Nomenclatural revision of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae s. str.) names linked to South American taxa Author Moroni, Pablo Instituto de Botanica Darwinion (ANCEFN-CONICET), Labarden 200, CC 22, B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Martinez, Agustina Instituto de Botanica Darwinion (ANCEFN-CONICET), Labarden 200, CC 22, B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Simpson, Michael G. Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182, USA text PhytoKeys 2021 2021-08-30 181 29 47 journal article 1314-2003-181-29 25B16C1AE4375702BC69E64E28291B0A 9. Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I.M. Johnst., Contr. Gray Herb. 78: 52. 1927. Cryptantha diffusaEritrichium diffusum Phil., Linnaea 33: 191. 1864. Type: Chile. Region de Coquimbo: "Huanta, Banos del Toro", 1860-1861, H. Volckmann s.n . (first-step lectotype, designated by Johnston 1927 , pg. 53: SGO; second-step lectotype, designated here, SGO [bc] SGO000004064 image!; isolectotype, SGO [bc] SGO000004065 image!). Cryptantha diffusa = Eritrichium micranthum Phil., Fl. Atac. 38. 1860. Type: Chile. [ Region de Antofagasta:] Sandon , Feb. 1854, R.A. Philippi s.n . (first-step lectotype, designated by Johnston 1927 , pg. 53: SGO; second-step lectotype, designated here: SGO [SGO000004107 digital image!]; isolectotype: SGO [SGO000004106 digital image!]). Cryptantha diffusa = Cryptantha famatinae Brand, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 317. 1924. Type: Argentina. La Rioja: La Incrucijada [sic], Sierra Famatina , 1879, G.H.E.W. Hieronymus & G. Niederlein 466 (lectotype, designated here: CORD [CORD00003765 digital image!]; isolectotype: GH [GH00096383 digital image!]). Notes. The protologue of Eritrichium diffusum ( Philippi 1864 ) includes a direct reference to a collection made by Herman Volckmann in Coquimbo, Chile. Johnston (1927) referred to a specimen lodged at SGO as the "type" of the name, while Perez-Moreau (1976) later stated "Chile. Coquimbo: Huanta, Banos del Toro, 1860-61, Volckmann (tipo de E. diffusum , SGO)". Despite the statements of these authors, in the general collection at SGO two sheets were found in agreement with the protologue. The specimens match the diagnosis as coined by Philippi. In this framework, the earliest statement made by Johnston (1927) is here interpreted as a first-step lectotypification. In order to narrow this broad designation, the sheet SGO000004064 is here selected as a second-step lectotype. Rudolph A. Philippi (1860) described Eritrichium micranthum based on a collection he made in Sandon , Chile, with no further reference. According to Johnston (1927) , the type element of this species is housed at SGO. Johnston's (1927) statement is here interpreted as a first-step lectotype designation since two sheets in agreement with the protologue and annotated by Philippi as " Eritrichium micranthum " were found at SGO. The specimens involved match the protologue and, thus, the designation of Johnston (1927) is here narrowed by selecting the sheet SGO000004107 as a second step-lectotype. In the protologue of Cryptantha famatinae , Brand (1924) cited a collection made by Georg H. E. W. Hieronymus and Gustav Niederlein in the province of La Rioja, Argentina. No original collections could be traced at B, where Brand worked ( Stafleu and Cowan 1976 ), but duplicates of Hieronymus and Niederlein's collection were located at CORD and GH. These sheets agree with the diagnosis and cited locality found in the protologue. Thus, the sheet CORD00003765 is here selected as lectotype of the name.