brotherus 1901
). – Type: “Bryotheca E. Levier.
Oncophorus curvicaulis C. Müll.
,, Nuovo Giornale italiano 1898, p. 169 (sub. Angstroemia), China interior, provincia Schen-si sept., in monte Thae-peisan, Aug. 1896, legit Rev. Jos. Giraldi, determ. Prof. C. Müller sub. No. 1969” (lecto-: BM-000517729!, designated here).
Cynodontium bicolor
Index Bryologicus Supplementum Primum
: 111 (
Paris 1900
) (
Aongstroemia bicolor
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano
, n.s.
5: 170 (
Müller 1898
), nom. illeg.; later homonym). –
Oncophorus bicolor
(Paris) Broth.,
Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien
1 (3): 319 (
Brotherus 1901
). – Type: “Bryotheca E. Levier.
Oncophorus bicolor
(C. Müll. sub Angstroemia, in N. Giorn. bot. ital. 1898, p. 170) Broth., China interior, provinc. SchenSi sept., in monte Tui-kio-san, 21 Sept. 1896, legit. Rev. Jos. Giraldi, determ. Dr. C. Müller n. 1970” (lecto-: BM-000517728!, designated here).
Plants up to 8 cm high, usually in loose tufts, green or yellow-green. Stem with large central strand, a cortex plus epidermis of 1–2 layers of incrassate cells, epidermis not differentiated as a hyalodermis; axillary hairs with 2–4-celled, hyaline upper portion, 10–11 µm wide, basal 1–2 cells rectangular, hyaline; rhizoids strongly branched, red-brown, smooth, in leaf axils. Leaves 2.1–4.2 × 0.6–1.0 mm, when moist from sheathing base patent to spreading, straight or screwed, when dry above sheathing base erect and tightly incurved to spreading, above strongly twisted, from ovate or rounded oblong base with narrowly triangular acumen, apex acuminate to longly acuminate; leaf margin at least partly distinctly recurved in lower leaf, below entire, upper margin in all or many leaves regularly to irregularly dentate or coarsely and somewhat irregularly denticulate, sometimes only close to leaf apex but mostly in at least some leaves down to mid-leaf or almost so, teeth single or double, mostly sharp and when strong often directed forwards, margin varying from unistratose to bistratose; costa 83–120 µm wide near base, with dorsal and ventral epidermis, one layer of large guide cells, 1(–2) layers of ventral stereids and 2–3 layers of dorsal stereids; lamina cells in acumen incrassate, 6–30 × 6–18 µm, 0.5–3.3 times as long as wide, in mid-leaf incrassate, 6–33 × 6–15 µm, 0.6–3.8(–4.2) times as long as wide, and in sheathing lamina incrassate and slightly porose, 20–109 × 5–19 µm, 1.6–15.8 times as long as wide, transition between mid-leaf and basal cells relatively sudden, due to relatively short upper lamina cells and relatively long basal cells; alar cells differentiated, rectangular, slightly to strongly inflated and forming a diffusely delimited group of 3–4 cells wide and 2–4(–5) cells long, partly bistratose, decurrent. Perigonia lateral on stem, not stalked, antheridia protected by oblong perigonial leaves with “cut-off” or acute apex. Inner perichaetial leaves 3.27–6.18 mm long, lower 29–50% oblong and broadly sheathing, above suddenly narrowed to long, narrow acumen. Seta tall, 12–29 mm; capsule cylindric or shortly so, curved or slightly curved, with distinct struma, 0.9–1.5 × 0.5–0.6 mm, 1.6–2.9 times as long as broad, more or less orthogonal to homotropus; exothecial cells incrassate or longitudinally incrassate, slightly collenchymatous or not; stomata ovate-pored, surrounded by radially arranged cells, near base of capsule; peristome red, teeth cleft or perforated to one-third or further down, with longitudinal rows of pits on outside; spores 23–38 µm, very finely rough.
This species is on the average weaker than
O. integerrimus
sp. nov.
In addition, it differs by its usually strongly dentate leaf margins and in that dry leaves are more tightly incurved. Plants from high elevations, which can be molecularly differentiated from lowland ones, are often relatively small. However, neither this nor other morphological features consistently distinguish plants from different elevations.
Habitat and distribution in Scandinavia
Oncophorus virens
occurs on rocks, especially wet rocks, and on brook and lake shores (
Fig. 4
). It is the only member of
that is frequent in late snow-beds, and it grows also on soil and in open wetlands. This species is frequent mainly in the mountain range and the base- or calcium-rich lowland regions of northern Sweden (
Fig. 3C
). Like
O. wahlenbergii
, it has only been collected a few times in the southern third of Sweden.
Nomenclatural notes
Dicranum virens
Bruch & Schimp. (
Bruch & Schimper 1847
should differ from
Oncophorus virens
(Hedw.) Brid. var.
in having strongly serrate leaf margins (
et al.
– 1851). However, since
O. virens
has serrate to strongly serrate upper leaf margins, the
belongs within this variation (cf.,
Ignatov & Afonina 1992
Newmaster 2007
). The types of
Aongstroemia curvicaulis
Müll.Hal. (
Müller 1898
Cynodontium bicolor
Paris (Paris 1900)
also have strongly serrate leaf margins and clearly belong to
O. virens
as this species is understood here. The types of latter two names were checked to exclude that they belong to the next species.