Review of the world species of Spaniopus Walker, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), with description of a new species from the Russian Far East Author Tselikh, Ekaterina text Zootaxa 2015 4058 1 41 65 journal article 39271 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.1.2 c03b8685-e7b1-423d-8db3-8a8c99ee2202 1175-5326 239870 B316C84C-7415-449F-9ABF-5DD600556844 Spaniopus fulvicornis Bouček, 1972 ( Figs 19–24 ) Spaniopus fulvicornis Bouček, 1972 : 309 –310; holotype ♀ (BMNH, examined). Type locality: [ Czech Republic ] “ Bohemia ”. Description. Female . Body length 1.9–2.6 mm ; fore wing length 1.4–2.0 mm. Colour: head, mesosoma and metasoma dark metallic green with diffuse coppery lustre; antenna yellowish-brown; coxae dark metallic green, femora and tibiae yellowish-brown, tarsi yellow, last segment of tarsus brown; fore wing with dark broad spot under M and S, venation yellowish-brown; ovipositor sheath dark brown. Head in dorsal view 2.0–2.1× as broad as long and 1.24–1.25× as broad as mesoscutum; in frontal view 1.23× broader than high. POL 1.25–1.35× OOL. Eye height 1.4× eye length and 1.8–2.0× as long as malar space. Frons 1.4–1.45× broader than eye height. Distance between antennal toruli and lower margin of clypeus as long as distance between antennal toruli and median ocellus. Clypeus radially striate, its lower margin weakly emarginate. Mandible formula 3:4. Antenna with scape as long as eye height and 1.25–1.4× as long as eye length, reaching to anterior edge of median ocellus; pedicel 2.0–2.1× as long as broad and 1.1–1.23× as long as F1; combined length of pedicel and flagellum 0.9× breadth of head; second anellus of antenna subquadrate, 2.0–2.1× as long as first one; flagellum almost filiform; F1 1.65–1.90× as long as broad, distinctly constricted basally; F2 longer than broad, F3 and F4 subquadrate, F5 and F6 distinctly transverse; each funicular segment with one row of dense sensilla; clava 1.55–1.70× as long as broad. Mesosoma 1.53–1.70× as long as broad. Pronotal collar medially 0.2× as long as mesoscutum. Scutellum finely reticulate, about as long as broad, with noticeable but shallow frenal line. Propodeum medially 0.66–0.7× as long as scutellum; with median carina weak and costula absent; nucha subglobose and strongly reticulate, occupying 0.4–0.5× length of propodeum. Fore wing 2.3–2.4× as long as maximum width; basal cell bare, basal fold with several hairs; speculum open; M 1.6–1.7× as long as P and 1.96–2.0× as long as S; P 1.2–1.3× as long as S. Metasoma ovate-acuminate, 1.7–1.85× as long as broad and 1.0–1.15× as long as mesosoma. Ovipositor sheath projecting slightly beyond apex of metasoma. Male . Body length 1.5–1.6 mm . Antenna with pedicel 1.8× as long as broad; combined length of pedicel and flagellum 1.1× breadth of head; F1 1.5× as long as broad; F2–F4 longer than broad, F5 and F6 quadrate; clava 2.5× as long as broad. Basal cell of fore wing with several hairs; M 1.8× as long as S ( Bouček 1972 ). Material examined. CZECH REPUBLIC : 1 ♀ ( holotype ) “ Holotype ”, “Sedlou Litoměřic, BOHEMIA Bouček”, “ HOLOTYPUS Spaniopus fulvicornis Bouček ”, “Pres by Com Inst Ent B M 1972-2”, “B.M. TYPE HYM. 5. 2177”, “ BMNH (E) #953700” ( BMNH ). RUSSIA *: 1 ♀, “Primorskiy Territory, Natural Reserve “Ussuriisky”, River Sokolovka, 30.VII.1975 , Storozheva”; 1 ♀, “Primorskiy Territory, Vladivostok, Okeanskaya, forest, 30.VII.2001 , S. Belokobylskij” (both from ZISP ); 1 ♀, “Primorskiy Territory, Lazo, 43 31 16 N 134 3 52 E , 1547 m . Mountain top, MT. 04.viii.2001 ”, “M. Quest coll. BMNH (E) 2009-59 ” ( BMNH ); 1 ♀, “Yevreyskaya Autonomic Province, 20 km NW Amurzet, 17 VI 1985 , Kasparyan” ( ZISP ). Distribution. Czech Republic , Russia (South of Far East)*, Slovakia , Sweden ( Noyes 2015 ). Biology. Unknown. Comparative diagnosis . Females of Spaniopus fulvicornis are very similar to those of S. monospilus , but males are similar to those of S. nigriceps and S. japonicus . The differences between these species are given in the respective keys to the sexes.