The spider family Selenopidae (Arachnida, Araneae) in Australasia and the Oriental Region Author Crews, Sarah C. Author Harvey, Mark S. text ZooKeys 2011 99 1 104 journal article 1313-2970-99-1 Karaops martamarta sp. n. Figs 45-469399Map 8 Type material. Holotype female (WAM T97482): Trinity Bore South TBRC078, vicinity of Cardo Camp, Red Hill, Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia, 22°23'54.89"S , 116°19'32.43"E , 14.V.2009, S.C. Crews. Other material examined. AUSTRALIA: Western Australia. Pilbara, Red Hill, vicinity of Cardo Camp, Cardo Bore East, 22°11'57.67"S , 116°12'00.69"E , 15.V.2009, S.C. Crews, under rocks, 1♀ (WAM T97484); Hamersley Range, Western Ranges, c. 12 km NW. of Mt Sylvia, 23°12'15.2"S , 117°31'01.0"E , 21.VI.2009, M. Greenham, A. Johnsen, D. Kamian, 1♀, 6 immatures (WAM T97939-97942, T97944-T97946); Hamersley Range, Western Ranges, c. 22 km WNW. of Paraburdoo, 23°11'04.2"S , 117°27'29.1"E , 20.VI.2009, M. Greenham, 1 immature (WAM T97943); 19.8 km WNW Mount Berry, site WYE 10, 22°25'47.9"S , 116°16.47.3"E, 9.IX.2003-10.X.2004, CALM Pilbara Survey, ethylene glycol pit trap, 1♀ (abdomen only), 1 immature (WAM T94997). Etymology. The specific name comes from the Kurrama word martamarta, meaning red in the language of the indigenous Kurrama people of the region, and refers to the red color of this species (Fig 93). The name is to be treated as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. Females of this species can be differentiated from all others by the indistinct median septum and lateral lobes, and the median field being a long, narrow depression, with round spermathecae, and the sperm ducts nearly touch medially (Figs 45-46). Male is unknown. Description. Holotype:Color: carapace red-brown, darker marks laterally and mediolaterally; sternum red-brown, darker around border; chelicerae red-brown with darker infuscations anteromedially to laterally; maxillae red-brown, lightening distally; labium red-brown, lightening distally; abdomen dorsally reddish with darker red brown cardiac mark, many dark spots medially and laterally; ventrally pale reddish; legs light reddish, darkening distally, annulations clearly visible, not entirely encircling legs, with open center on femorae and tibiae giving a 'leopard spot' appearance, with red hairs. Cephalothorax:setae long and thin; 0.87 times longer than broad; fovea longitudinal, broad, very shallow. Eyes:AER slightly recurved; PER recurved; PME larger than AME, PLE largest, ALE smallest; eye group width 1.4; eye diameters, AME 0.75, ALE 0.08, PME 0.21, PLE 0.33; interdistances AME-ALE 0.38, PME-PLE 0.36, ALE-PLE 0.29, AME-PME 0.06; ocular quadrangle AME-AME 0.17, PME-PME 0.34; clypeus 0.1 high. Mouthparts:chelicerae with a few stout setae medially and anteriorly; lateral boss present, smooth; promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 2 teeth; maxillae longer than broad, with tuft of conspicuous setae distally; labium distally rounded. Sternum: 0.83 times longer than broad, posteriorly indented. Pedipalp:tarsus not swollen, claw present with more than 6 teeth. Legs:leg I much shorter than legs II, III and IV; leg formula 3421; scopulae absent on all legs; tarsus I-IV with strong claw tufts; claws without teeth; spination: leg I, Fm pr 1 -1- 1, d 1 -1- 1, rl 1 -1- 0; Ti d 0, v 2 -2-2-2- 2; Mt v 2 -2-2- 2; Ti and Mt I and II with strong spines; leg II, Fm pr 0, d 1 -1- 1, rl 0; Ti v 2 -2-2-2-2- 2; Mt v 2 -2-2- 2; leg III, Fm pr 0, d 1 -1- 1, rl 0; Ti v 1 -1- 0; Mt 2-0; leg IV, Fm pr 0, d 1 -1- 1, rl 0; Ti v 1-1; Mt 2 -0- 0. Abdomen:terminal setal tufts present. Epigyne:lateral lobes fused, median excavation extending more than halfway up plate, slightly bilobed at anterior of excavation, copulatory openings located under this, epigynal pockets absent; internally, sperm ducts directed anteriorly, then laterally, becoming darker and more sclerotized, curving inward, then back laterally at almost a 90 degree angle before twisting around to large round spermathecae, fertilization ducts located posteriorly, small posterodorsal fold present, covering a small portion of the internal copulatory organs (Figs 45-46). Dimensions: Total length 5.90. Cephalothorax length 2.79, width 3.21. Sternum length 1.43, width 1.72. Abdomen length 3.11, width 2.89. Pedipalp: Fm 0.96, Pt 0.52, Ti 0.57, Ta 0.82, (total) 2.87. Leg I: Fm 2.93, Pt 1.24, Ti 2.52, Mt 2.01, Ta 1.24, (total) 9.94. Leg II: Fm 3.55, Pt 1.34, Ti 2.64, Mt 2.30, Ta 1.24, (total) 11.07. Leg III: Fm 3.70, Pt 1.32, Ti 2.89, Mt 2.52, Ta 1.24, (total) 11.77. Leg IV: Fm 3.52, Pt 1.24, Ti 2.64, Mt 2.64, Ta 1.28, (total) 11.32. Natural history. Collected from under rocks (Fig. 99) and in pitfall traps. Distribution. Found in the Pilbara region of Western Australia (Fig. 99; Map 8).