Australian Goblin Spiders Of The Genus Ischnothyreus (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Edward, Karen L. Author Harvey, Mark S. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 2014-06-06 2014 389 1 144 journal article 10.1206/865.1 0003-0090 5380163 Ischnothyreus ker , new species Figures 27–28 , map 6 TYPES: AUSTRALIA : Queensland : Male holotype , female allotype , and two female paratypes from Bellenden Ker Range , summit TV Station , 17.25883 °S , 145.8548 ° E , 1560 m ( 28 Aug–8 Oct 1991 , G. Monteith , H. Janetzki ), deposited in QM ( ³ holotype : S95935 , PBI _ OON 00022001 ; allotype : QM S95936, PBI _ OON 00025753 ) . ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a noun in apposition, taken from the type locality. DIAGNOSIS: Males can be distinguished by the presence of a rounded medial scleriotized process on the posterior aspect of the cheliceral fang and lacks any basal process (fig. 28D). The female epigynal region is similar to that of I. comicus , sp. nov. , but differs in the smaller width of the epigynal atrium opening, which is more jelly-bean shaped, and the faint but visible lines running down each side of the convoluted duct (figs. 27I, 28E). Fig. 27. Ischnothyreus ker , sp. nov. Holotype male (PBI_OON 00022001): A. habitus, dorsal view; B. habitus, ventral view; C. habitus, lateral view; G. carapace, anterior view; H. sternum, ventral view. Allotype female (PBI_OON 00025753): D. habitus, dorsal view; E. habitus, ventral view; F. habitus, lateral view; I. epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 28. Ischnothyreus ker , sp. nov. Holotype male (PBI_OON 00022001): A. left palp, prolateral view; B. left palp, retrolateral view; C. left chelicerae, anterior view; D. left chelicerae, posterior view. Allotype female (PBI_OON 00025753): E. epigynum, ventral view. Scale lines 5 0.1 mm. MALE (PBI_OON 22001, figs. 27A–C, G, H, 28A–D). Total length 1.36. CEPHALO- THORAX: Carapace pale orange, broadly oval in dorsal view, pars cephalica slightly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less, anterolateral corners without extension or projections, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica finely reticulate, sides finely reticulate. Clypeus margin unmodified, straight in front view, low, ALE separated from edge of carapace by less than their radius; setae dark. Eyes: ALE largest, ALE circular, PME oval, PLE oval; posterior eye row procurved from above; ALE touching, ALE-PLE touching. Sternum longer than wide, pale orange, uniform; setae light, evenly scattered. Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Chelicerae straight, anterior face unmodified; fang shape normal, with prominent medial process; setae light; promargin with one larger denticle. Labium elongated hexagon, not fused to sternum, anterior margin indented at middle, same as sternum in sclerotization. Endites anteromedian tip with one strong, toothlike projection, same as sternum in sclerotization. ABDOMEN: Ovoid; dorsum soft portions white. Book lung covers round. Dorsal scutum pale orange, covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, more than 1/2 to most of abdomen width, middle surface smooth, sides smooth. Epigastric scutum small lateral sclerites absent. Postepigastric scutum pale Map 6. Map of northeastern Queensland , central Wet Tropics Bioregion, showing recorded distributions of Ischnothyreus ker (Z), I. binorbis () , I. boonjee (+) and I. corniculatum ( N ). Wet Tropics upland subregions outlined in grey (see map 1). orange, covering about 2/3 of abdominal length. Dorsum, epigastric area, and postepigastric area setae light. LEGS: White, without color pattern; patella plus tibia I nearly as long as carapace. Leg spination: femora: I p0-2-0; II p0-1-0; tibiae: I, II p2-2-0; v2-2-0; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; v1-1-0. GEN- ITALIA : Palp proximal segments dark redbrown; embolus light; femur one to two times as long as trochanter, without posteriorly rounded lateral dilation; patella shorter than femur; cymbium dark redbrown, without distal patch of setae; bulb dark red-brown, more than two times as long as cymbium, stout; embolic region obtusely bent, slightly bent back toward cymbium, distal tip curved anteriorly, darkened apparent embolus opening positioned distal to thin conductor. FEMALE (PBI_OON 25753, figs. 27 D–F, I, 28E). Total length 1.50. CEPHALOTHO- RAX: Dorsal scutum covering 1/2 to 3/4 of abdomen, between 1/4 and 1/2 abdomen width. Postepigastric scutum widely hexagonal, only around epigastric furrow. LEGS: Yellow; patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace. Leg spination: femora: I p0-2-0; II p0-1-0; tibiae: I, II p2-2-0; v2-2-0; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; v1-1-0. GENITALIA: Ventral view: epigynal atrium slightly wider than high, jelly-bean shaped, lateral edges round- ed, heavily sclerotized processes absent; convoluted duct thicker than apodemes, faint but visible lines running down each side of the convoluted duct (figs. 27I, 28E). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: AUS- TRALIA: Queensland : Bellenden Ker Range , 0.5 km S Cable tower 7, rainforest, 500 m , 17.26667 ° S , 145.85000 ° E , Nov. 1–7, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S27626 , PBI _OON 25930), 1 ³ ; Bellenden Ker Range , cable tower 3, rainforest, leaf litter, 1054 m , 17.26667 ° S , 145.85000 ° E , Oct. 17–24, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S27896 , PBI _OON 22156), 2 ³, 1 ♀ ; Bellenden Ker Range , Centre Peak Summit , rainforest, leaf litter, 1560 m , 17.26667 ° S , 145.85000 ° E , Oct. 23, 1980 ( G. Monteith , QM S12999 , PBI _ OON 25805), 1 ³ ; Bellenden Ker Range , summit TV Station , rainforest, leaf litter, 1560 m , 17.25883 ° S , 145.85480 ° E , Dec. 1, 1998 ( G. Monteith , QM S78698 , PBI _ OON 7143 ), 1 ♀ ; Bellenden Ker Range , summit TV Station , rainforest, 1560 m , 17.25883 ° S , 145.85480 ° E , Nov. 1, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S27849 , PBI _OON 22148), 1 ♀ ; Bellenden Ker Range , summit TV Station , rainforest, leaf litter, 1560 m , 17.25883 ° S , 145.85480 ° E , Oct. 25, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S27850 , PBI _OON 22149), 1 ♀ ; Bellenden Ker Range , Summit TV Station , rainforest, leaf litter, 1560 m , 17.26667 ° S , 145.85000 ° E , Apr. 29– May 2, 1983 ( G. Monteith , D. Yeates , QM S16016 , PBI _OON 25801), 1 ³ ; Bellenden Ker Range , Summit TV Station , rainforest, leaf litter, 1560 m , 17.26667 ° S , 145.85000 ° E , Apr. 29–May 2, 1983 ( G. Monteith , D. Yeates , QM S16172 , PBI _OON 25803), 1 ♀ ; Bellenden Ker Range , Summit TV Station. , rainforest, 1560 m , Oct. 1–Dec. 1, 1982 ( S. Montague , QM S16092 , PBI _OON 25804), 3 ³, 2 ♀ ; Mount Bartle Frere , 0.5 km N Sth Peak summit, rainforest, leaf litter, 17.40000 ° S , 145.81666 ° E , Nov. 6–8, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S75931, PBI _OON 22775), 1 ♀ ; Mount Bartle Frere , Centre Peak Ridge , rainforest, leaf litter, 17.38333 ° S , 145.81666 ° E , Nov. 7–8, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S75930, PBI _OON 22776), 1 ³ ; Mount Bartle Frere , Sth Peak summit, rainforest, leaf litter, 17.40000 ° S , 145.81666 ° E , Nov. 6–8, 1981 (EARTHWATCH/ Qld Museum , QM S75928, PBI _OON 22780), 1 ³ . DISTRIBUTION: This species is only known from Mount Bartle Frere and Bellenden Ker Range of the Wet Tropics Bioregion (BK subregion), in northeastern Queensland (map 6).