Palaearctic Osmia bees of the subgenera Hemiosmia, Tergosmia and Erythrosmia (Megachilidae, Osmiini): biology, taxonomy and key to species Author Müller, Andreas text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-14 4778 2 201 236 journal article 22161 10.11646/zootaxa.4778.2.1 2bdbfd60-8edf-4efc-9fc3-34649a0e3896 1175-5326 3826170 61BA688B-E383-4A4C-A9F6-D4F53E55645A Osmia ( Tergosmia ) agilis Morawitz, 1875 Osmia agilis Morawitz, 1875: 88 . Type material: Lectotype , by designation of Zanden (1991a) , “Tsjardara” ( Kazakhstan ), Zoological Museum of Moscow University. Literature records. TAJIKISTAN : Kathlon (Vakhsh), Sughd (Pendzhikent) ( Morawitz 1875 ; Popov 1967 ). TURK- MENISTAN: Balkan : Kara-Kala ( Tkalců 1974 ). UZBEKISTAN : Bukhara (Amu Darja), Jizzakh (Farish), Samarqand (Kara Tepe, Samarqand), Tashkent (Keles, Tashkent) ( Morawitz 1875 , 1880 ; Tkalců 1974 ; Zanden 1991a ). New records. KAZAKHSTAN : South Kazakhstan : Darbaza , 40 km N Tashkent , 30.5.1994 , 1♀ (leg. J. Hala- da) ; Zhambyl : Zalpak-Tobe , 42°51ʹN / 71°27ʹE , 9.5.1958 , 1♀ (leg. P. Lehr ) . KYRGYZSTAN : Osh : 20 km N Aravan , 40.3°N / 72.5°E , 17.5.1994 , 8♀ , 6♂ (leg. J. Halada , M. Halada ) . TAJIKISTAN : Khatlon : Fakhrobod S Dushanbe , 20.5.1974 , 1♀ (leg. M. Kocourek ) . TURKMENISTAN : Ashgabad : Ashgabad env., 26.4.1993 , 1♀ (leg. M. Halada ) ; Balkan : Kara-Kala , 3.5.1989 , 1♀ (leg. S. Becvar ) ; Mary : Badkhyz Nature Reserve , 35°42ʹN / 61°49ʹE , 5.5.1990 , 1♀ (leg. Sidtikov ) . UZBEKISTAN : Djizak : 5 km W Djizak , 39.9°N / 67.5°E , 23.5.1994 , 1♀ (leg. J. Halada ); Qashqadaryo : Derbent , 13 km SE Karchi , 1450 m , 2.5.1991 , 2♂ (leg. J. Halada ); Samarqand : Kara Tepe near Samarkand , 1000 m , 24.4.1978 , 1♀ (leg. J. Strejcek ); Sirdaryo : Czirczik , 41.1°N / 69.1°E , 28.5.1994 , 1♀ (leg. J. Halada ); Surxondaryo : S Babatag Mts. , 1000 m , 6.4.2003 , 5♀ (leg. V . Gurko) ; Tashkent : Akcza , 20 km SW Angren , 41.1°N / 70.0°E , 7.5.1994 , 1♂ (leg. M. Halada ) . Distribution. Central Asia (southern Turkmenistan including Kopet Dagh, eastern Uzbekistan , southern Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan ). Pollen hosts. Probably polylectic with strong preference for Fabaceae (Tab. 1); pollen hosts among the Fabaceae are species of Hedysareae (e.g. Onobrychis ) and other tribes. Additional plant families recorded in small quantities in the pollen loads analysed were Brassicaceae , Papaveraceae and Asteraceae ( Asteroideae , Cichorioideae ). The females of O. agilis possess long and apically curved bristles on the galeae of the proboscis. Such specialized bristles have evolved in several bee taxa for scraping pollen out of flowers which have their anthers concealed within narrow tubes ( Müller 1995 , 2006 ; Parker & Tepedino 1982 ; Thorp 1979 , 2000 ). However, none of the pollen hosts recorded for O. agilis so far possesses narrow-tubed flowers, rendering the function of these specialized bristles enigmatic. Nesting biology. Unknown.