A taxonomic monograph of the genus Dodomeira Bellò & Baviera, a new genus of Peritelini from Sicily (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) Author Baviera, Cosimo text Zootaxa 2017 2017-10-13 4334 1 1 138 journal article 31853 10.11646/zootaxa.4334.1.1 9de0df67-a93a-40f5-a1c5-75aa694a53ca 1175-5326 1009865 29D71097-AD81-41F0-9AC4-F1D4982B9743 Dodomeira belicensis Bellò & Baviera sp. n. ( Figures 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f , 40c , 62 , 101 ) Type locality. Sicily , Trapani , valle del Belice , Santa Ninfa (Fig.144). Diagnosis. A medium-size species (3.30–4.00 mm) belonging to the adrianae group with short sub-parallel elytra (length: 2.10–2.60, width: 1.30–1.60, ratio: 1.61–1.63) and body shape sub-cylindrical. Within the species group, it is recognisable by elytral declivity with setae clavate or much widened at apex and recumbent (15°–30°), spherical eyes scarcely protruding from outline of head. Pronotum transverse (length: 0.75–0.90 mm , width: 0.75– 1.00 mm, ratio 0.90–1.00). Elytra slightly convex dorsally, clothed by imbricate brownish-silvery scales and short silvery-golden setae clavate. Type series. Holotype female with the following labels: [transparent label] genitalia in DHMF // [white, printed] // [white, printed] “I, Sicilia , TP [Trapani], Belice , S. [anta] Ninfa, m 365, vaglio Olea , 19.XI. [20]’09” / / [white, printed] “ N 37°48.447’ E 012°59.132’ legg. Bellò & Chemello” // [white, printed] “ TPSN 2.1” // [green, printed] “Collezione Cesare Bellò” // [red, printed] “ Dodomeira belicensis sp. n. , Holotype , det. Bellò 2016 ” ( CBE ). Paratypes . 11 females : “ Sicilia , TP [ Trapani ], Santa Ninfa , m 420, 17.III. [20]’08 // Rampinzari , N 37°46.792’ E 012°54.130’ , vaglio lettiera olivo, legg. Bellò & Chemello , Baviera & Rando ” ( CBA , CBE , ECO , GOS ) ; 1 female : “ Trapani, S. [an]ta Ninfa , sotto corteccia Eucaliptus sp. // Sicilia , 10/13.III. [20]’09, legg. Bellò & Baviera ” // N 37°48.603’ E 012°59.200’ ( CBE ) . Other material. 1 female: “I, Sicilia, Palermo, Poggioreale, 290m , vaglio Olea , 8 III 2014 , legg. Bellò & Chemello // N 37°01.898’ E 012°59.728’, strada da Gibellina ” (CBE). Holotype . Female. Total length: 3.90 mm . Body shape slender and subcylindrical. Dorsal vestiture with imbricate brownish-silvery-golden scales with metallic sheen. Short, recumbent, spatulate or clavate setae on pronotum as on elytra (angle with elytral surface 15°–30°). Rostrum covered by brownish-silvery scales, transverse (length/width ratio 0.70), sub-conical to the sides. Pterygia obvious. Epistome absent. Mesorostrum slightly concave, anteriorly with about ten, thin, curved, semierect setae. Vertex convex (vertex width / mesorostrum width: ratio 1.85) with clavate and semi-erect setae. Interocular space with scarcely visible fovea. Lateral and spherical eyes scarcely protruding from outline of head. Antenna robust and quite short with long, raised, silvery, widened setae. Antenna with ratio 0.80 (scape length: 0.80 mm , funicle length: 1.00 mm). Scape clubbed slightly more robust than funicle, curved at the middle and progressively thickening towards apex. Funicle segments including club, relative lengths as follows:; segments 1–6 with clavate setae; segments 4–7 pearl-shaped. Club at least twice wider than funicle, fusiform, compact but with suture between first and second segment a bit visible. Pronotum clothed with golden silvery scales, transverse (length: 0.90 mm , width: 1.00 mm, ratio: 0.90), slightly sub-hexagonal, sinuate at the sides, wider in the middle and with clavate, silvery-golden recumbent setae. Punctation on disc covered by scales. Scutellum small and inconspicuous. FIGURES 3–3f. Dodomeira belicensis Bellò & Baviera sp. n. holotype ♀ from “Santa Ninfa, Trapani”: 3—habitus dorsal view (scale bar: 1 mm); 3a—habitus, lateral view; 3b—pronotum and rostrum, lateral view; 3c—pronotum, dorsal view; 3delytral vestiture; 3e—funicle and club; 3f—spermatheca. Elytra convex, covered by golden brownish-silvery scales, sub-cylindrical with flat suture (length: 2.45 mm , width: 1.50 mm , ratio: 1.63), wider at the middle. Humeri short and rounded. Elytral declivity with short, silverygolden, clavate setae. Punctation of striae, shallow, catenulate and slightly impressed. Interstriae feebly convex, flat, with clavate, golden silvery recumbent setae (15°–30°). Legs short and robust covered by silvery-golden scales and rather short, clavate-spatulate, silvery-golden setae. Femora clubbed. Protibia with three acute spines on inner edge, with evident mucro on inner apical angle. Protibia not sinuous on inner edge, metatibia and mesotibia straight in side view. Tarsal segment 1 short, conical; segment 2 short and transverse; segment 3 shallowly bilobed; all segments with thin silvery-golden setae. Onychium curved, robust and quite short. Female genitalia . See Figures: spermatheca ( Fig. 62 ), sternite VIII ( Fig. 101 ). Genitalia were examined in six specimens and molecular analyses were made of one female (TPSN 2.1). Paratype variability. Two paratypes differ from holotype for setae a bit more elongate and elevated; no were observed other differences size excluding. All paratypes are females. Other material differ from holotype for setae quite spatulate and quite flattened. Distribution. See Fig. 139 . Italian endemic. Known from Santa Ninfa and Gibellina localities in the Belice valley at 290–420 meters. Etymology. Named from “ Belice valley”, a naturalistic area very interesting in western Sicily . Ecology and Phenology. Collected by Berlese and Winkler extractors from soil obtained sifting the leaf litter on clay soil, of an olive grove in March, at 250–300 meters. Also collected on sight under the bark of Eucalyptus sp at November. Collections summer months gave negative results suggesting that the Dodomeira belicensis are absent during this time. Main soil type . Vertic- Cambisol (European Soil Data Centre ; Panagos et al. 2012 ). Reproduction. Probably parthenogenetic. Species known from fourteen females. Chorological relationships. Sympatric with Dolichomeira sp., genus usually wintry, at Santa Ninfa.