The Neotropical genera Oxycrepis Reiche and Stolonis Motschulsky: a taxonomic review, key to the described species and description of new Stolonis species from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Loxandrini) Author Will, Kipling W. text Zootaxa 2005 1049 1 17 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.169943 a80741a3-d6db-4474-a7e6-79293fb0e80f 1175­5326 169943 Stolonis yasuni Will , new species ( Figs. 2 D, 3M–P, 4B) Type Material : HOLOTYPE : ɗ ( EMEC ) genitalia dissected. Labeled: "00°40'36S"/ 76°24'02"W , ECUADOR ,Napo Prov., Yasuni Scientific Station, 19:IV: 1998, 210m . Col.K.Will" /[red label]" Stolonis yasuni, K.Will "/ "U.C.Berkeley EMEC 1003668". ALLOTYPE: Ψ ( EMEC ), same data and deposition as holotype except database number, " EMEC 1003669". PARATYPES : Ecuador : Orellana Prov.: Yasuni Scientific Station: 1Ψ same data as holotype except database number EMEC 1003680; 1ɗ and 1Ψ ( QCAZ ), same data as holotype except database numbers, EMEC 1003670, EMEC 1003671. Etymology . Name is a noun in apposition of the name of the type locality, Yasuni Scientific Station, Orellana Province, Ecuador . Diagnosis . Differs from other Stolonis species by the combination of broad pronotum ( Fig. 2 D) with broadly expanded lateral margins, immaculate elytra and basally crenulate and apically nearly smooth elytral intervals. Description . Length 7.4mm (7.0– 7.5mm ). Dorsal surface deep black, shiny, lightly iridescent; antennomeres 1–3 brunneous; 4–6 and 11 black, 7–10 white; mouth parts brunneous and legs flavotestaceous with coxae and ventral region of femora infuscated. Form of head average build; eyes moderately prominent; slightly constricted behind eyes; frontal impressions distinct, shallow, rectangular, short, length less than half distance from base of clypeus to anterior supraorbital setae; frons between eyes shiny, scarcely iridescent near base, microlines not evident. Pronotum ( Fig. 2 D); clearly broader than long; narrowly constricted at base; anterior submarginal sulcus deep and complete; basal impressions of moderate length, 1/3 length of pronotum or less, very shallow apically, divergent apically when evident; lateral margins broadly rounded and widely explanate, constricted just apicad hind setae; not evident basad hind setae; no angular process at hind setae; shallowly punctate over base and in basal impressions. Elytra, elongate oval, length 4.3mm , overall width 2.8mm ; slightly convex, rounded and notably sinuate near apex; humeri sloped and rounded; striae shallowly and broadly punctate, punctures less evident to impunctate apically; intervals, broad, slightly convex, clearly crenulate in basal half and laterally, not or very superficially crenulate apical of discal setae on interval 3. Legs, slender; meso­ and metatarsi with prominent external sulcus; fifth tarsomeres ventrally glabrous or with few very small setae. Ventral surface shiny, clearly iridescent; mesosternum with 8–10 deep, broad punctures; metasternum laterally with 6–8 deep broad punctures; metepisternum with medial sulcus very deeply impressed, slightly punctate, slightly longer than wide (l/ w= 1.3). FIGURE 4. Female reproductive tract, ventral views of: A— Stolonis tapiai , B— Stolonis yasuni . bc, bursa copulatrix. bs, bursal sclerites. co, common oviduct. gx1, gonocoxite­1. gx2, gonocoxite­ 2. lt, laterotergite IX. sg, spermathecal gland. sp, spermatheca. Base of abdominal sternum II with row of dense, moderately deeply impressed punctures; base of sterna IV–VII with dull band of coarse irregular microsculpture, more extensive on VII; sterna IV–VI with one pair paramedial setae; in male one pair paramedial setae on VII, female with two pairs. Aedeagus ( Figs. 3 M–P) with median lobe simply rounded at tip, ostium dorsal and large; ventral surface well sclerotized; in repose endophallus with clearly defined scale field field near apex, left of midline and two spines located at 1/2 length of median lobe. Female reproductive tract ( Fig. 4 B) with elongate, right dorsolateral bursal pouch, smaller expanded region subtending the broadly connected spermatheca and common oviduct; gland connected by a short duct to the subspermathecal pouch; laterotergites IX with scattered setae; gonocoxite­1 with 5–7 apical setae; gonocoxite 2 with 2 lateral ensiform setae, 1 apical nematiform setae. Pygidial gland form simple, no extra lobes, chemical compounds produced: formic and acetic acids, 2­pentadecanone and C10:0, C11:0 hydrocarbons (as species number EC199802 O in Will et al . 2000 ). Natural history and collecting information . Night active in very wet areas of primary forest. Taken treading vegetation in muddy areas and near fallen Ficus and palm plants. Collected with S. catenarius and S. spinosus . The first two larval instars were reared for this species in the laboratory. Six pigmented stemmata are present in the active larva.