On the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of the Lesser Sunda Islands Author Löbl, Ivan text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2015 2015-01-26 122 1 75 120 journal article 177998 10.5281/zenodo.14582 595d9ef5-d983-44bd-b394-e2fbe54d3acf 0035-418 1DD348B0-2E77-4597-9844-3405D65874E4 Scaphisoma affectum sp. nov. Figs 91-94 Holotype : MHNG ; ; Indonesia , Indo: Bali Mt. Batukaru 500-700 m , 1991 I. Löbl , 28.-29.X. Etymology: The species epithet is a Latin adjective, referring to the affected characters. Description: Length 1.85 mm , width 1.33 mm . Head, pronotum and most of elytra reddish-brown, apical fourth of elytra lighter, yellowish. Hypomera light brown. Mesoventrite, mesepisterna, metaventrite, metanepisterna, metepimeres and sternite 1 dark brown. Remaining exposed abdominal segments lighter, appendages yellowish. Pronotum and elytra lacking microsculpture. Antennae long, length/width ratio of antennomeres as follows: III 12/8: IV 30/6: V 52/7: VI 55/8: VII 57/13: VIII 45/10: IX 57/12: X 57/12: XI 65/13. Antennomere III triangular. Pronotum finely and densely punctate, with lateral margins evenly rounded, lateral margin carinae hardly visible in dorsal view. Apex of scutellum exposed. Elytra with lateral margin carinae entirely exposed in dorsal view, apical margins rounded, inner apical angle situated in level with outer angles, sutural margin not raised; sutural striae fairly shallow, oblique near base and not extending laterad pronotal lobe, almost parallel from oblique section to apices, adsutural areas flat. Elytral punctation fairly coarse, dense, punctures well delimited, puncture intervals mostly about as large to twice as large as puncture diameters. Hypomera finely punctate. Mesepimera about four times as long as wide, about as long as three fourth of interval to mesocoxa. Metaventrite with microsculpture between mesocoxae and metacoxae. Median area of metaventrite convex, without impressions or grooves, flattened near metacoxal process, with fairly coarse puncture rows parallel to metacoxae, punctation elsewhere very fine and sparse. Submesocoxal areas 0.05 mm , about as fourth of intervals to metacoxae, submesocoxal lines convex, with fairly indistinct marginal punctures. Metanepisternum convex, distinctly narrowed anteriad, with inner margin slightly impressed and almost straight except at rounded posterior angles. Mesotibiae and metatibiae slightly curved. Abdomen with microsculpture consisting of transverse striae. Sternite 1 with coarse puncture on narrow basomedian area, very finely punctate on remaining surface. Submetacoxal areas 0.05 mm , submetacoxal lines convex, with coarse margin punctures. Male : Protarsi with segment 1 distinctly widened, narrower than tibia, segments 2 and 3 slightly widened. Aedeagus (Figs 91-94) 1.0 mm long. Median lobe with large, moderately sclerotized basal bulb, arcticular process not projecting. Apical process asymmetrical, strongly inflexed, sinuate and tapering in lateral view, oblique in dorsal view. Parameres symmetrical, strongly expanded ventrally to form large, strongly sclerotized subbasal apophyses posterior bases. Dorsal margins of parameres strongly sclerotized posterior level of apophyses, wide areas below dorsal margins membranous. Internal sac complex, with three strongly sclerotized apical teeth and basal plates, and membranes with scale-like and denticulate structures. Distribution: Indonesia : Bali . Type locality: Bali , Mt. Batukaru 500-700 m . Comments: This species is possibly related with S. ruficolle ( Pic, 1915 ) described from the East Malaysian island Bangii. Unfortunately, the apical process of the median lobe is hardly visible in the sole male of the latter species that is available for study. Both species clearly differ also by the parameres, gradually widened and with postbasal lobes situated more distally in S. ruficolle , and by the structures of the internal sac, in particular by the presence of a single robust tooth in S. ruficolle .