Phylogeny indicates polyphyly in Cnodocentron (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae): biogeography and revision of New World species (Caenocentron) Author Vilarino, Albane Author Dias, Everton Santos Author Bispo, Pitágoras Da Conceição text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2022 2021-12-23 194 4 1341 1373 journal article 55975 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab077 5e350c66-bf9d-4f32-b68f-16a6b329a76f 0024-4082 6461343 FFC8945F-6A97-4DB7-99CD-E08162DD5819 CAENOCENTRON RAFAMORALESI SP. NOV. ( FIGS 10A–D , 13A–D ) Zoobank registration: urn: lsid: zoobank. org:act: 063702DF-0860-43F1-8DE8-757C1B08AD4A Holotype : COSTA RICA , Guanacaste , Area de Conservacion Guanacaste , Sector Cacao , Derrumbe , 10°55’45.12’’N , 85°27’51.48’’W ; 1220 m a.s.l., 30.iv.2015 , Malaise trap, D. H. Janzen , W. Hallwachs leg., ( in alcohol BIOUG36194 -F08). Etymology: This new species is named in honour of stream parataxonomist Rafael Angel Morales Cueto in recognition of three decades of his research and station management for Estación Biológica Maritza in Sector Orosí of Área de Conservación Guanacaste , Costa Rica . Diagnosis: Caenocentron rafamoralesi is similar to C. yavapai by having an elongate projection on the apical margin of sternum IX. It can be diagnosed by these projections on sternum IX forming a pair of elongate and narrow processes; by the acute spine-like apical projection of coxopodite; and by having the ventral projections of coxopodite short and not fused with each other. Adult ( Fig. 13A ): Forewing length 4.0 4.3 mm ( N = 2♂ ). Colour (in alcohol) uniformly dark brown. Maxillary palp formula (I = II = III)-IV-V; segment IV shorter than sum of segments I-II-III; tibial spurs 2-4- 3 in males and 2-4- 4 in females, male hindleg apical spur unmodified. Venation: forewing fork II and IV present, three anal veins present; hindwing fork II and V present, transverse vein between R1 and SR present. Abdominal sternum V with anterolateral oval region with cuticle modified and reticulate. Figure 13. Caenocentron rafamoralesi sp. nov. A, wing venation. Male genitalia: B, lateral; C, dorsal; D, ventral. Male genitalia ( Fig. 13B–D ): Tergum IX, in lateral view, narrow, height greater than length; in dorsal view, short. Sternum IX, in lateral view, rounded, about as long as high; anterior margin deltoid, tapering to narrow apodeme; apical margin with elongate process; dorsal margin slightly prominent; in ventral view, apical margin with two elongate medial processes, as long as sternum length. Segment X membranous, fused to paraproct. Paraproct, in lateral view, oblong, setose, dorsal margin, sclerotized, without any process, ventroapically subacute; in dorsal view, mid-dorsal margins distinctly sclerotized subapically, fused, with rows of setae mesally and laterally. Pre-anal appendage, in lateral view, slightly sinuous, enlarged subapically, tapered apically. Inferior appendage with coxopodite and harpago fused, dorsally with wide gap between the articles. Coxopodite, in lateral view, apical margin with narrow and acute projection; basomesal surface with short projection covered with brush of short setae; in ventral view, basomesal surface of each coxopodite not fused mesally, covered with short setae. Harpago, in lateral view, slender, basal third with short basal spine, many sparse spines present until midlength; in dorsal view, basally enlarged. Basal plate, in lateral view, directed anterad; in ventral view, elongate, acute. Phallus tubular, long and slender, base flared, reaching segment V; apex slightly enlarged. Female genitalia ( Fig. 10A–D ): Telescopically elongate, forming slender oviscapt. Segment VIII synscleritous, dorsally open, membranous, posterior margin with linear row of long setae; each anterolateral margin with narrow, elongate apodeme extending anteriorly until segment VI. Intersegmental membrane VIII–IX well developed. Segment IX tubular, slender, covered with annulated striations; longer than segment VIII; each anterolateral margin with narrow, elongate apodeme extending anteriorly to segment V. Gonopod VIII elongate until segment IX; in lateral view, appearing as narrow, sclerotized rim along IX segment; in ventral view, apex semi-membranous. Gonopod IX rod-like, sclerotized. Segment X small, covered with sensilla. Cercus narrow, digitiform. Remarks: The COI sequences of C. rafamoralesi had a mean intraspecific genetic distance of 1%. The genetic distance between C . rafamoralesi and C. carlosdelarosai was 10%; and the genetic distance between C. rafamoralesi and C. trilineatum was 9.6%. Distribution: Costa Rica . Material examined: Paratypes : same data as holotype except: 23.iv.2015 ( in alcohol BIOUG33413-E09); and 30.x.2014 ( in alcohol BIOUG31506-F08).