A catalogue of the species of ants found in southern India. Author Jerdon, T. C. text Madras Journal of Literature and Science 1851 17 103 127 http://antbase.org/ants/publications/4764/4764.pdf journal article 4764 23 . Myrmica? caeca , N. S. Ocodoma ? Worker, length l- 5 th of an inch; head somewhat oval, rather small; no eyes; antennae short, thick, inserted near the mouth; an oblique groove on each side of forehead for the laying of the antennae; jaws triangular, hooked at the tip, and finely serrated; thorax narrow, of uniform width, granulose, with an elevation pos-teriorly ending in two small spines; abdominal pedicles raised, rounded, pointed backwards, the first the highest; abdomen long, oval; head thorax and legs reddish brown; abdomen glossy brown. I found this curious Ant only once, under a stone in the Wynaad,