The non-native freshwater fishes of Singapore: an annotated compilation Author Hui, Tan Heok Author Peng, Kelvin Lim Kok Author Huan, Liew Jia Author Wei, Low Bi Author Hing, Rayson Lim Bock Author Beng, Jeffrey Kwik Teik Author Yeo, Darren C. J. text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2020 2020-04-16 68 150 195 journal article 10.26107/RBZ-2020-0016 2345-7600 5343987 8AD77FDB-B04C-4E38-AA60-FE781A01273A Scleropages formosus (Müller & Schlegel) ( Fig. 8 , SEA[SPC]) Fig. 9. Scleropages jardini , ca. 350 mm SL, trade material. Fig. 8. Scleropages formosus , 32.0 mm SL juvenile (top), 490 mm SL adult (bottom), Upper Peirce Reservoir. References. Green, 1928 ; Anonymous, 1988a , 1989a ; Lim & Ng, 1990 ; Ng et al., 1993 ; Ng & Lim, 1997a , 1997b ; National Parks Board, 2003 ; Baker & Lim, 2008 , 2012 ; Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ; Baker, 2013b ; Kwik et al., 2013 ; Baker, 2014; Tan, 2014b , 2014c , 2015c , 2016a; Ho et al., 2016 . Distribution. Lim & Ng (1990) listed this species from the Central Catchment reservoirs; Lower Peirce Reservoir ( Ng & Lim, 1997a , 1997b ; Baker, 2013b ); Singapore Botanic Gardens ( Anonymous, 1988a ); East Coast Park ( Anonymous, 1988a ); Woodlands Town Garden ( Anonymous, 1989a ); MacRitchie Reservoir ( Ng & Lim, 1997a , 1997b ; Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ; Tan, 2016a ); Bedok Reservoir ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ); Upper Seletar Reservoir ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ); Lower Seletar Reservoir ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ); Pandan Reservoir ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ); Upper Peirce Reservoir ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ); Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ( National Parks Board, 2003 ; Baker, 2014); Pangsua Pond ( Kwik et al., 2013 ; Tan, 2014b ); Central Remarks. This species is protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I and breeding populations are established in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve reservoirs in Singapore ( Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 ). One of the documented sources is from then-PPD (Primary Productions Department; presently divided into National Parks Board and Singapore Food Agency) (see Ng HH & Tan HH, 2010 , for a more detailed account). The Singapore variants are of questionable sources, and probably the consequence of artificial crosses between recognised colour variants (Andy Yap, pers. comm.).