There’s gold in them thar hills! Morphology and molecules delimit species in Xerochrysum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae) and reveal many new taxa Author Collins, Timothy L. Author Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. Author Andrew, Rose L. Author Telford, Ian R. H. Author Bruhl, Jeremy J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-06-09 35 2 120 185 journal article 10.1071/SB21014 1446-5701 10903939 Xerochrysum viscosum (Sieber ex DC.) R.J.Bayer , Kew Bull. 56(4): 1015 (2001) Helichrysum viscosum Sieber ex Spreng., Syst. Veg . 3: 484 (1826) ; Helichrysum bracteatum var. viscosum Sieber ex DC., Prodr. 6: 189 (1838); Bracteantha viscosa (Sieber ex DC.) Anderb. & Haegi, Op. Bot . 104: 105 (1991) . Type : Novae Holl. [ New South Wales ], Sieber 345 (lecto, fide P.G. Wilson, Nuytsia 28: 29 (2017) : G-DC G00470540*, isolecto: HAL 0111515, MEL 604820, NY 00179176*, W 18890232748). Erect, taprooted, perennial herb, up to ~ 60 cm tall. Stems and branches scabrid and with glands, internode length 5–20 mm . Basal leaf rosette absent at flowering. Basal leaves oblanceolate to spathulate, 50–120 mm long and 3–15 mm wide, base amplexicaul, margin hispid and with glands, apex apiculate; abaxial indumentum with glands, midvein glabrous (occasionally with scattered septate trichomes); adaxial indumentum pilose. Cauline leaves linear to oblanceolate, 20–80 mm long and 1–5 mm wide, base truncate, apex acute or apiculate and mucronate, margin hispid and with glands; abaxial indumentum with glands, midvein indumentum with glands (occasionally with scattered septate trichomes); adaxial indumentum hispid and with glands. Foliaceous bracts subtending capitula 4–8 mm long, margin with glands. Capitula 20–30 mm wide, terminal, in panicles or solitary. Outer phyllaries broad-ovate, brown or straw-coloured, basal margin fimbriate and hispid, abaxial surface smooth, apex acuminate or apiculate. Medial phyllaries oblong, ovate or narrow ovate, abaxially yellow, apex cuspidate or apiculate. Stylar appendages narrowly triangular or deltoid. Cypsela ~ 2.2 mm long and 0.7 mm wide, cross-section squarish or circular; pericarp brown, idioblasts present. Pappus deciduous, ~ 7–8 mm long. Distribution Occurs over a broad area from Victoria to south-eastern Queensland. Recorded in the Murray–Darling Depression, Riverina, New South Wales South Western Slopes, South Eastern Highlands, Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar, New England Tablelands, and South Eastern Queensland bioregions ( Fig. 42 ). Fig. 42. Distribution of Xerochrysum viscosum . Fig. 43. Distribution of Xerochrysum wilsonii . Phenology Recorded flowering October–March. Habitat Occurs in woodlands and open forests on gravelly and sandy soils. Notes Lower cauline leaves on primary shoots are longer and broader than those higher and on axillary branches. Glands on leaves and stems are fragile and commonly leak resin, coating leaves and stems and leaving a shiny or varnished appearance. Populations in the Torrington State Conservation Area have slightly broader and more scabrid leaves, for example, P.J. Clarke s.n. ( NE 85889!), C.E. Nano 48 ( NE 66184!). Sticky everlasting’ is in use in New South Wales ( New South Wales Flora Online , see http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw. and Victoria ( Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria , VicFlora , see, accessed 22 March 2020 ) . Conservation status Recorded over a wide geographical area, including in several conservation reserves and is not considered to be rare or threatened. We recommend a status of ‘ Least Concern ’ ( IUCN 2019 ). Selected specimens examined QUEENSLAND: Burnett : Coomba Falls , near Maidenwell , 25 Mar. 1997 , P.I. Forster 20583 ( BRI !). Darling Downs: 5 km from Wallangarra along New England Highway towards Stanthorpe, 21 Jan. 2009 , I.R. Telford 13281 & J.J. Bruhl ( BRI , CANB , NE !) . NEW SOUTH WALES: Northern Tablelands : Torrington SRA, 16 Jan. 1997 , C.E. Nano 48 ( NE !) ; Oxley Wild Rivers National Park , Apsley Falls , 17 Feb. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1014 ( CANB !, NE !, NSW !). Central Western Slopes : Mudgee–Muswellbrook road, 16 Dec. 2017 , T.L. Collins 1008 ( CANB !, NE !, NSW !); Wellington, 2 km NE from summit of Mount Arthur , 10 May 2017 , M.R. Thomas 28 ( NE !) . Central Tablelands : Western Highway , W of Lithgow , 16 Dec. 2017 , T.L. Collins 1007 ( CANB !, NE !, NSW !, US !). AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Black Mountain ACT, lower slope, 6 Dec. 2017 , T.L. Collins 991 ( CANB !, NE !, NSW !). VICTORIA: St Arnaud, 2 km SW of T-junction of Wimmera Highway with Dundas Street, 22 Oct. 2018 , J.R. Nevin 164 ( BRI !, CANB !, CHR!, MEL !, NE !, NSW !, US !); Warby-Ovens National Park , below road to Pine Gully Walk, 20 Dec. 2018 , J.R. Hosking 4060 ( AD !, CANB !, MEL !, NE !, NSW !) .