Additions to the revision of Digonocryptus Viereck (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with nine new taxa, new males, and distribution maps for all known species Author Aguiar, Alexandre P. Author Santos, Bernardo F. text Zootaxa 2012 3282 1 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212568 b8aae2b5-446d-4307-9901-2d9a2486a68f 1175-5326 212568 Digonocryptus diversicolor ( Viereck, 1913 ) Morphological variation. Hind coxa dorso-basally with diffuse yellowish spot on females from Venezuela (a small streak, right coxa only) and Ecuador (distinct spot, both coxae), and with distinct yellow mark surrounded by dark brown area on the female from Trinidad . The male from Sooretama is unusually large (fore wing 9.5 mm ), and its hind coxa dorso basally also shows a distinct yellow area. Comments. The presence of a yellow area or spot on the hind coxa was unknown for this species, and will conflict with couplet 34 in the key by Aguiar and Ramos (2011) . It does seem, however, to be unusual for the species. In one female (from Venezuela ) it is subtle and present on one of the hind coxae only. This feature does have some taxonomic value, but it is not absolute. See also comments for D . arcaeus . Material examined. 3 females , 13 males . 1 Ƥ from TRINIDAD , Arima Valley, 244–366 m , 10–22.II.1964 , Rozen & Wygodzinsky ( AMNH ). 1 3 from COLOMBIA , P. Cundinamarca, Monterredondo, 1250 m , 26.III.1961 ( CNCI ). 1 Ƥ from VENEZUELA , Aragua, Parque Nacional H. Pittier, Rancho Grande, 1100 m , 10–14.IV.1994 , yellow pan traps, LMasner ( CNCI ). 1 3 from FRENCH GUIANA , Nouragues Biological Station, St. Pararé, XI.2009 , S.E.A.G. 1 Ƥ from ECUADOR , Orellana, Payamino Research Station, tropical rainforest, 300 m , 20.VII–12.VIII.2007 , Malaise trap, CPDTGillett, BMNG (E) 2007-65 ( BMNH ). 1 3 from PERU , Huanuco, Tingo Maria, 18.I.1984 , ATFinamore ( CNCI ). 1 3 from BRAZIL , Bahia, Itororó, Fazenda Santa Cruz, Pt. 8, 24.XI.2003 , Malaise trap, JCardoso & JMaia. 2 33 from BRAZIL , Minas Gerais, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Área da Tereza, Pt. 2, 24–31.X.2002 , Malaise trap, JCRFontenelle; 1 3, same data except Pt. 1. 2 33 from BRAZIL , Espírito Santo, Cariacica, Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Pau Amarelo, Pt. 18, 23–25.X.2005 , yellow pan traps, APAguiar et al . ( UFES ); 1 3, same data except Sooretama, Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, 27.XI.1967 , FOliveira ( DZUP ); 1 3, same data except São Roque do Canaã, Alto Misterioso, Pt. 17, 2–11.XI.2007 , Malaise trap, CWaichert et al ( UFES ). 13 from BOLIVIA , Beni, Rio Mamoré, approx. 10 Km E San Antonio, 13.VIII.1965 , JKBouseman ( AMNH ) Distribution. Trinidad NR, Colombia NR, Venezuela , Suriname , French Guiana NR, Ecuador , Peru , Brazil (PA, MT, BA NR, GO, MG NR, ES, RJ), Bolivia NR, Paraguay ( Fig. 63 ).