A revision of Centaurea sect. Cynaroides (Asteraceae, Cardueae-Centaureinae) Author Negaresh, Kazem Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Mollasani, Ahvaz, Iran. (* Corresponding author e-mail: negaresh @ ramin. ac. ir) negaresh@ramin.ac.ir Author Rahiminejad, Mohammad Reza Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Mollasani, Ahvaz, Iran. (* Corresponding author e-mail: negaresh @ ramin. ac. ir) & Department of Biology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan 81746 - 73441, Iran. & Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Mollasani, Ahvaz, Iran. (* Corresponding author e-mail: negaresh @ ramin. ac. ir) negaresh@ramin.ac.ir text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-08-02 363 1 448 450 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.363.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.363.1.1 1179-3163 13703414 37. Centaurea zarrei Negaresh , sp. nov. ( Fig. 78 ) Centaureae doddsii affinis , a qua plantis ca. 50 cm (nec 75–90 cm ) altis, foliis rigidis, laminis ± suffulsitis, phlomoides (nec in sicco papyraceis), foliis caulinis inferioribus 14–18 × 5–7 cm (nec 20–34 × 10–12 cm ), foliis caulinis mediis ca. 12–13 × 3.4–3.6 cm (nec (10–)17–30 × 5–8 cm ), capitulis pauciis, 5–6, in racemo dispositis, pedunculis brevibus, ± equalis, 2.5–3(–7) cm longis (nec pluribus, 10–12, in spica vel racemo dispositis, inferioribus sessilibus, superioribus subsessilibus vel pedunculis ad 2 cm longis), appendicibus phyllorum triangularibus vel elongatis triangularibus, brunneis vel pallide brunneis, erectis (nec lanceolatis, stramineis vel pallide brunneis, saepe reflexis vel squarrosis), ciliis rigidis, 2–5 mm longis (nec membranaceis, (2–) 4–8 mm longis), spinis terminalibus appendicum 6–12 mm (nec 8–17 mm ) longis differt. Type :— TURKEY . B6 Kayseri : 3 km to Tufanbeyli from Saimbeyli , margin of field, 1500 m , 9 August 1997 , Zarre 63 ( holotype E !, photo herb. Negaresh) . Biennial plants, with thick fleshy taproot, whole plant usually green, ca. 50 cm tall; collar of fibrous petiolar remains present at stem base. Stem erect, always simple, greenish, ca. 3 mm in diam. at base, cylindrical, with thick greenish-yellow striations, loosely leafy throughout, lower part purplish, lower to median parts densely covered with hirsute-articulate hairs, upper part ± loosely covered with arachnoid hairs. Leaves rigid, consistent, blade ± propped, similar to leaves of Phlomis , loosely covered with short hirsute-articulate hairs, especially along midrib and veins. Basal leaves petiolate, undivided, sometimes basally with two small segments, lanceolate, 26–28 × 6–8 cm , acute at apex, entire or remotely denticulate at margins. Lower cauline leaves simple, with a 3–7 cm petiole, lanceolate, 14–18 × 5–7 cm , entire or denticulate at margins, acute at apex. Median cauline leaves sessile, elongate-lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, ca. 12–13 × 3.4–3.6 cm , narrowly decurrent, up to 7 mm along stem, entire, acute at apex. Upper cauline leaves successively smaller, simple, sessile, narrowly lanceolate or lanceolate-linear, (4–)8–10 × (0.8–) 1.2–2 cm , not decurrent, entire, acuminate or mucronate at apex. Capitula few, 5 to 6, arranged in a raceme, peduncles short, ± equal, 2.5–3(–7) cm long. Involucres oblong or oblong-ovoid, 32–35 × 22–25(–27) mm. Phyllaries multiseriate, greenish-yellow, imbricate, coriaceous. Appendages large, totally concealing phyllaries, rigid, not decurrent, brown or pale brown, triangular or elongate triangular, 2–3.8 mm wide at base (excluding cilia); cilia straw-coloured, rigid, ± patent, numerous, (4–)5–7(–8) on each side, 2–5 mm long; spines narrowly triangular, 6–12 mm long, longer than adjacent cilia. Flowers purple in sicco; central florets hermaphroditic, 25–28 mm long, corolla 14–16 mm long, 5-lobed, lobes 6–7 mm long; peripheral florets sterile, slightly longer than central ones, numerous (ca. 15 in each capitulum) and conspicuous, finely dissected, slightly radiant, 5-lobed, limb lobes linear, 6–7 mm long. Achenes oblong, ca. 5.5–6 mm long, glabrescent. Pappus persistent, multiseriate, scabrous, whitish, 10–12 mm long, bristles of inner rows much shorter than others. FIGURE 78. Centaurea zarrei Negaresh ( Zarre 63 , E). Etymology :—The specific epithet is given in honour of Dr. Shahin Zarre who collected the species. Taxonomic and distribution remarks: Centaurea zarrei is a very rare endemic to Kayseri Province , S Turkey ( Fig. 76 ). It is an Irano-Turanian element, and grows on rocky slopes and fallow fields, at elevations of ca. 1500 m . Centaurea zarrei is similar to C. doddsii in some characters such as indumentum of stem, size of involucres, color of flowers and appendages totally concealing phyllaries. There are however clear differences between both species (see Table 4 ). This species is also related to C. haradjianii , especially because of the indumentum of leaves, number of cilia, length of spine and color of flowers ( Fig. 31 ), but there are several differences (see Table 4 ). In addition, C. zarrei shares some characters such as appendages totally concealing phyllaries and flowers purple with C. haussknechtii ( Fig. 32 ), although by some pronounced features (see Table 4 ) it differs from the latter. In addition, C. zarrei prefers higher elevations than C. doddsii , C. haradjianii and C. haussknechtii . TABLE 4 . Diagnostic morphological characters of Centaurea zarrei , C. doddsii , C. haradjianii and C. haussknechtii .
Centaurea zarrei Centaurea doddsii Centaurea haradjianii Centaurea haussknechtii
Stem, tall (cm) Stem ca. 50 loosely leafy throughout 75–90 densely leafy from lower to median parts 70–100 sparesly leafy throughout 50–60 sparsely leafy throughout
Leaves rigid, consistent, blade ± propped, similar to leaves of Phlomis papyraceous (on drying) stiff, papyraceous (on drying) firm or rigid (on drying)
Basal leaves undivided, sometimes basally with two small segments, lanceolate, entire or remotely denticulate at margins lanceolate or subcordate, entire withered at anthesis lyrate, terminal segments larger, oblong, triangular- ovate or lanceolate, entire or shallowly serrulate
Basal leaves, length (cm) 26–28 20–34 - (7–)12–30
Lower cauline leaves, length (cm) 14–18 20–34 24–38 (7–)12–30
Median cauline leaves sessile, elongate-lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, narrowly decurrent, up to 7 mm along stem sessile, or with short petiole, sometimes with auricles at base, oblanceolate or lanceolate, narrowly toward base, or broadly decurrent along petiole petiolate, lanceolate, not decurrent, narrowed toward base petiole (7–)12–30 cm long, lyrate, terminal segments larger, oblong, triangular- ovate or lanceolate
Median cauline leaves, size (cm) ca. 12–13 × 3.4–3.6 (10–)17–30 × 5–8 6–18 × 2–5 2–10 × 0.5–1.5
Raceme inflorescence, length (cm) up to 20 30–45 30–40 up to 20
Capitula few, 5 to 6, arranged in a raceme, peduncles short, ± equal, 2.5–3(–7) cm long several, 10 to 12, arranged in a spike or raceme, lowest ones sessile, upper ones subsessile or with up to 2 cm peduncle several, 3–10, arranged in a raceme, subsessile or with up to 2 cm peduncles, sometimes lowest ones with peduncles up to 9 cm long few, 4 to 7, arranged in a spike or raceme, often sessile or subsessile, sometimes with 2–6 cm peduncles
Involucres, shape oblong or oblong-ovoid ovoid ovoid ovoid
......continued on the next page TABLE 4 . (Continued)
Centaurea zarrei Centaurea doddsii Centaurea haradjianii Centaurea haussknechtii
Involucres, size (mm) 32–35 × 22–25(–27) 30–35 × 28–30 25–32 × 17–25 (33–)35–40 × 30–35
Appendages, shape triangular or elongate triangular lanceolate triangular to lanceolate lanceolate
Appendages, color brown or pale brown straw-coloured or pale brown dark brown or brown straw-coloured or pale brown
Appendages, wide at base (mm) 2–3.8 3–5 4–4.5 3–4(–4.5)
Appendages, status erect almost reflexed or squarrose erect sometimes squarrose or reflexed
Cilia rigid, ± patent, 2–5 mm long membranous, erect, (2–)4– 8 mm long membranous, erect, 4–4.5 mm long rigid, erect, 5–7 mm long
Spine, length (mm) 6–12 8–17 5–13 (7–)15–17
Peripheral florets slightly longer than central ones, slightly radiant slightly shorter than central ones, not radiant equal or sometimes slightly longer than central ones, slightly radiant slightly shorter than central ones, not radiant
Chromosome numbers: —Unknown. Excluded Taxa Centaurea sect. Cardueae Negaresh , sect. nov. Type : Centaurea onopordifolia Boiss. Centaureae sect. Cynaroides affinis , sed caulis multis, spinosis, alatis (nec plerumque simplex , numquam spinosis), foliis omnibus pinnatifidis, pinnatisectis vel pinnatilobis, margine spinosis (nec integris, interdum basalis et inferiorbus lyratis, non spinosis) differt. Biennial plants, thistle-like, whole plant densely covered with adpressed white arachnoid-tomentose hairs. Stem spiny-winged, with minor and undulate triangular spiny-margined lobes, several, branched at base. Leaves spiny at margin, sometimes bicolor, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, uppermost smaller. Capitula numerous, arranged in a racemose dichasium, loose panicle or corymb, rarely raceme, usually on subsessile peduncles, peduncles usually wingless above; involucres ovoid-oblong. Appendages rigid, triangular to elongate triangular, yellow or pale brown, not decurrent, spinulate, innermost pectinate or rounded, with 3–4 (2–) 4–10 mm spinules on each side; spine robust, 5–25 mm long. Flowers yellow, central florets hermaphroditic, peripheral florets not radiant and usually shorter than central ones. Achenes lanceolate or oblong, 5–5.5 mm long, dark brown to blackish; pappus twice as long as achenes, persistent, bristles of inner rows much shorter than others. Taxonomic notes: —This new section is described here including only one species, C. onopordifolia . Centaurea onopordifolia was first introduced by Boissier (1849) who assigned it to C. sect. Cynaroides ; later on, this position was accepted by Boissier (1875) and Wagenitz (1960) . Our study showed that there are diagnostic morphological characters such as: thistle-like habit, stem spiny-winged, with minor and undulate triangular spiny-margined lobes, and also leaves spiny-margined (that are unique in the genus Centaurea ) in C. sect. Cardueae . By these characters, it is easily distinguished from C. sect. Cynaroides (see Figs. 61 and 62 as type of C . sect. Cynaroides ). Furhermore, C. sect. Cardueae differs from C. sect. Cynaroides by its stems several, branched at base ( vs . usually simple), and also all leaves pinnatisect and pinnatifid, or pinnatilobed ( vs . usually undivided, sometimes basal and lower cauline leaves lyrate). Etymology: —The sectional epithet means ‘thistle-like habit’.