Remarks on the deep-sea genus Pseudolamprops (Cumacea: Lampropidae) Author Roccatagliata, Daniel Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, C 1428 EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: rocca @ bg. fcen. uba. ar Author Mühlenhardt-Siegel, Ute Universität Hamburg, Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. E-mail: muehsie @ zoologie. uni-hamburg. de text Zootaxa 2012 2012-11-07 3542 69 79 journal article 1175-5326 218F1773-CEB0-421C-B982-71E1A571202A Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) Lamprops profundus Reyss, 1978: 72–74 , fig. 1 (description immature female).— Băcescu, 1988: 19 (catalogue). – Gamô, 1989a: 99–100 (comparison with Pseudolamprops spinifer ). Material examined . ANDEEP III 88-8-S, 27 Feb 05, 68°03.84'S , 20°31.39'W , 4928 m , epibenthic sledge: 1 adult , partially dissected ( ZMH K-43178), 1 adult , partially dissected ( ZMH K-43177). COB , INCAL WS05 , 5 Aug 76, 46°03'N , 10°15.7'W , 4796 m : 1 adult , 1 juvenile ( ?), poor condition ( MNHN Cu 308) . COB , INCAL WS03 , 01 Aug 76, 48º 19.2'N , 15º 23.3'W , 4829 m : 1 subadult (with developing pleopods), 1 adult (damaged, last two abdominal segments, telson and uropods missing) ( MNHN Cu 1205) . COB , INCAL CP13 , 05 Aug 76, 46º 02.1'N , 10º 14.8'W , 4800 m , beam trawl: 1 adult , poor condition ( MNHN Cu 1206) . COB , POLYGAS DS21 , 24 Aug 72, 47º 31.5'N , 09º 40.7'W , 4190 m , Sanders epibenthic sledge: 1 juvenile , poor condition (partially dissected) ( MNHN Cu 1207) . Description of adult (based on specimen ZMH K-43178) Total length: 12.8 mm . Carapace ( Figs. 1A, B ) with scattered teeth on dorsal surface and pseudorostral lobes. Approximately 1/5 of total body length. Rectangular in shape from dorsal view, length approximately 1.7 times its width. Ocular lobe prominent, with a few teeth, slightly wider than long, without lenses. Pseudorostrum approximately 2/3 as long as ocular lobe, not extending beyond an imaginary line running tangent to the apex of right and left pseudorostral lobes. Antennal notch shallow, antero-lateral angle rounded, both margined with teeth. Each side with an inferolateral ridge with teeth, running from behind the antero-lateral angle to hind margin of carapace. Thorax. Five segments visible dorsally and laterally. Approximately 1.3 times as long as carapace. Genital wart-like orifices ( Fig. 1C ) protruding from the sternal surface, each one flanked by 2 lids. Abdomen longer than cephalothorax; segments 1–3 with well-developed pleopods. FIGURE 1 . Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) . Adult male (ZMH K-43178). A , habitus in lateral view, the antennule and antenna omitted; for the sake of clarity natatory setae are depicted on the third pereopod and third pleopod only. B , cephalothorax in dorsal view. C , detail of genital papillae. D , antennule (only one aesthetasc is drawn). Scales: A , B , D , 1 mm; C , 0.5 mm. FIGURE 2 . Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) . Adult male (ZMH K-43178). A , first maxilliped with details of the basal endite, a carpal cuspidate seta, and dactylus. B , second maxilliped with details of a carpal and a propodal setae. C , third maxilliped (setae of exopod flagellum omitted). D , first pereopod (broken, setae of exopod flagellum omitted). Scales: A , B , 0.5 mm; C , D , 1 mm. FIGURE 3 . Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) . Adult male (ZMH K-43178). A , second maxilliped (setae of exopod flagellum omitted). B , last abdominal segment, telson and left uropod. C , detail of the exopod. D , telson in ventral view (dorsal subterminal setae were omitted). Scales: A , B , D , 1 mm ( B and D share the same scale). Telson ( Figs. 3B, D ) large and linguiform, slightly more than twice length of last abdominal segment. Postanal part approximately twice as long as preanal part. Margins with 13–14 cuspidate setae on each side and 3 cuspidate setae distally, constituting a continuous series of setae around distal half of telson. Dorsal surface with 2 subapical setae extending well beyond distal cuspidate setae, and several tiny curly setae nearby both margins. Antennule ( Fig. 1D ). Peduncle, articles long and slender. First article the longest, second article approximately 0.7 as long as first, third article approximately 0.4 as long as first. Main flagellum approximately 0.8 as long as first peduncle article, of 4 articles, first article with many aesthetascs (for the sake of clarity only one of them is fully drawn), third and fourth articles with 1 aesthetasc each. Accessory flagellum approximately ½ as long as main flagellum, of 3 articles, the second article the longest and the third minute. Antenna peduncle with 5 articles, flagellum consisting of many short annuli and reaching roughly to end of abdomen. Notice: since the antennae are dislodged, i.e., they are not closely attached to body, it is not possible to estimate accurately how far back they extend. First maxilliped ( Fig. 2A ). Basis robust, longer (including endite) than remaining articles together; with a row of 9 setulo-serrate setae on inner dorsal margin (not drawn); endite, distal margin with 3 short setulate setae and 2 scale-like setae: the smaller rounded and densely setose; the larger, subrectangular, translucent and glabrous, showing on its distal margin a series of 4 contiguous teeth and a rounded elevation. Ischium very small, wedgeshaped, with 1 setulate seta on inner distal corner. Merus with 3 setulate setae on inner distal corner. Carpus with a row of 8 peculiar setulo-serrate setae (see detail), 1 large setulate seta on distal outer margin, and many setae on ventral surface (only some of them drawn). Propodus with many setae (only some of them drawn). Dactylus approximately as long as propodus, spatuliform, with 2 simple and 2 serrulate setae, the latter distinctly extend beyond distal margin of article. Second maxilliped ( Fig. 2B ). Basis approximately as long as remaining articles together with 4 large setulate setae distally. Ischium glabrous. Merus approximately as long as propodus, with 1 small setulate seta on outer margin and 1 large setulate seta on inner distal corner. Carpus second longest article, outer margin with 2 setulate setae, inner margin with many setulate setae (one of them distinctly thicker than the rest, see detail). Propodus approximately 0.75 as long as carpus, outer margin with 2 large setulate setae, inner margin with many slender setae fairly dilated distally (only some of them drawn, see detail). Dactylus with several short setae and a stout seta (longer than article) distally. Third maxilliped ( Fig. 2C ). Basis approximately 1.2 times as long as remaining articles together, inner margin and ventral surface profusely setose, outer distal corner with 4 setulate setae (3 of them large). Ischium with 1 setulate seta on inner distal corner. Merus approximately 0.5 as long as carpus, with 5 setulate setae distally. Carpus approximately 1.3 times as long as propodus, with 1 simple and 12 setulate setae on inner margin, and 1 setulate seta on outer margin. Propodus, 2.2 times as long of dactylus, with 12 simple setae on inner margin (only most ventral ones drawn) and 2 simple setae on outer margin. Dactylus, inner margin with 5 short serrulate setae on inner margin, distal end with 1 stout and several slender simple setae. Exopod, basis large, flagellum of 8 articles. First pereopod ( Fig. 2D ). Basis with single and setulate setae, inner margin with 4 cuspidate setae on distal ¼ of article. Exopod, basis large, flagellum of 9 articles. Remaining articles missing. Second pereopod ( Fig. 3A ). Basis approximately 1.3 times as long as remaining articles together, furnished with rows of setulate setae. Ischium with a short setulate seta on distal inner corner. Merus approximately 0.8 as long as carpus, with 3 long setulate setae on outer margin, 1 short setulate seta on inner margin and 1 long cuspidate seta on inner distal angle. Carpus shorter than propodus and dactylus together, with cuspidate setae (4 short along article and 5 long distally) and 4 short setulate setae on or near outer margin. Dactylus with many simple setae. Exopod, basis large, flagellum of 9 articles. Fifth pereopod approximately as long as fourth pereopod basis, fully developed (with 7 articles). Note: the right fifth pereopod is broken (carpus-dactylus missing) but the left one is complete. These missing articles are drawn by dashed lines in Fig. 1A . Uropod ( Figs. 3B, C ): peduncle approximately as long as telson with 17 cuspidate setae (3 distal ones bipectinate) on inner margin and 1 simple seta on ventral surface distally (not drawn). Endopod approximately 0.75 as long as peduncle, with 3 articles. First article distinctly longer than other two articles combined, inner margin with 11–12 bipectinate setae on inner margin, outer margin with a row of broom setae proximally and 1 cuspidate seta distally. Second article approximately 0.40 as long as first article, inner margin with 3 cuspidate setae, outer distal corner with 1 cuspidate seta. Third article approximately 0.70 as long as second article, with 3 cuspidate setae distally. Exopod very short, approximately 0.65 as long as first endopod article. First article with a cuspidate seta on outer distal corner. Second article slightly longer than first, with many cuspidate setae, viz., 4 distally (denoted by a letter “a” in Fig. 3C , most internal one the longest and bipectinate), 2 on outer margin (denoted by letter “b”), 3 on dorsal surface (denoted by letter “c”; the longest one is hardly bipectinate distally; this seta is broken in the exopod drawn but entire in the counterpart), and 5 on ventral surface (none of them denoted by a letter; only the basal parts are drawn for 3 of them). FIGURE 4 . Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) . Adult female (ZMH K-43177). A , carapace in lateral view. B , cephalothorax in dorsal view. C , antennule. D , last abdominal segment, telson and left uropod. Scales: A , B , D , 1 mm; C , 0.5 mm. Brief description of the adult (based on specimen ZMH K-43177) Total length 12.9 mm . Carapace ( Figs. 4A, B ) as in male except for: length approximately 1.5 times its width; pseudorostrum approximately as long as ocular lobe. Thorax as in male except for: approximately 1.6 times as long as carapace; pereonites 2 and 3 distinctly larger than remaining ones. Telson ( Fig. 4D ) as in male except for: approximately twice length of last abdominal segment. Margins with 12–13 cuspidate setae on each side. Subterminal long setae on dorsal surface: one of them is complete and has a long hair-like outgrowth (almost as long as seta) apically. These setae seem to derivate from normal cuspidate setae by elongation. Antennule ( Fig. 4C ). Peduncle, articles long and slender. Third article approximately 0.6 of second article. Main flagellum of 3 articles, second and third with 1 aesthetasc each. Accessory flagellum approximately ½ as long as main flagellum; of 3 articles, the second article the longest and the third minute. Notice: the first article of the peduncle remains on the specimen, thus this article is not shown in Fig. 4C . Maxilliped 3 and pereopods 1 and 2 with fully developed exopods, pereopods 3 and 4 with rudimentary exopods. TABLE 1. Records of Pseudolamprops profundus Reyss, 1978 from the Atlantic Ocean. Abbreviations: AWI = Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research; COB = Centre Océanologique de Bretagne, Brest (now Institut Français pour l’Exploitation de la Mer, IFREMER); IOS = Institute of Oceanographical Sciences, Wormley (now Southampton Oceanography Centre); MNHN = Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; ZMH = Zoologisches Museum Hamburg; WHOI = Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; NSJ = unpublished spreadsheets assembled by Norman S. Jones; N = number of specimens collected at each station.
Institution Cruise Station Latitude Longitude Depth (m) Date N Source / Deposited in
WHOI Chain 106 328 NE Atlantic 50º 04.7'N 15º 44.8'W 4435 23.08.72 3 NSJ
COB INCAL WS03 NE Atlantic 48º 19.2'N 15º 23.3'W 4829 01.08.76 2 MNHN
COB POLYGAS DS21 NE Atlantic 47° 31.5'N 09° 40.7'W 4190 24.10.72 1 NSJ, MNHM
COB INCAL WS05 NE Atlantic 46° 03'N 10° 15.7'W 4796 05.08.76 2 MNHN
COB INCAL CP13 NE Atlantic 46º 02.1'N 10º 14.8'W 4800 05.08.76 1 MNHN
IOS Discovery 6701 Canary Is. 27º 45.2'N 14º 13'W 1934 16.03.68 4 NSJ, Reyss, 1978b
WHOI Atlantis II 31 142 Cape Verde 10º 30'N 17º 51.5'W 1796 05.02.67 5 NSJ
AWI ANDEEP III 88-8-S Antarctica 68° 03.84'S 20° 31.39'W 4928 27.02.05 2 ZMH
FIGURE 5 . Distribution of Pseudolamprops profundus (Reyss, 1978) . Uropod ( Fig. 4D ) as in male except for: Peduncle with 13 cuspidate setae on inner margin (none of them bipectinate). Endopod approximately 0.70 as long as peduncle, first article, inner margin with 12–13 cuspidate setae (none of them bipectinate), outer margin with 3 simple setae (row of broom setae lacking). Second article, inner margin with 4 cuspidate setae, outer distal corner with 1 simple seta. Third article with 2 cuspidate setae and 1 short simple seta distally.
Distribution . The distribution of Pseudolamprops profundus (= Lamprops profundus ) in the Atlantic Ocean is substantially extended. Formerly recorded by Reyss (1978b) from a station off the Canary Islands at 1934 m depth, it is herein reported from four stations off south-west Ireland / Bay of Biscay and one off Antarctica . Besides, this species is recorded from Cape Verde and another station off south-west Ireland in the unpublished database prepared by the late Dr. Norman S. Jones. In order to present the most accurate picture of the distribution of this species in the Atlantic Ocean, all these records are listed in Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 5 .