Ant diversity on the largest Mediterranean islands: on the presence or absence of 28 species in Sicily (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Author Schifani, Enrico Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (SCVSA), University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 11 / A, I- 43124 Parma, Italia. Author Csősz, SÁndor MTA-ELTE-MTM, Ecology Research Group, PÁzmÁny Péter sétÁny 1 C, H- 1117 Budapest, Hungary. & Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, AlkotmÁny út 2 - 4, H- 2163 VÁcrÁtót, Hungary. Author Viviano, Roberto Via Michele Cipolla 106, I- 90123 Palermo, Italia. Author Alicata, Antonio Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (DBGES), University of Catania, Via Androne 81, I- 95124 Catania, Italia. text Natural History Sciences 2021 2021-05-28 8 1 55 70 journal article 301721 10.4081/nhs.2021.532 0d810842-35cb-4f51-ac51-646ee56aede3 2385-0922 12753989 1. Camponotus ruber Emery 1925 This species was recorded so far from Egadi (Scupola, 2009) and Aeolian Islands (Schär et al ., 2020). Previous records of C. sicheli Mayr 1866 from Sicily may all have to be attributed to C. ruber , but no localities were reported by Forel (1879) or any subsequent author (Poldi et al ., 1995; Schifani et al ., 2021a; see under C. sicheli ). We confirm C. ruber at least from NW Sicily , a region that was particularly interested by Maghrebian faunal influences (Schifani et al ., 2020). Examined material ( Fig. 2 a-d) Fig. 1 - Sampling effort across Sicily (circum-Sicilian islands excluded) according to the number of samples from AAC and ESC. / Sforzo di campionamento in Sicilia (isole circumsiciliane escluse) basato sul numero di campioni in AAC e ESC. Palermoprovince:MontePellegrino, 38.1730 , 13.3510 , 390 m asl, Pinus halepensis artificial forest, 12.04.2016 , E. Schifani legit, ESC; Monte Catalfano, 38.0973 , 13.5264 , 230 m asl, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus anthropogenic steppe, 03.06.2016 , E. Schifani legit, ESC; Capo Gallo, 38.2125 , 13.2918 , 10 m asl, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus anthropogenic steppe, 03.10.2017 , E. Schifani legit, ESC; Mondello, 38.1895 , 13.3358 , 60 m asl, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus anthropogenic steppe, 18.11.2017 , E. Schifani legit, ESC. Trapani province : Custonaci , photographed by Luigi Barraco (no specimens collected), 12.2007. Monte Cofano , 38.1128 , 12.6714 , 30 m asl , degraded phrygana, 16.05.2016 , E. Schifani legit, ESC .