New genus and new species of Pentatomidae from Borneo (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
Roca-Cusachs, Marcos
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology, Department of Applied Biology, College of Agriculture and life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. marcosrocacusachs @ gmail. com & IRBio. Institut de Recerca a la Biodiversitat, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Rider, Id. A.
Jung, Sunghoon
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology, Department of Applied Biology, College of Agriculture and life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. marcosrocacusachs @ gmail. com & Department of Smart Agriculture Systems, College of Agriculture and life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. Corresponding author. jung @ cnu. ac. kr
journal article
Graziasternum graziae
Roca-Cusachs & Rider
sp. nov.
Fig. 1
Trus Madi mt.
, local colector leg.
1 male
1 female
], Same data of
The species
G. graziae
is named after our friend and colleague Dr. Jocelia Grazia, to honour her 75th Birthday and in recognition of her extensive contributions in pentatomoid systematics. Noun in genitive case.
This species has all the characters mentioned in the description of the genus. Differs from the other species in the genus by its general colouration brownish (darker than in the other species), head and antennal segments IV and IV concolour with ground colouration, with no black markings. Having the lateral margins of the pronotum ventrally each with a relatively wide, contrastingly dark red which resembles an inverted V-shape.
Overall colouration brown with frontal portion of pronotum and coria reddish, slightly shiny and with coarse evenly scattered punctures.
Head triangular, dorsal surface concolourous; punctation sparse, slightly reddish; lateral margins of head very weakly concave; juga extending beyond apex of tylus, convergent but not enclosing tylus. Antennae slightly lighter tan in general colouration; segments III to V each with annular reddish ring on apex. Lateral and ventral surfaces of head pale brown with very sparse brownish punctures. Bucculae narrow, widening posteriorly, ridge-like. Rostrum short, reaching between pro- and mesocoxae.
Pronotum, distinctly bicoloured, brownish posteriorly, gradually becoming dark red anteriorly, evenly punctured; each anterior pronotal angle produced anteriorly as a very small, tooth; anterolateral margins straight, armed with very small granules, slightly deflexed, reflection reaching humeri; humeri small, robust, each produced laterally as an entire, non-toothed process; posterolateral margins sinuous; posterior margin broadly, shallowly concave. Scutellum concolourous with ground colouration, in some specimens anterior medial portion slightly reddish, more or less evenly punctured, punctures slightly more grouped laterally; anterolateral angles of scutellum strongly foveate. Hemelytra brownish-red; hemelytral membranes hyaline, with numerous (9–10) longitudinal, ramified veins. Sternite lateral margins with a relatively wide, contrastingly dark red which resembles an inverted V-shape mesially pale brownish yellow. sparsely punctate. Ostiolar openings small, rugae long, slender, elongate L-Shaped. Mesosternal carina just reaching procoxae. Metasternum broad, prominent, plate-like, hexagonal, slightly compressed laterally with posterior angles slightly projected caudad towards abdomen; anterior margin of metasternum meeting nearly seamlessly with posterior margin of mesosternum, posterior margin of metasternum bifid, in apposition with basal abdominal protuberance. Legs uniformly yellowish, pilose; superior surfaces of tibiae sulcate; claws black, contrasting with leg colouration. Connexival segments concolourous with general colouration, with no particularities; posterolateral angles slightly but distinctly produced into a minute, sharp denticles. Abdominal venter impunctate, brownish yellow; spiracles concolourous with ventral abdominal surface.
Graziasternum graziae
nov. sp.
: a, dorsal habitus; b, ventral habitus; c, pygophore (lateral, dorsal, caudal, ventral views, respectively); d, phallus (lateral, dorsal views, respectively); e, right paramere; f, female genital plates, caudoventral view; g, internal female genitalia.
Male genitalia (
Fig. 1c–e
): Genital cup well exposed dorsally. Posterolateral angles of pygophore rounded, lobe-like, wide. Ventral rim clearly concave, U-shaped, flat at base. Dorsal rim concave, broadly U-shaped. Parameres somewhat hook-shaped, rounded, not acuminate, each with a small triangular process at apex. Phallotheca dorsoventrally with an inverted piriform shape, laterally somewhat thinner at base, slightly curved. Phallus with two pairs of conjunctival processes. Vesica small, acuminate at apex. Process of vesica laterally lobe-like, rounded, dorsoventrally not divergent at apex, with internal space parallel-sided.
Female genitalia (
Fig. 1f–g
): Female genital plates with gonocoxae VIII trapezoid, with mesial margins straight, posterior margins sinuous laterally, becoming shallowly concave mesially, each posterolateral angle rounded and divergent in relation to symmetric plate; fused gonocoxae IX trapezoid, nearly triangular; laterotergites IX boomerang shaped, elongate, reaching apices of laterotergites VIII, divergent at apices; sternite X inverted trapezoidal; laterotergites VIII flat, with no special particularities.
Ductus receptaculi
elongate. Vesicular area membranous; internal rod of vesicular area strongly sclerotized, parallel sided, rectilinear, acuminate at apex and slightly wider posteriorly.
Pars distalis
nearly two times longer than length of anterior annular flange to
capsula seminalis
distance. Anterior annular flange reduced, strongly sclerotized.
Pars intermedialis
robust, strongly sclerotized, elongate. Posterior annular flange reduced, fused to
capsula seminalis
Capsula seminalis
robust, large, adpressed, bearing two short, robust, posteriorly-directed projections which reach posterior annular flange.
Measurements (in mm).
Total body length: 10.13/13.41, abdominal width at hemelytral base: 6.38/7.13, maximum abdominal width: 6.71/7.81, length of head from apex to imaginary line between ocelli: 1.37/1.57, width of head (including eyes): 2.21/2.64, width of head before eyes: 1.35/1.66, distance between eyes: 1.2/1.46, pronotal length: 1.89/2.36, maximum pronotal width: 6.55/7.73, scutellar length: 4.51/5.61, scutellar width at base: 3.82/4.56.