A revision of Dissochaeta (Melastomataceae, Dissochaeteae) Author Kartonegoro, Abdulrokhman Author Veldkamp, Jan Frits Author Hovenkamp, Peter Author Welzen, Peter van text PhytoKeys 2018 107 1 178 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.107.26548 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.107.26548 1314-2003-107-1 686CFF85FFADFFEAC033443CF54BFFFC 1346433 39. Dissochaeta pallida (Jack) Blume, Flora 14: 500. 1831. Fig. 22 , Map 22 Melastoma pallidum Jack, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14: 12. 1823 (" pallida "). Dissochaeta ovalifolia Naudin, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser . 3, 15: 76. 1851. Type: Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia, Pulo Pinang, Mar 1837, C. Gaudichaud-Beaupre 94 (lectotype, designated here: P [P02274807, image seen]!; isolectotype: P [P02274808, image seen]!). Dissochaeta superba Naudin, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser . 3, 15: 77. 1851. Type: Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia, Pulo Pinang, Mar 1837, C. Gaudichaud-Beaupre 93 (lectotype, designated here: P [P02274809, image seen]!; isolectotypes: P [P02274810, P02274811, images seen]!). Dissochaeta astrosticta Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. 2: 318. 1861. Type: Indonesia. Sumatra, Bangka bij Djeboes, J.E. Teijsmann HB 3424 (lectotype, designated here: BO [BO1865965]!; isolectotypes: BM [BM000944481]!, BO [BO1865966]!, K [K000859484]!, U [U0004010, U0124122]!). Dissochaeta sumatrana Boerl. & Koord. in Koord.-Schum., Syst. Verz. 2: 46. 1911. Type: Indonesia. Riau: Sangkamiang, 40 m elev., 29 Mar 1891, S.H. Koorders 22330β (holotype: BO [BO1294108]!). Dissochaeta borneensis Bakh. f. , Contr. Melastom.: 231. 1943. Type: Indonesia. West Kalimantan: Pontianak, Kp. Andjongan, 5 Apr 1931, Mondi 252 (holotype: L [L0126153]!; isotypes: BO [BO1779331, BO1779332, BO1779333]!, K [K000859487, K000859488]!). Type. Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia, Penang, W. Jack 55 (lectotype, designated here: BM [BM000944482]!). Figure 22. Dissochaeta pallida a habit b branchlet c hypanthium d flower e fruits. Photographs by W.F. Ang. Map 22. Distribution of D. pallida (●) and D. pulchra (■). Description. Climbing up to 25 m in height. Branchlets terete, 2-4 mm in diameter, smooth, sparsely covered with minute stellate hairs, glabrescent; nodes swollen, with interpetiolar ridge; internodes 7-11.5 cm long. Leaves: petioles flattened, 10-20 mm long, sparsely furfuraceous; blades ovate to elliptic, 6-14 x 4-8 cm, subcoriaceous, base broadly rounded to cordate, margin entire, apex acuminate, tip ca. 0.5 cm long; nervation with 1 pair of lateral nerves and 1 pair of intramarginal nerves; adaxially glabrous, abaxially glabrous or punctate. Inflorescences terminal and axillary; up to 25 cm long when terminal, up to 11 cm long when axillary; many-flowered; main axis sparsely furfuraceous or glabrous; primary axes 8-15 cm long with 5 or 6 nodes, secondary axes 4.5-5 cm long with 1 or 2 nodes, tertiary axes 0.8-1.2 cm long with 1 node; bracts linear or lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, glabrous or furfuraceous; bracteoles linear or lanceolate, 2-4 mm long; pedicels glabrous, 4-5 mm long in central flowers, ca. 2 mm long in lateral flowers. Hypanthium campanulate-tubular, 6-8 x 4-5 mm, obscurely 8-lined or 8-ridged, glabrous or punctate; calyx lobes truncate, 1-2 mm long, with 4 undulate or acute tips; petal buds slightly conical, 9-15 mm long; mature petals obovate to oblong, 7-8 x ca. 5 mm, reflexed, base clawed, apex acute to subrounded, glabrous, bright white or white pinkish. Stamens 8, unequal, filaments curved sideways, yellow; alternipetalous stamens with 10-12 mm long filaments, anthers narrow, curved, sickle-shaped, thecae 12-15 mm long, pedoconnective 3-4 mm, basal crest triangular, ca. 1 mm long, lateral appendages paired, filiform, 5-6 mm long; oppositipetalous stamens with 9-10 mm long filaments, anthers S-shaped, thecae 4-7 mm long, thick, basal crest ligular, ca. 1 mm long, lateral appendages paired, filiform, 5-6 mm long. Ovary half as long as hypanthium, apex pubescent; style slender, 20-24 mm long, glabrous; stigma minute; extra-ovarial chambers 8, extending nearly to the base of the ovary. Fuits ovoid-urceolate, 8-10 x 6-7 mm, glabrous, punctate; calyx lobe, remnants persistent, widened. Seeds ca. 0.5 mm long. Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo (Western part). Ecology and habitat. Primary lowland dipterocarp forest, in open places from 60-700 m elevation. Vernacular names. Peninsular Malaysia: akar sunudo, akar duman bukit, akar sial munahon (Malacca). Sumatra: kedudu akar (Riau). Borneo: lingkodo kliko (Pontianak). Note. Dissochaeta pallida is distinguished by its campanulate-tubular 8-lined or 8-ridged hypanthium and truncate calyx lobes with undulate acute tip. The minute punctation on the abaxially leaf surface is a reliable field character to recognise this species. The indumentum on the leaves is similar to that of D. punctulata Hook. f. ex Triana, from which it differs in the indumentum of the hypanthium and the number of appendages of the stamens. Specimens examined. MALAYSIA. Kedah : Gunong Bintang, 300 m, 8 Apr 1968, Sidek bin Kiah 276 (K, L); Bukit Perak, 26 Nov 1969, Chan FRI 13138 (K). Kelantan : Bukit Baka, 2 Jun 1982, B.C. Stone & Chin 15244 (L). Malacca : W. Griffith KD 2292 (K). Negri Sembilan : Jelebu, Pasoh Forest, 80-120 m, 19 Jun 1996, E.C. Gardette 2046 (K, L); Gunong Angsi, 457 m, 20 Nov 1923, M. Nur SFN 11529 (BO). Pahang : Gunong Tahan, 21 Jun 1922, M. Haniff & M. Nur SFN 8077 (K); Ulu Krau, Gunung Benom, 580 m, 20 Apr 1967, Yusoff KEP 99109 (K, L). Penang : W. Jack 55 (BM); N. Wallich 4049 (BM, K, L, NY, P); G.W. Walker 28 (BM, K); R.W. Hullet 179 (BM, P); Mar 1837, C. Gaudichaud-Beaupre 93 (P); C. Gaudichaud-Beaupre 94 (P); C. Gaudichaud-Beaupre 96 (P); Government Hill, 152 m, Oct 1884, C. Curtis 80 (K); Ibid. , Apr 1890, C. Curtis 2297 (K, P); Ibid. , A.C. Maingay KD 792 (BM, K, L); Ibid. , A.C. Maingay KD 793 (2227) (K, L); Western Hill, 700 m, 1 Mar 1965, Hardial & Samsuri 181 (K, L); Ibid. , 720 m, 7 Feb 1991, L.G. Saw FRI 37342 (L); Penang Hill, 22 Aug 1879, King's collector s.n. (P). Perak : B. Scortechini 22 (P); B. Scortechini 371 (L); B. Scortechini 1650 (L, P); B. Scortechini s.n. (P); Larut, Nov 1881, King's collector 2570 (K); Ibid. , Mar 1883, King's collector 3965 (BO); Maxwell's Hill, 4 Mar 1965, Hardial & Samsuri 295 (K, L); Dending, 13 Mar 1896, Anon s.n. (BM); Tapah, L. Wray 1370 (U); Ibid. , Nov 1888, H.N. Ridley s.n. (BM); Thaiping Hill, 300-450 m, Feb 1886, King's collector 8499 (P). Selangor : Klang Watercatchment, 12 Mar 1922, I.H. Burkill SFN 6841 (BO, K); Kuala Lumpur, H.N. Ridley 2015 (BM); Semangkok, 700 m, 6 May 1970, Chan FRI 13278 (K). Sarawak : Kuching, 22 Mar 1893, G.D. Haviland 3144 (K); Lundu, Gunung Pueh, 60 m, 19 Mar 1996, Julaihi & Runi S.73359 (L). SINGAPORE. A.C. Maingay KD 793 (2685) (BM, K); Bukit Timah, Mar 1890, H.N. Ridley 2017a (BM); Choa Chu Kang, 9 Dec 1890, H.N. Ridley 2017 (BM); Jurong River, 13 Mar 1919, I.H. Burkill SFN 4081 (BO); Seletar, 29 Mar 1889, H.N. Ridley s.n. (BM). INDONESIA. Bangka-Belitung : Bangka, J.D. Kobus s.n. (BO); Ibid. , T. Horsfield 15 (K); Ibid. , Jebus, J.E. Teijsmann HB 3424 (BM, BO, K); Ibid. , J.E. Teijsmann s.n. (BO); Ibid. , Plangas, J.E. Teijsmann HB 3197 (BO); Ibid. , Sungai Liat, Bukit Tampang, 70 m, 23 Oct 1917, H.A.B. Buennemeijer 1675 (BO); Belitung, Tanjung Pandan, J.E. Teijsmann s.n. (BO). Bengkulu : C.J. Brooks s.n. (K). North Sumatra : Labuhan Batu, Aek Kanopan, Lundut Concession, Kualu, 14 Mar 1927, E. Bartlett 6900 (K, L); Ibid. , 1 Apr 1927, E. Bartlett 7315 (L); Ibid. , Kota Pinang, Langga Payung, 7-30 Mar 1933, Rahmat Si Toroes 3294 (L); Ibid. , 7-14 Apr 1933, Rahmat Si Toroes 3837 (L). Riau : Indragiri Hulu, Kuala Belilas, 22 Apr 1939, P. Buwalda 6666 (BO, K, L, PNH); Sangkamiang, 40 m, 29 Mar 1891, S.H.Koorders 22330β (BO). West Sumatra : Padang, Limau Manis, 400 m, 5 Sep 2017, A. Kartonegoro 1058 (BO, L); Lima Puluh Kota, Taram, River Campo, 500-1000 m, 26 Aug 1957, W. Meijer 7024 (L); Ibid. , W. Meijer 7026a (L); Ibid. , Kelok Sembilan, 800 m, 20 May 2001, Putri et al. 63 (ANDA). West Kalimantan : Pontianak, Kp. Anjongan, 5 Apr 1931, Mondi 252 (BO, K, L).