Pollen characters and DNA sequence data converge on a monophyletic genus Iresine (Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales) and help to elucidate its species diversity Author Thomas Borsch Author Hilda Flores-Olvera Author Silvia Zumaya Author Kai Müller text Taxon 2018 2018-10-31 67 5 944 976 journal article 28846 10.12705/675.7 a2afe874-9ec7-4101-8f63-da98506a340b 0024-4082 1488314 Iresine cassiniiformis S.Schauer in Linnaea 19: 709. 1847 – Lectotype (designated here) : MEXICO. A. Aschenborn s.n. (FR barcode FR-0036366! [image!]). = Iresine grandis Standl. in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 21(2): 163. 1917 – Holotype: MEXICO. San Luis Potosí, Las Canoas, 5 Dec 1891, C.G. Pringle 3962 (US barcode 00102823!; isotypes: BM barcode BM000755857!, BR barcodes 0 0 0 0 0 6952846 [image!] & 000008430175! [image!], E barcode E00296905 [image!], JE barcode JE00026020 [image!], K barcode K000583143! [image!], KFTA barcodes KFTA0000697 [image!] & KFTA0000698 [image!], LECB barcode LECB0000032 [image!], MEXU barcode MEXU 00012729! [image!], MICH barcode 1115705 [image!], MO!, MU barcode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 [image!], NY barcodes 0 0 324526 [image!] & 0 0 324527 [image!], S No. S 07-12321! [image!], US barcode 00931088! [image!]). = Iresine grandis f. defimbriata Suess . in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni. Veg. 39: 12. 1935 – Holotype: MEXICO. Vallee de Mexico Zacoalco, 1 Jan 1865, E. Bourgeau 1129 (M barcode M-0098597! [image!]; isotypes: BM barcode BM000755845!, BR!, K barcode K000195152!, NY bar- code 0 1259977 [image!], S No. S 07-12323 [image!], US barcode 00102824! [image!]). Note. – The Aschenborn specimen at FR that is designated as the lectotype of Iresine cassiniiformis is from the herbarium of Sebastian Schauer (see also comment in sched. by S. Becker 2012) and therefore clearly is historical material that qualifies as a lectotype. The protologue cites the Aschenborn collection numbers 169, 617 and 618, none of which could be localized so far in any herbarium. Aschenborn collected in Mexico from 1839 to 1841 and sent specimens to several European herbaria (see Butzin, 1985 ). More than 700 specimens were deposited in Berlin, from which only a small proportion survived the destructions of the Second World War. Today, no Aschenborn specimen of I. cassiniiformis is present in B (R. Vogt, pers. comm.). Taxonomic status: Not a monophylum as currently defined, requires further study (C).