There’s gold in them thar hills! Morphology and molecules delimit species in Xerochrysum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae) and reveal many new taxa Author Collins, Timothy L. Author Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. Author Andrew, Rose L. Author Telford, Ian R. H. Author Bruhl, Jeremy J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-06-09 35 2 120 185 journal article 10.1071/SB21014 1446-5701 10903939 Xerochrysum wilsonii T.L.Collins , sp. nov. Type : AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : Darling : Porongurup National Park , upper slopes and summit of Devils Slide , 17 Dec. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1160 (holo: PERTH !; iso: CANB !, NSW !, NE 108019 !) . [ Xerochrysum macranthum auct . non (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson: A.N. Schmidt-Lebuhn et al ., Taxon 64(1): 105 (2015) , p.p ., populations of perennial plants in the Esperance, Jarrah Forest and Warren bioregions with mid-cauline leaves ≥ 12 mm wide only]. Diagnosis Distinguished from X. macranthum by a perennial life form ( v. annual or biennial), cauline leaves 10–20 mm wide ( v. 5–12 mm ), capitula 40–60 mm wide ( v. 30–50 mm wide). Erect or occasionally decumbent, taprooted, perennial shrub-like herb, 30–180 cm in length. Stems and branches cobwebby to hispid, scabrid, and with glands; internode length 15–50 mm . Basal leaf rosette absent at flowering. Basal leaves spathulate, 80–160 mm long and 20–30 mm wide, base amplexicaul, margin cobwebby to pilose, and hispid; apex apiculate; abaxial indumentum pilose and with glands, midvein indumentum pilose and with glands; adaxial indumentum hispid, pilose, and with glands. Cauline leaves oblanceolate, 60–110 mm long and 10–20 mm wide, base amplexicaul, margin cobwebby, hispid, and scabrid, apex mucronate; abaxial indumentum with sessile glands and scattered septate trichomes; midvein indumentum hispid, scabrid, and with glands; adaxial indumentum hispid, scabrid, and with glands. Foliaceous bracts subtending capitula ~ 10 mm long, margin cobwebby and hispid. Capitula 40–60 mm wide, terminal, in panicles. Outer phyllaries broad-ovate, pink, white, or straw-coloured; basal margin fimbriate and hispid, abaxial surface smooth, apex apiculate. Medial phyllaries narrow ovate to elliptic, abaxially white, apex cuspidate. Stylar appendages ovate. Cypsela oblong, ~ 2.1 mm long and 0.9 mm wide, cross-section squarish or circular; pericarp brown, idioblasts present. Pappus deciduous, ~ 7–8 mm long. Fig. 44. Isotype of Xerochrysum wilsonii ( T.L.Collins 1160 , NE 108019). Distribution Endemic to the far south-west of Western Australia and recorded in the Esperance, Jarrah Forest and Warren bioregions ( Fig. 43 ). Phenology Recorded flowering November–January and fruiting December–February ( Fig. 44 ). Habitat Occurring in diverse habitats from montane heath and scree slopes at ~1000-m altitude to coastal heath near sea level, on skeletal sandy soils. Conservation status All known populations occur in conservation reserves, but appear to be restricted to specific habitats. We recommend a status of ‘ Data Deficient ’ ( IUCN 2019 ) and suggest that a detailed analysis of the area of extent be conducted to determine appropriate conservation status. Notes At Toolbrunup in Stirling Range National Park , large plants up to 1.8 m in length were seen decumbent across the scree-slope below the summit, with stem diameters up to ~ 100 mm . Occasional plants have been recorded at lower elevations (e.g. J.R. Wheeler 4022 ( PERTH !)), possibly owing to flower picking and subsequent discarding by bushwalkers; however, these lowland populations in Stirling Range National Park do not appear to persist ( T. L. Collins , pers. obs., 2018). The informal phrase-names X . sp. Porongurup, X . sp. Limestone and X . sp. Forests have been used at NE for curatorial purposes and this study . Etymology The specific epithet honours the work of botanist Paul Graham Wilson (1928–), of the Western Australian Herbarium ( PERTH ), who has contributed greatly to Australian daisy taxonomy. Selected specimens examined WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Darling : Stirling Range National Park , summit of Bluff Knoll , 16 Dec. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1157 ( CANB !, K!, NE !, PERTH !, US !); Stirling Range National Park , summit of Toolbrunup, 16 Dec. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1158 ( CANB !, NE !, PERTH !); Walpole– Nornalup National Park , Conspicuous Cliffs, 18 Dec. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1161 ( CANB !, K!, NE !, NSW !, PERTH !, US !); Walpole– Nornalup National Park , Delta Road, 18 Dec. 2018 , T.L. Collins 1162 ( CANB !, NE !, PERTH !); Collier Peak, Porongurup Range, 20 Nov. 1987 , G.J. Keighery 8722 ( PERTH !) ; Yallerungup Peak , Porongurup Range , 15 Dec. 1986 , G.J. Keighery 8419 ( PERTH !) ; Mount Many Peaks , 4 Oct. 1994 , S. Barrett 24 ( PERTH !) .