A review of Mexican Stamnodes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) with the description of 16 new species Author Matson, Tanner A. AD85C521-0781-451F-92F6-D32B08C21395 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 – 3043, USA. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C., USA. MatsonT@SI.edu text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-12-14 911 1 79 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2371/10397 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2023.911.2371 2118-9773 10376790 DB29E6F1-7925-46DB-8C9E-055C639203CE Stamnodes disrupta sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 4F9AC763-7709-4260-877B-63C784314A85 Figs 14 , 49 , 67 , 80 , 94–95 Diagnosis Stamnodes disrupta sp. nov. may be confused with S. fervefactaria , S. fergusoni , S. mariachi sp. nov. and S. erupta sp. nov. The bright, white reticulate pattern of the underside of the hindwing and apex of the forewing stand in contrast to the more off-white to cream colour of the same areas in S. fervefactaria . Additionally, the lead grey patches on the hindwing underside are finely bounded by a thin dark grey edge in S. fervefactaria and S. fergusoni that is mostly absent in S. disrupta . Stamnodes disrupta is known from the northern Sierra Madre Occidental in the states of Sonora and Chihuahua , while visually similar sister species S. erupta is known from the vicinity of Mexico City . While the hindwing underside of S. disrupta bears a white, transverse medial band that gradually curves toward the tornus (see left arrow, Fig. 14b ), the same band in S. erupta is straighter as it angles toward the tornus (see left arrow, Fig. 16b ). The angle of this band affects the shape of the large lead-coloured patch near the tornus; in S. disrupta , this patch is more subovate, while in S. erupta , it is more triangulate. The basal inner margin of S. disrupta also appears to have more white scales along the inner edge of the large grey basal patch of the same area in S. mariachi and S. erupta (see right arrows, Figs 14b, 15b, 16b ). Stamnodes disrupta may also be separated from S. mariachi by the presence of a checkered forewing fringe and oblique white patch in apical area of forewing underside. Figs 11–18. Adult Stamnodes Guenée, [1858] , dorsal (a) and ventral (b) views. 11 . S. fergusoni Matson & Wagner, 2020 , holotype, ♂ (USNMENT01771260). 12 . S. deceptiva Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 (USNMENT01771261). 13 . S. fervefactaria ( Grote, 1881 ) (USNMENT01771262). 14 . S. disrupta sp. nov. , holotype (BMEC). 15 . S. mariachi sp. nov. , holotype, ♀ (EMEC174828). 16 . S. erupta sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (USNMENT01771245). 17 . S. ceniza sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (LEP190410CNIN). 18 . S. proana ( Druce, 1893 ) , holotype (NHMUK). Scale bar = 1 cm. Male genitalia readily separate S. disrupta sp. nov. ( Fig. 49 ) from S. fergusoni ( Matson & Wagner 2020 : fig. 7). Stamnodes fergusoni has a juxta that bears posterolateral conical processes and its vesica has a large echinate patch of cornuti; these characters are absent in S. disrupta . However, the male genitalia of S. disrupta , S. fervefactaria , S. mariachi sp. nov. , and S . erupta sp. nov. are exceedingly similar with only subtle differences. While the uncus of S . disrupta ( Fig. 49a ) and S. fervefactaria is broadly swollen medially, that of S. mariachi ( Fig. 50a ) and S. erupta ( Fig. 51a ) tapers only slightly along its length and lacks an apparent medial swelling. The shield-like juxta of S. disrupta is larger, and more pronounced on its distal surface than in S. mariachi . Etymology The species name disrupta is derived from the Latin word ‘ disrumpere ’, meaning ‘to shatter’ or ‘to break apart’. It alludes to the broken, white, hindwing underside pattern of this moth. The phonetic similarity with visually similar S. erupta sp. nov. is intentional to reinforce the close relationship between these two species. Material examined Holotype MEXICO ; Chihuahua , 3 mi. S of Temoris ; [ 27.23° N , 108.25° W ]; 5 Sep. 1969 ; T.A. Sears , R.C. Gardner , C.S. Glaser leg.; BMEC . Paratypes ( 9 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ ) MEXICO Chihuahua 1 ♂ ; 3 mi. S of Temoris ; [ 27.23° N , 108.25° W ]; 9 Sep. 1969 ; T.A. Sears , R.C. Gardner , C.S. Glaser leg. genitalia: TAM-2023-260 ( USNM 154211 ); USNMENT01771237 . – Sonora 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; highway 16 K 260 in prominent canyon ; [ 28.37° N , 109.05° W ]; 10–12 Sep. 1992 ; R. Wells leg.; genitalia: TAM-2023-261 ; BMEC 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; AMNH _ IZC 00353029 1 ♂ ; Rte. 16 Río Maycoba , 17 mi. E of Yécora ; [ 28.43° N , 109.19° W ]; 29 Sep. 1991 ; Jim P. Brock leg.; genitalia: TAM-2023-256 ; MGCL Accession #2016-49; E.C. Knudson Knudson / Bordelon leg.; MGCL 4 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; 20 mi. W of Yécora , Mesa Companera , Mex Hwy 16; [ 28.46° N , 109.26° W ]; 12 Sep. 2004 ; P. Opler leg.; Bold Process IDs: ABLCX271-10 to ABLCX275-10; GenBank: HQ543795 to HQ543799 ; CSU . Description Male FOREWING LENGTH . 17–18 mm (n = 10). HEAD . Antenna filiform, fuscous to black. Vertex scarlet; frons mostly fuscous, with a few midsaggital white scales and white along ventral and lateral margins. Labial palpus short, slightly porrect, subequal to diameter of eye, fuscous and white. Cephalic collar mostly scarlet. THORAX . Patagium mostly scarlet; tegula scarlet at base but otherwise mostly fuscous transitioning to lighter grey distally. Mesothorax fuscous above, white and pink below. Legs mixture of white and fuscous; tibial spur formula 0–2–4; epiphysis well developed. Figs 19–30. Adult Stamnodes Guenée, [1858] , dorsal (a) and ventral (b) views. 19 . S. saltillo sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (CNIN). 20 . S. formosata ( Strecker, 1878 ) (USNMENT01771263). 21 . S . lampra Rindge, 1878 , paratype (USNMENT01771264). 22 . S. franckata (Pearsall, 1909) (USNMENT01771255). 23 . Stamnodes sp. (?undescribed; Mexico: Nuevo León) (USNMENT01523823). 24 . S. patamon ( Druce, 1893 ) (CNIN) . 25 . S. coenonymphata ( Hulst, 1900 ) (TAM) . 26 . S. catarina sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (AMNH_IZC 00352926). 27 . S. churro sp. nov. , holotype, ♀ (AMNH_IZC 00352920). 28 . S. ferropulvisa sp. nov. , holotype, ♀ (USNMENT01523824). 29 . S. calcarea sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (CMNH). 30 . S. ululata Pearsall, 1912 ( USNMENT01771256). Scale bar = 1 cm. FOREWING . Scarlet near base, diffusing to light orange-yellow ground colour. Costa with small antemedial lead-black patch and much larger, trigonate to subquadrangular, costomedial, lead-black patch. Apical area broadly lead-black. Underside similar to upperside, but scarlet base more intense in costal area, and costal area given toward white between lead-black costomedial patch and apical area; apical area also with thin, oblique white patch. Fringe lightly checkered. HINDWING . Concolourous with forewing above, but ground colour mostly reduced to medial, longitudinal ray and branches between large, ill-defined, lead-black coloured patches ( Fig. 14a ). Underside sharing similar pattern elements, but much more starkly contrasted with white rays between large, lead-black coloured patches; patches along costal antemedian and postmedian, thinly along outer margin, along basal half of inner margin, and at tornus ( Fig. 14b ). Tornal patch subovate. Fringe as in forewing. Figs31–40. Adult Stamnodes Guenée,[1858] ,dorsal(a)and ventral(b)views. 31 . S.costimacula ( Grossbeck, 1912 ) (DLW) . 32 . S. cassinoi Swett, 1917 (DLW). 33 . S. annellata ( Hulst, 1887 ) (USNMENT01771252). 34 . S . seiferti ( Neumoegen, 1882 ) (USNMENT01771250). 35 . S. tenebrosa sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (AMNH_IZC 00352924). 36 . S. affiliata Pearsall, 1911 (DLW). 37 . S. reckseckeri Pearsall, 1910 (USNMENT01771257). 38 . S. apollo Cassino, 1920 (USNMENT01771258). 39 . S. agapetica ( Dyar, 1916 ) (USNMENT01771259). 40 . S. albiapicata Grossbeck, 1910 (USNMENT01771253). Scale bar = 1 cm. ABDOMEN . Fuscous. GENITALIA ( Fig. 49 ). Uncus long, narrow, and medially swollen. Subscaphium well developed. Inner surface of valve with dense hair tuft arising from basal tubercle. Juxta shield-like, void of stiff setae or posterior processes. Vesica without large cornuti, but with extremely small rugose papillae at base of vesica and along ovoid lateral diverticulum. Female Outwardly undifferentiated from male. FOREWING LENGTH . 17 mm (n = 2). GENITALIA ( Fig. 67 ). Anterior apophysis two-thirds length of posterior apophysis. Ostium large, lamella antevaginalis strongly sclerotized and subcircular. Short and narrow ductus bursae with prominent anterior sclerite flattened on ventral surface and dorsolaterally rolled toward median. Corpus bursae spherical; bearing two signa, each with inward directed process; one signum situated near posterior base of corpus bursae (near ductus bursae) and one near anterior third, each covered with minute papillae. Distribution ( Fig. 80 ) Mexico : Stamnodes disrupta sp. nov. is known from the Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests of Sonora and Chihuahua . Biology Stamnodes disrupta sp. nov. flies in September. The immature stages remain unknown but are likely hosted by mints ( Lamiaceae ). Molecular characterization This species is represented in BOLD as BOLD:AAM2600 (n = 5, Mexico : Sonora ) At present, the average pairwise intraspecific distance is 0.22%, the maximum pairwise intraspecific distance is 0.48%, and the distance to the nearest neighbour, Stamnodes fervefactaria (n = 9), is 2.86%.