On the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of the Lesser Sunda Islands Author Löbl, Ivan text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2015 2015-01-26 122 1 75 120 journal article 177998 10.5281/zenodo.14582 595d9ef5-d983-44bd-b394-e2fbe54d3acf 0035-418 1DD348B0-2E77-4597-9844-3405D65874E4 Scaphoxium Löbl, 1979 Comments: The range of this genus is similar to that of Scaphobaeocera , though it is with 41 species currently recognized less species-rich and usually poorly represented in collections. The genus was not yet reported from Indonesia . Scaphoxium may be readily distinguished from other scaphidiines having strongly approximate middle and hind coxae by the curved 3rd antennomere and lobed ventral margins of the hypomera.