Five new species of Chromagallia from South America (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Agalliinae) Author Gonçalves, Ana Clara Author Mejdalani, Gabriel Author Costa, Luiz Alves text Zootaxa 2008 1749 1 17 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181693 f50a0845-a3b8-46ad-a118-a34576e970fa 1175-5326 181693 Chromagallia zanolae Gonçalves, Mejdalani et Costa sp. nov. ( Figs 18–22 , 46 ) Length. Male holotype , 4.5mm; male paratypes , 4.3–5.0mm; female paratypes , 4.5–4.9mm. Holotype description. Head and thorax (color). Ground color of anterior dorsum dark brown to black. Face dark brown to black, ocelli yellow. Frons with large yellow macula on antennal ledge; genae and maxillary plates with pair of yellow maculae. Mesonotum with tiny brown mark adjacent to scutoscutellar suture on either side. Forewings brown with two pale red maculae as follows: larger, irregular one mostly on clavus, extending over brachial and inner discal cells (transcomissural), smaller elongate one on median third of costal margin (left wing with rounded pale red spot on costal margin behind elongate one). Fore and middle legs mostly brown basally with distal femoral portion, tibia and tarsus mostly dark yellow, tarsal claws brown; hind legs mostly brown with knee dark yellow, tarsus yellow, claws dark brown. Male genitalia. Pygofer ( Fig. 18 ), in lateral view, with posterior margin rounded, apex slightly projected inward; surface bearing scattered setae. Subgenital plates ( Fig. 19 ), in ventral view, subtriangular, elongate, fused to each other only on basal portion, distinctly narrowed on basal half and then narrowing gradually toward obtuse apex, with small scattered setae; in lateral view ( Fig. 18 ), extending posteriorly well beyond pygofer apex; surface with many small setae. Styles ( Fig. 20 ), in dorsal view, with fork well developed, directed ventrally with apex strongly sclerotized and bearing few setae; style shaft ( Fig. 20 ) with well developed dorsal projection for articulation with connective. Connective ( Fig. 21 ), in lateral view, elongate and directed dorsoposteriorly; in anterior view, forming broad plate, not fused with aedeagal base. Aedeagus ( Fig. 21 ) symmetrical; shaft, in lateral view, long, directed dorsoanteriorly and lobed on basal portion, then strongly curved posteriorly, remaining area expanded ventrally, sword-shaped; apex acute. Anal tube ( Fig. 18 ), in lateral view, with segment X well developed, curved ventrally; anal style with few setae. FIGURES 18–22 . C hromagallia zanolae sp. nov. (18–21) Male: (18) genital capsule, lateral view; (19) subgenital plates, ventral view; (20) style, dorsal view; (21) aedeagus, connective, and style, lateral view. (22) Female: abdomen, ventral view. Female paratypes (color). Abdomen ( Fig. 22 ) mostly brown ventrally; yellow marks of various sizes may be present on posterior portions of sternites and laterotergites. Other color pattern features generally similar to those of holotype . Female genitalia (based on one paratype ). Abdominal sternites V, VI, and VII not reduced or modified. Sternite VII with distal half finely striated and distal margin slightly convex. First valvulae, in lateral view, dorsally curved from base; ventral interlocking device distinct, located on basiventral portion of shaft; dorsolateral surface with reticulate sculptured area formed by oblique rows of scale-like processes on distal 2/3 of shaft; ventroapical region with scale-like processes; dorsoapical and ventroapical margins pseudodentate; apex acute. Second valvulae ( Fig. 46 ), in lateral view, slightly dorsally curved from base, with broadest point on apical third; with dorsal, digitiform hyaline area on median portion; inconspicuous dorsal prominence present; teeth mostly subtriangular, not bearing denticles, positioned on distal half of dorsal margin (just behind dorsal hyaline area); shaft apex subacute. Gonoplacs, in lateral view, with proximal half broadening toward median portion and then narrowing gradually toward rounded apex; surface with tiny spiniform processes and setae on apical portion and extending anteriorly along ventral margin. Intraspecific variation (based on all male and female paratypes ). Face ground color may vary from dark brown to black; compound eyes may be red; ocelli vary from pale yellow to red; facial maculae may vary in size and tonality. Forewing maculae can vary in size, shape, color (from pale red to pale yellow) or even be absent. Etymology. The new species is described in honor of Prof. Dr. Keti M. Zanol (Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba), who has published fine contributions on Neotropical leafhoppers and kindly made available for study specimens under her care. Type material. Brazil , Paraná State. Holotype : male, “S. [São] J. [José] Pinhais – PR [Paraná State]\ BR277 Km54\ 26-XI-1985 \ AMS e RRC” ( DZUP ). Paratypes ( 22 specimens ): one male and two females, same data as holotype ( MNRJ ); three males, “São José dos\ Pinhais, PR\ 11.I.1988 \ K. Zanol leg” ( DZUP ); three males, “S. JOSÉ DOS PINHAIS – PR\ BR 277 Km 54\ 15.III.1989 \ CIIF leg” ( MNRJ ); five males and one female, “São José Pinhais\ PR (BR277Km54)\ 15.II.1985 \ CIIF leg” ( DZUP ); one female, “S.J. PINHAIS PR\ BRASIL I – 1982 \ CAVICHIOLI Leg” ( DZUP ); one female, “Curitiba, PR\ XII.2002 \ K. Zanol leg” ( DZUP ); one female, “COLOMBO – PR\ EMBRAPA Br476 Km 20\ BRASIL 01.XII.1986 \ Lev. Ent. PRO- FAUPAR\ MALAISE” ( DZUP ); four males, same data as preceding, excepting “ 10.XI.1986 ” ( DZUP ).