Studies in Corinnidae (Araneae): a new Paratrachelas Kovblyuk & Nadolny from Algeria, as well as the description of a new genus of Old World Trachelinae Author Bosselaers, Jan Author Bosmans, Robert text Zootaxa 2010 2612 41 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.197827 9eaa40d1-f151-4539-8156-94fb9a25b154 1175-5326 197827 Paratrachelas atlantis sp. n. Figs. 3 G–H; 5 A–D. Type material. Holotype male, Algeria , Wilaya Blida, Blidean Atlas, Meurdja, 1000 m , pt in dense planted Cedrus forest, 15 June 198722 September 1988 , R. Bosmans leg. [ RBINS ]. Paratypes . 7 ɗ, same data as holotype [ MRAC 231351, CRB]; 1 ɗ, Algeria , Wilaya Blida, Blidean Atlas, Djebel Mouzaia, 1300 m , pt in Acer forest, 6 October–4 November 1985 , R. Bosmans leg. [ RBINS ]. Diagnosis. P. atlantis is close to P. acuminus but differs from it by the slender embolus which is longer than the membranous conductor and by its blunt-tipped RTA of the male palp ( Figs. 3 H, 4A–B, 5B–C). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length 4.39 ( paratype range: 3.21–4.73). Carapace length 1.89, width 1.66, chestnut brown, somewhat darker in cephalic region, strewn with small pits. Width of cephalic region 3/ 4 of carapace width ( Fig. 3 G). Eyes ringed with black. Fovea dark brown, pronounced, length 0.14, anterior end 1.26 from front end of carapace. MOQ depth 0.32, anterior width 0.30, posterior width 0.37. AER width 0.68, PER width 0.84. All eyes subequal, AME with dark retina. AE equidistant, separated by half of their diameter; PE also equidistant, separated by their diameter. AER slightly recurved and PER straight from above, both eye rows slightly procurved from front. Clypeus vertical, slightly narrower than diameter of AME. Chilum triangular, sclerotised and brown, with a sharp posterior median indentation. Chelicerae yellow brown, rugose, vertically oriented, without pronounced cheliceral boss. Three small, blunt teeth along promarginal cheliceral rim, largest one closest to fang base; two larger, sharp teeth on retromarginal rim close to fang insertion, largest one furthest from fang base ( Fig. 5A ). Sternum shield-shaped, rebordered, smooth and yellow, length 1.08, width 0.97. Both ICS and PCT brown and sclerotised, triangular, blunt, fused with sternum. PSP subtriangular, yellow. PLB isolated, triangular, brown and sclerotised. Labium subtrapezoidal, wider than long, with thickened anterior rim. Endites without oblique depression. Abdomen grey, with four large, oval, brown sigilla in anterior half; covered over its entire length and for 85–90% of its do surface area by a yellow brown, smooth and shiny do scutum ( Fig. 5D ). Legs I, II orange brown, III, IV orange yellow, patellar indentation ( Ledoux & Canard 1991: 9 ) narrow, no rh, no trochanter notch. Metatarsi III, IV with vt preening brush. Leg formula 1243. No regular leg spines, but leg cusps present; ti: I plv 6; II plv 5; mt: I plv 6–7 rlv 2–4; II plv 5 rlv 1; ta: I plv 3 rlv 2–3; II plv 3 rlv 1. FIGURE 5 A–D. Paratrachelas atlantis , holotype. A, cheliceral teeth, ve; B, male palp, ve; C, male palp, rl; D, habitus. Scale bars: A–C: 0.25; D: 1. Leg measurements: Male palp as illustrated ( Figs. 3 H, 5B–C), with a subtriangular bulbus and a slender, apical embolus which is longer than the membranous, triangular conductor. RTA long and blunt-tipped, dorsally oriented. Female. Unknown.
fe pa ti mt ta Total
I 1.71 0.66 1.58 1.13 0.66 5.73
II 1.45 0.58 1.32 1.00 0.60 4.94
III 0.92 0.42 0.74 0.74 0.42 3.23
IV 1.26 0.47 1.08 1.18 0.47 4.47
Distribution. Only known from the Atlas mountains in Algeria .