Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Chenopodium acerifolium and C. betaceum (C. strictum auct.) (Chenopodiaceae) Author Mosyakin, Sergei L. text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-10-01 324 2 139 154 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.324.2.3 1179-3163 13698227 Chenopodium divaricatum Andrzejowski (1862: 132) . Lectotype (designated here):— UKRAINE : Kherson ( Херсон in Ukrainian), Kherson Region (KW-001002777!, image of the lectotype available at Protologue:—“ad sepis Jaorlik, Balta, Cherson ” [now the Yagorlyk (Ягорлик in Ukrainian) River, a tributary of the Southern Buh, in Odesa ( Odessa ) Region of Ukraine and in Moldova ; the settlement of Yagorlyk (Iagorlîc in Moldovan/Romanian) is located on that river in Iagorlîc District of Moldova ; Balta (Балта in Ukrainian) in Balta District, Odesa Region; and Kherson]. Published description ( Andrzejowski 1862: 132 ):—“caule altissimo ramosissimo, ramis divaricatis, foliis subuniformibus, oblongo-rhombeo-hastatis, subdentatis, summis subintegerrimis, paniculae patentissimae, cymis subaphyllis, glomerulis minimis sessilibus, seminibus nitidis foveolatis; 4–5 pedale, sordide-virens”. Labels (KW-001002777):—(Label 1) “ Chenopodium divaricatum mihi. Cherson 1823”.(Label2)“ Ch.divaricatum Nob. caulibus ramosiss. patentiss. foliis oblongo-hastatis [the word rhombeo - added above oblongo-hastatis ] dentatis, summis subintegerrimis linearis, glomer. sessilibus, racemis paucifoliis paniculatis, sem. nitidis subfoveolatis. Chers. 1823. Hbr. Andrz.” Another specimen (KW-001002778!, image available at kw001002778) has the following label: “ Ch. divaricatum Nob. ! sem. nitida excavato punct. Cherson ad vias in ipsae urbe descendendo ad portum 1823”.