Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) from South Africa Author Filander, Zoleka N. Biodiversity and Coastal Research, Oceans and Coasts, Department of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries, Cape Town, South Africa & Zoology Department, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Author Kitahara, Marcelo V. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Ciencias do Mar, Santos, Brazil & Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Sebastiao, Brazil Author Cairns, Stephen D. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA Author Sink, Kerry J. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa & Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Author Lombard, Amanda T. Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa text ZooKeys 2021 2021-10-28 1066 1 198 journal article 1313-2970-1066-1 133CE040A5AF44F1BC9A558C2F06A8AA BD84F4C3157550C9B64120B2BE53F01A Pourtalopsammia togata (van der Horst, 1927) Fig. 10E-H Balanophyllia togata van der Horst, 1927: 5-6. Thecopsammia togata . -Wells 1935 : 531. Trochopsammia togata . - Cairns and Keller 1993 : 275-276. - Cairns 2000 : 22, pl. 4, figs F-I, pl. 5, fig. A. Pourtalopsammia togata . - Cairns 2001 : 22. Type locality. Off Buffalo River mouth, South Africa; 567 m ( van der Horst 1927 ). Type material. The type material is presumably at the BMNH ( Cairns 2001 ). Material examined. DEFF_AI2-INV 135 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 37 km from Cintsa / 21 km off Cwili Estuary , 32°49'59.99"S , 28°30'00.00"E ; 228 m . DSCS-INV 124 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 192 km from Agulhas / 198 km off De Mond-Heuningnes Estuary , 36°15'34.13"S , 21°11'46.61"E ; 513 m . DSCS-INV 364 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 68 km from Cape St. Francis / 70 km off Slang Estuary , 34°47'35.77"S , 24°38'35.69"E ; 520 m . DSCS-INV 424 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 65 km from Cape St. Francis / 78 km off Slang Estuary , 34°43'40.13"S , 25°08'53.47"E ; 622 m . DSCS-INV 425 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 65 km from Cape St. Francis / 78 km off Slang Estuary , 34°43'40.13"S , 25°08'53.47"E ; 622 m . DSCS-INV 477 ( 2 specimens ): Southern margin, 58 km from Port Alfred / 35 km off Mgwalana Estuary , 33°39'10.19"S , 27°29'57.58"E ; 304 m . DSCS-INV 516 ( 17 specimens ): Southern margin, 58 km from Port Alfred / 35 km off Mgwalana Estuary , 33°39'10.19"S , 27°29'57.58"E ; 304 m . DSCS-INV 569 ( 8 specimens ): Southern margin, 65 km from Cape St. Francis / 70 km off Slang Estuary , 34°47'05.01"S , 24°45'42.30"E ; 304 m . SAMC_A073015 ( 3 specimens ): Southern margin, 32 km from Mazeppa Bay / 19 km MenduEstuary , 32°25'00.11"S , 28°58'18.11"E ; 330- 340 m. SAMC_A073042 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 53 km from Shaka's Rock / 46 km off Zinkwasi Estuary , 29°32'53.88"S , 31°47'12.11"E ; 200 m . SAMC_A073105 ( 3 specimens ): Eastern margin, 36 km from Cape Vidal / 32 km off Mgobezeleni Estuary , 27°48'54.00"S , 32°38'24.00"E ; 52 m . SAMC_A073157 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 10 km from Port Edward / 24 km off Bilanhlolo Estuary , 31°05'48.11"S , 30°18'47.88"E ; 140 m . SAMC_A073158 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 10 km from Port Edward / 24 km off Bilanhlolo Estuary , 31°05'48.11"S , 30°18'47.88"E ; 140 m . SAMC_A073159 ( 2 specimens ): Southern margin, 37 km from Mazeppa Bay / 15 km off Mendu Estuary , 32°20'35.87"S , 29°00'11.87"E ; 100 m . SAMC_A073172 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 36 km from Coffee Bay / 20 km off Ntlonyane Estuary , 32°18'11.88"S , 29°06'11.88"E ; 550 m . SAMC_A073180 ( 5 specimens ): Southern margin, 33 km from Mazeppa Bay / 24 km off Cwili Estuary , 32°45'47.88"S , 28°36'24.12"E ; 240- 250 m. SAMC_A073269 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 40 km from Port St. Johns / 13 km off Mkweni Estuary , 31°30'09.00"S , 29°55'47.99"E ; 300 m . SAMC_A090113 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 98 km from Gansbaai / 103 km off Buffels Oos Estuary , 35°15'18.00"S , 18°39'18.00"E ; 547 m . SAMC_A090152 ( 4 specimens ): 116 km from Knysna /off Goukamma Estuary , 35°07'11.34"S , 23°02'41.91"E ; 333 m . SAM_H1379 ( 2 specimens ): Southern margin, 3 km from East London / 1 km off Buffalo Estuary , 33°01'29.99"S , 27°55'00.00"E ; 549 m . SAM_H1687 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 17 km from St. Lucia Estuary / 16 km off Mfolozi Estuary , 28°21'53.99"S , 32°34'36.00"E ; 775- 825 m. SAM_H2827 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 14 km from Cape Vidal / 21 km off St Lucia Estuary , 28°04'00.00"S , 32°40'47.99"E ; 550 m . SAM_H2829 ( 1 specimen ): Southern margin, 11 km from East London / 5 km off Gouda Estuary , 33°05'03.24"S , 27°49'33.40"E ; 146- 238 m. SAM_H2830 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 14 km from Mazeppa Bay / 20 km off Great Kei Estuary , 32°34'00.00"S , 28°33'00.00"E ; 174 m . SAM_H2831 ( 14 specimens ): Southern margin, 28 km from CINSTA/ 3 km off Morgan Estuary , 32°42'31.81"S , 28°21'54.38"E ; 159 m . SAM_H2842 ( 9 specimens ): Eastern margin, 18 km from Cape Vidal / 27 km off Mfolozi Estuary , 28°16'18.00"S , 32°38'48.00"E ; 670 m . SAM_H3032 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 36 km from Port Shepstone / 29 km off Mhlabatshane Estuary , 30°43'11.99"S , 30°48'47.99"E ; 780 m . SAM_H3033 ( 4 specimens ): Eastern margin, 19 km from Margate /off Bilanhlolo Estuary , 30°56'59.99"S , 30°31'41.99"E ; 850 m . SAM_H3109 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 23 km from St. Lucia Estuary / 21 km off Mfolozi Estuary , 28°31'41.99"S , 32°34'00.00"E ; 680 m . SAM_H3135 ( 6 specimens ): Southern margin, 40 km from Cintsa / 29 km off Cwili Estuary , 32°55'00.00"S , 28°31'00.00"E ; 630 m . SAM_H3136 ( 18 specimens ): Eastern margin, 28 km from Coffee Bay / 19 km off Bulungulu Estuary , 32°14'53.99"S , 29°10'23.99"E ; 620- 560 m . SAM_H3137 ( 9 specimens ): Southern margin, 32 km off Mazeppa Bay / 24 km off Kobole Estuary , 32°28'36.00"S , 28°58'48.00"E ; 710- 775 m. SAM_H3138 ( 11 specimen ): Eastern margin, 30 km from Scottburgh / 20 km off Fafa Estuary , 30°33'24.00"S , 30°48'35.99"E ; 690 m . SAM_H3139 ( 2 specimens ): Southern margin, 29 km from Mazeppa Bay / 25 km off Kobole Estuary , 32°29'30.00"S , 28°57'06.00"E ; 650- 700 m. SAM_H3157 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 30 km from Coffee Bay / 21 km off Bulungulu Estuary , 32°15'24.00"S , 29°09'42.00"E ; 600- 650 m. SAM_H3209 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 14 km from Cape Vidal / 21 km off St Lucia Estuary , 28°04'00.00"S , 32°40'47.99"E ; 550 m . SAM_H4244 ( 2 specimens ): Eastern margin, 48 km south of Ponta Do Ouro / 32 km off Kosi Bay Estuary , 27°16'48.00"S , 32°49'23.99"E ; 400 m . SAM_H4245 ( 5 specimens ): Eastern margin, 18 km south of Ponta Do Ouro / 20 km off Kosi-Kumpungwini ( Sifungwe ) Estuary , 26°55'30.00"S , 33°02'48.12"E ; 500 m . SAM_H4246 ( 4 specimens ): Eastern margin, 15 km south of Ponta Do Ouro / 17 km off Kosi-Kumpungwini ( Sifungwe ) Estuary , 26°55'30.00"S , 33°01'05.88"E ; 370 m . SAM_H4247 ( 1 specimen ): Eastern margin, 8 km south of Ponta Do Ouro / 7 km off Kosi-Kumpungwini ( Sifungwe ) Estuary , 26°55'18.12"S , 32°55'05.88"E ; 50 m . SAM_H4592 ( 1 specimen ) : Southern margin, 32 km off Mazeppa Bay / 24 km off Kobole Estuary , 32°28'36.00"S , 28°58'48.00"E ; 710- 775 m. USNM 77237 ( 1 specimen ) : Eastern margin, 46 km from Port Dunford / 45 km off Nyoni Estuary , 29°19'00.00"S , 32°00'00.00"E ; 366 m . USNM 91791 ( 4 specimens , sub-sample of SAM_H3136) : Eastern margin, 28 km from Coffee Bay / 19 km off Bulungulu Estuary , 32°14'53.99"S , 29°10'23.99"E ; 620- 560 m . Description. Corallum variable in shape, ranging from conical to subcylindrical, sometimes scolecoid, but always attached to substrate by a robust pedicel (PD:GCD = 0.3-0.6) that expands into a thin encrusting base. Calice circular to slightly elliptical (GCD:LCD = 1.0-1.1), with a slightly serrate calicular margin. Theca thick and uniformly hispid. Costae absent. Lower epitheca well developed, covering synapticulotheca, covered in granules. Corallum white. Septa hexamerally arranged in four complete cycles according to the formula: S1> S2> S4> S3 (48 septa). S1 most exsert. S2 slightly less exsert than S1, and being 3/4 the width of S1. Both S1 and S2 bearing straight to slightly sinuous axial margins. Higher cycle septa (S3-4) becoming progressively less exsert and smaller. S3 is 1/2 the width and less sinuous than S2. S4 rudimentary, and bear the least sinuous but slightly dentate axial margins. Septal faces granular. Fossa deep, containing a rudimentary columella. Distribution. Regional: Southern to eastern margin of South Africa, extending from off Gansbaai towards Kosi-Kumpungwini (Sifungwe) Estuary (8 km south of Ponta Do Ouro: Mozambique); 50-775 m. Elsewhere: Only known from South Africa. Remarks. Pourtalopsammia togata appears to be endemic to South Africa, and records presented herein extend its distribution further south towards Gansbaai. Furthermore, the genus is monotypic and closely resembles Trochopsammia Pourtales , 1878 but differs in having a hispid theca ( Cairns and Keller 1993 ; Cairns 2001 ).