Systematics of New World Curtonotum Macquart (Diptera: Curtonotidae) 3079 Author Klymko, John Author Marshall, Stephen A. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-10-28 3079 1 1 110 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3079.1.1 1175­5334 5243925 Curtonotum magnum Malloch Figure 58–65 Curtonotum magnum Malloch, 1930: 326 .— Wirth, 1975 : 78.2 [Neotropical catalogue]. Diagnosis. The only Neotropical Curtonotum species with the following combination of characters: palpi and prementum dark brown to black, face dark brown (sides paler), frons dark brown with pale medial vitta, and eye height to gena height ratio less than 7. Description. Length: 6.8–9.6 mm . Head: Frons dark orange-brown with paler, diffuse medial vitta and lateral margins, subtle purple to green iridescence (this more pronounced ventrolaterally, visible only from oblique angle), heavy bulge ventrally and scattered pale setulae, width 1.3–1.4 times length, parallel sided, lateral margin narrowly silver microtomentose. Ocellar triangle and narrow lateral strip microtomentose, microtomentum extending anterior to anterior ocellus in some specimens, in such cases its margin rounded, narrow microtomentose strip extending from median occipital sclerite, nearly reaching ventral margin of frons (rather diffuse anterior of proclinate seta). Proclinate seta at ca. one-third to one-quarter sagittal distance between anterior ocellus and ventral margin of frons, anterior to and slightly lateral of major reclinate seta; minor reclinate seta anterior to and slightly medial of major reclinate seta. Face silver microtomentose, ground colour dark brown to black, yellow-brown lateral of frontogenal suture; vibrissa subequal to adjacent subvibrissals, in some specimens the second most dorsal somewhat enlarged. Parafacial and gena very broad, moderately silver microtomentose, ground colour medium brown; eye height 4.5–6.3 times gena height. Clypeus, palpus and prementum dark brown to black, clypeus silver microtomentose, palpus silver microtrichose, prementum bare and shiny. Scape and pedicel moderately silver microtomentose with orangebrown ground colour; first flagellomere with dark brown ground colour on apical ca. three-quarters to two-thirds (some specimens this entirely dark), otherwise orange-brown, densely silver microtrichose. Thorax: Ground colour dark brown, light brown microtomentose on scutum, scutellum medium brown microtomentose with narrow light brown medial vitta, grey-brown microtomentose on pleura. Scutum moderately arched, each scutal, postpronotal, scutellar and anepisternal seta and setula with dark spot around socket. Scutum with 2 pairs of narrow vittae, medial pair running entire length, broadening slightly posteriorly and extending onto scutellum, lateral pair indistinct anterior of transverse suture. Postpronotal lobe with 3 setae, anterior-most seta ca. half size of other 2; notopleuron setulose; scutellum with 2 pairs of marginal setae. Anepisternum with 4 large subequal setae on posterior half, anterior to these an additional moderately large seta; katepisternum with 2 prominent lateral setae, anterodorsal seta relatively weak, linear tuft of setulae under fore coxa orange-brown. Area below and behind posterior spiracle bare (without fringe of setulae); meron bare. Legs: Legs orange-yellow to orange-brown in ground colour, coxae heavily grey microtomentose, legs otherwise lightly so. Chaetotaxy black, except for very dense, regularly spaced transverse rows of setulae anteroventrally on apical half of fore tibia and similar setulae on fore tarsomere 1, these dark brown. Fore femur with 6–7 posterodorsal setae and 6–8 moderately stout ctenidial setae; mid femur with 5–7 anterior setae; hind femur with 1 subapical dorsal seta. Mid tibia with 2 very strong, 2 moderately strong, and several weaker apical ventral setae, 1 moderately strong seta between the strong setae, other moderately strong seta posterior to these. Row of short cuneiform setae present on entire anteroventral margin of mid and hind tarsomere 5. Wing: Similar to C . atlanticum , except as follows. Most specimens without pale area in r 1 distal to costal cell. Specimen from Boraceia Biological Station with r 1 lightly brown infuscated, otherwise without markings. Several specimens narrowly brown infuscate in membrane around M 1 and CuA 1 . Abdomen: Ground colour dark brown, grey microtomentose except where noted. Tergite 2 brown microtomentose dorsally on posterior ca. quarter, this tapering to posterior margin medially. Tergites 3–5 with narrow brown microtomentose medial vitta, brown microtomentose dorsal band on posterior ca. quarter of tergites 3 and 4 and posterior ca. fifth of tergite 5. Series from Ouro Prêto with with narrow lateral brown microtomentose vitta on tergites 3, 4, and 5 ( one female specimen with lateral vitta on tergite 3 and 4 only) and slightly broader posterior bands. FIGURES 58–61. Curtonotum magnum Malloch. 58. Male terminalia, left lateral. 59. Distiphallus, dorsal. 60. Male terminalia, posterior. 61. Head, anterior. Male terminalia: Sternite 5 well sclerotized apically, apical margin truncate; tergite 6 moderately sclerotized, desclerotized medially, tergite 7 relatively wide, dorsal length ca. 0.7 epandrial dorsal length; sternites 6 and 7 separated into right and left portions, sternite 6 broad and well sclerotized, left portion more heavily sclerotized proximally; right portion of sternite 7 a narrow band; length ca. fifth length of right portion of sternite 6. Epandrium relatively small, with pair of long, bare (free of setulae and microtrichia) posteroventral extensions (these connected dorsally by weakly sclerotized membrane), epandrium otherwise setulose, with scattered more elongate setulae (these longest posteroventrally); surstylus elongate, articulating laterally and fused medially with epandrial extension, lateral and distal margin rounded, medial margin concave, setulose dorsally and marginally, area adjacent to postgonite concave. Hypandrium with apically narrowing, posteriorly bent dorsobasal lobe, posterior bridge produced ventrally and posteriorly, hypandrial arm bent ca. 90˚ at junction with epandrium, ventrally bowed proximal of bend, relatively straight posterior to bend, with 3 lateroventrally oriented setulae posterior on apical half, apically separate from opposite hypandrial arm; postgonite with broadly rounded lateral margin, medially margin with acute, recurved apical point, ventromedial surface with leaf-like, ventromedially oriented rounded lobe, this lobe overlapping with lobe of opposite postgonite. Phallapodeme with relatively large, anteriorly bulging “fan”, margin opposite fan concave; basiphallus very elongate, weakly sclerotized basally; distiphallus base elongate, apex bilobed, left lobe slightly longer, at 45˚ angle from to perpendicular to plane of phallus, ventrally well sclerotized nearly to apex, lateral margin well sclerotized to sharply pointed well-sclerotized recurved process, apex narrowing, with coarse scaled texture dorsally; right lobe in same plane as phallus, well sclerotized medially nearly to apex, rounded apically, dorsally with fine elongate spinules, ventral surface with fine scaled texture apically. Ejaculatory apodeme outside of basiphallus, broadening and with small pores basally. FIGURES 62–65. Curtonotum magnum Malloch. 62. Female sternite 8, ventral. 63. Female sternite 10, ventral. 64. Spermatheca. 65. Ventral receptacle. Female terminalia: Ovipositor slender (as in Figure 202 ). Sternite 5 length 1.8–1.9 times width, sternite 6 length 1.1–1.2 times width. Tergite 7 well sclerotized medially. Tergite 8 weakly sclerotized proximally, sternite 8 moderately so. Sternite 8 with convex surface, without heavily sclerotized tip, without microtrichia in very narrow band along posterior margin. Sternite 10 heavily sclerotized and with antrorse spinules medially, area of sclerotization flaring proximally, proximal margin with slight dorsal bend, profile narrow on proximal half, broader on distal half. Spermatheca elongate, broadest at midpoint, base rounded, apex pointed, surface densely covered in coarse papillae, with a somewhat swept orientation. Ventral receptacle straight, 3 times longer than wide, with basal sclerotized ring occupying basal third, apical third bulbous, duct with fine longitudinal wrinkles. Type material. Holotype : : BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro : Alto Itatiaya, Serra do Itatiaya , 7150’, E.G. Holt Collector (Type No 43443, USNM ). Other material examined. BRAZIL . Minas Gerais : 2♂ , 3♀ , Ouro Prêto , 12–13.iv.1968 , F.C. Val ( MZSP ) ; , , ~ 100 km SW Barbacena , Instituto Estadua de Florestas , Parque Florestal do Ibitipoca , 12.ii.1990 , Marshall & Costa ( DEBU ) . Rio de Janeiro : , Itatiaia , 1800 m , 25–27.iv.1996 , feces-trap, Pont ( NMWC ) ; , Alto Itatiaia , 2000 m , iii.1941 , R.C. Shannon & L. Gomes ( USNM ) ; , Nova Friburgo , Muri Pico São João , 10.iii.1990 , S.A . Marshall ( DEBU ) . São Paulo : , Campos do Jordão , xii.1935 , F. Lane , , 3.i.1936 , F. Lane, , 6.i.1936 , F. Lane, , 2♀ , 22.i.1936 , F. Lane, , i.1948 , F. Lane, , , 1952, M.A.V. d’Andretta Janeiro, , iii.1952 , H. Brandão (all MZSP ) ; , Estació Biologica Boraceia , 6.xii.1967 , Travassos F. & Kuhlmann ( MZSP ) .