Review of the Opiinae of the Malagasy Subregion (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Author Fischer, M. Author Madl, M. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2008 2008-12-19 40 2 1467 1489 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5431516 0253-116X 5431516 Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 Opius alutaceus nov.sp. : GRANGER 1949: 380 (key), 382 (fig. 394), 384 (descr., Madagascar ). Opius ( Opius ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1963a: 213 (key), 214 (tax., descr., Madagascar ), 215 (fig. 14). Opius alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1968: 154 (key). Opius alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1971c: 42 (cat.). Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1971d: 393 (tax., key). Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1973: 244 (key). Opius alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : PAPP 1985: 210 (cat.). Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1987: 166 (key), 172 (descr., Madagascar ), 173 (fig. 132). Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : FISCHER 1988: 871 (key). Opius ( Utetes ) alutaceus GRANGER 1949 : KURHADE & NIKAM 2001: not seen. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Madagascar : Prov. Antananarivo : Massif de l'Ankaratra. Endemic.