First record of the genus Neostatherotis Oku from China, with the descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)
Luo, Jiuyang
Fei, Yao
Yu, Haili
journal article
Neostatherotis breviuscula
sp. nov.
Figs. 4
8, 10
: ♂,
: Huangbaiyuan (
), Taibai County, Shaanxi Province,
, leg. Liukaili & Luojiuyang, genitalia slide no. LKL13179.
, 4♀, same data as
; 1♀, same data as
, except
, leg. Luojiuyang and Feiyao.
. This new species can be separated easily from other species of the genus by the cucullus of the male genitalia, which is about 1/3 the length of the valva and bears an angular basal prominence ventrally.
. Adult (
Fig. 4
: Vertex coarse, brown suffused with fuscous. Antenna fuscous. Labial palpus ascending; median segment expanded slightly, pale tawny; terminal segment pointed.
: Fuscous, suffused with darken ochreous; tegula fuscous dusted with brown; posterior crest distinct. Legs white; hind tibia in male normally scaled, with one white hair pencil at base. Forewing length 7.0–8.5mm; more or less rectangular; costa sinuate, basal half strongly expanded, concaved medially; apex blunt; termen oblique, slightly concaved medially; costal strigulae one and two pale yellow, discontinuous; basal fascia and subbasal fascia black, confluent; strigulae three and four confluent, their extension forming two spots, white suffused with ochreous, the upper one large, elongate ovate, its proximal edge extending from 1/5 length of costa to midlength of Sc, then to 1/3 length of R1, finally reaching 2/5 length of lower edge of cell, lower edge extending from 2/5 to 3/4 length of lower edge of cell outward to the upper angle of cell between R2 and R3, distal edge extending obliquely from 2/5 length of costa to upper angle of cell, intersecting with median fascia and meeting with striae from strigulae five and six; lower white spot rhomboid, separated from above spot by a black stripe, its proximal edge extending from base of M2 to 4/5 length of lower edge of cell, then to 4/5 length of 1A+2A, distal edge extending from basal parts of M3 and CuA1 to the area between 1/3 length of CuA2 and 4/5 length of 1A+2A; median fascia black suffused with ochreous, narrow, upper part about 1/9 to 1/8 times of costa in breadth, adjacent to above two white spots proximally, distal edge extending from costa to distal part of dorsum, via 2/3 length of R1, midlength of R2, 1/4 lengths of R4 and R5, 1/3 lengths of M2 and CuA1, and 2/3 length of CuA2, interrupted on upper angle of cell; terminal five pairs of costal strigulae white, with leaden striae; strigulae five and six and their striae extending to base of R5 or to midlength of M2; postmedian fascia a narrow stripe, black, extending obliquely to termen on M2, protruding inward between R5 and M2 and meeting with median fascia; stria from strigula seven short or indistinct; striae from strigulae eight and nine straight, extending to termen between M1 and M2 separately; preterminal fascia black, represented by a short line, extending to 4/5 length of M1; terminal fascia a narrow band, extending along termen to M1, black, densely suffused with ochreous; a rounded spot on distal area of wing, white suffused with ochreous on upper part, its upper edge occupying distal 3/5 of M2, proximal edge extending from M2 to 3/5 lengths of M3 and CuA1, then to 3/4 length of CuA2, finally reaching tornus; subbasal fascia and median fascia jointed between 1A+2A and dorsum, forming a transverse black band, median part protruding to fold; cilia on apex black, pale yellow on termen below M2 and tornus, black at distal part of dorsum; underside deep fuscous, distal five pairs of costal strigulae grayish yellow, pale yellow suffused with pale fuscous under two white spots formed by the extension of strigulae three and four. Hindwing upperside grey, white on area of forewing overlap; cilia pale grey, with grey baseline; underside pale fuscous, bearing black scales on distal area between fold and 3A.
: Male genitalia (
Fig. 8
) with uncus reduced. Socius narrow, covered with long hairs. Valva with basal part narrowed gradually to 2/3 length, neck naked; sacculus long, densely spined; cucullus densely spined, about 1/ 3 times of valva in length, expanded, with basal part protruding to a triangular prominence ventrally, with a few short thorns along ventral edge. Phallus short, moderate in width, blunt apically. Female genitalia (
Fig. 10
) with papillae anales narrow. Apophyses anteriores slightly shorter than apophyses posteriores. Sterigma narrow, semiring-like, surrounding ostium anteriorly and laterally, aciculate. Ostium ovoid. Colliculum weakly sclerotized. Ductus bursae membranous, almost twice as long as corpus bursae, posterior half narrow, broadened gradually to corpus bursae. Corpus bursae large, ovoid, granulated densely; signa large, two rounded plates, median part thickened and protruding into a broad sclerite.
The specific name is derived from the Latin
(= short), referring to the character of cucullus.