Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus.
Wilson, E. O.
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, MA
Pheidole termitobia
Pheidole termitobia
Forel 19011: 390.
Types Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneve.
Etymology Gr L
, living with termites.
diagnosis A member of the
group, similar to species listed above in heading, and distinguished from them and other species of the group as follows.
Major: reddish yellow; occiput and sides of head rugoreticulate; vertex, frontal lobes, and genae carinulate; antennal scrobes present; all of head, mesosoma, and waist foveolate and opaque; humeri rugoreticulate, and anterior margin of pronotum transversely carinulate; propodeal spines strongly developed; postpetiole from above oval.
Minor: reddish yellow; all of head and mesosoma foveolate and opaque; carinulae of head reach eye level; humeri subangulate. Measurements (mm) Lectotype major: HW 0.84, HL 0.84, SL 0.52, EL 0.10, PW 0.42. Paralectotype minor: HW 0.42, HL 0.46, SL 0.42, EL 0.06, PW 0.32. Color Major and minor: light reddish yellow, appendages clear yellow.
Range Known only from the type locality.
Biology Forel records the types, transmitted to him by Erich Wasmann, as discovered "chez les termites," with no further details.
Figure Upper: lectotype, major. Lower: paralectotype, minor. BRAZIL: Sao Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul. Scale bars = 1 mm.