A new genus of the Tympanophorus lineage of the subtribe Anisolinina from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Staphylinini) Author Janák, Jiří text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-21 4461 2 293 299 journal article 28984 10.11646/zootaxa.4461.2.11 f86c0afe-5fbf-4b97-b6b6-16dece45e39f 1175-5326 1460010 93CE22AF-840A-44D4-BC3B-B411F4569B47 Janalia jarmilae sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–17 ) Type locality. East Madagascar , between Beforona and Ampasimbe, 18° 58' S , 48° 38' E . Type material. Holotype : MADAGASCAR : “E Madagaskar , 2-4 km NNW of RN2 [= route nationale 2 = national road 2], pk 181 [= point kilomètrique = milestone 181], between Beforona and Ampasimbe 500-600 m , 22.-24.2., 18 58 S , 48 38 E , J. Janák lgt. 2004”, “rain forest, forest litter, sifting”, “ HOLOTYPE Janalia jarmilae gen. nov. sp. nov. J. Janák det. 2018” ( JJRC ). Description. Body length 10.0 mm, forebody length 4.7 mm ( Fig. 1 ). Body black, palpi, and antennae dark brown, legs brown, mandibles reddish. Head ( Fig. 2 ) about as long as wide (L/W=1.04), markedly narrowed behind eyes. Temples slightly longer than eyes (R=1.11). Dorsal macropunctures (one side only): two behind antennal base; one at anterior inner border of eye; one medially at midlength of eye; one at posterior inner margin of eye; one lateral (with macroseta) between posterior margin of eye and neck constriction; one medially near neck constriction (with macroseta); three medially between posterior margin of eye and neck constriction. Surface without microsculpture, sparsely and finely punctate and shortly setose. Maxillary palpi with apical palpomere distinctly longer than previous triangular segment, weakly dilated fusiform ( Fig. 6 ). Labial palpi with apical palpomere distinctly dilated, not flattened laterally and with broad apical face ( Figs. 4–6 ). Ventral surface of head coarsely and widely punctate, with gular setae distant ( Figs. 3, 4 ). Antennae short, fifth segment slightly transverse (L/W=0.78), segments 6–9 transverse, tenth segment about two times as wide as long (L/W=0.54). Mandibles relatively short and broad, sharp apically ( Figs. 5, 6 ). Pronotum ( Fig. 2 ) slightly longer than wide (L/W=1.06), markedly longer (R=1.40) and wider (R=1.37) than head, with dorsal series consisting of 1+5 fine punctures and lateral series with 1+4 fine punctures, between lateral series and anterior angle with additional fine puncture, surface without microsculpture, sparsely and very finely punctate and shortly setose, punctation finer than that on head, lateral margin with a few relatively short but erect setae. Elytra with dense and coarse punctation, becoming finer at basal depression, shorter than wide (L/W=0.96), longer (R=1.22) and wider (R=1.35) than pronotum. Wings well developed. Scutellum with punctures confluent forming irregular transverse ridges. Abdomen with elongate markedly coarse and moderately dense punctation, all tergites without microsculpture. Legs densely covered with brown setae, all tibiae with lateral spines. Apical metatarsomere longer than previous two tarsomeres. FIGURES 1–6 . Janalia jarmilae gen. nov., sp. nov. 1, habitus; 2, forebody; 3, head ventral; 4, head ventro-lateral; 5, mouthparts dorsal; 6, mouthparts ventral. FIGURES 7–14 . Janalia jarmilae gen. nov., sp. nov. 7, 8, mesoventrite; 9, sternites 6-8; 10, abdominal segments 6-8 lateral; 11, aedeagus lateral; 12, aedeagus ventro-lateral; 13, aedeagus ventral; 14, aedeagus ventral in transmitted light. 11–14, same scale bars. FIGURES 15–17 . Janalia jarmilae gen. nov., sp. nov. 15, male tergites 9, 10; 16, male sternite 9; 17, type locality, arrow indicates the place where the holotype was collected (photo by Pavel Vonička). Male. Sternite 7 ( Fig. 9 ) in apical third with depression with modified erect setae ( Figs. 9, 10 ). Sternite 8 ( Fig. 9 ) with posterior margin slightly emarginate. Sternite 9 bilobed ( Fig. 16 ), tergite 10 subtruncate ( Fig. 15 ). Aedeagus 0.55 mm long ( Figs. 11–14 ); median lobe broad, markedly narrowed apically, paramere short and broad; about 20 sensory peg setae situated confusedly in apical half of paramere ( Fig. 14 ). Female. Unknown. Differential diagnosis. Janalia jarmilae gen. nov., sp. nov. is externally similar to Madagascan Trigonopalpus species and shares with this genus the shape of the apical labial palpomere not laterally flattened, with broad apical face. The new species differs from all these species by long fusiform last maxillary palpomere, distant gular setae and additional generic characters described in the diagnosis of Janalia gen. nov. Etymology. The species is dedicated to Jarmila, the wife of my friend and colleague Petr Bulirsch, for her support of mine and Peter’s joint trips to Madagascar and South Africa . Distribution. Janalia jarmilae gen. nov. spec. nov. is known only from a small remnant of indigenous forest NNW of National Road between Beforona and Ampasimbe ( Fig. 17 ). Bionomics. The new species was collected by sifting forest litter in a rain forest.