On the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of the Lesser Sunda Islands Author Löbl, Ivan text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2015 2015-01-26 122 1 75 120 journal article 177998 10.5281/zenodo.14582 595d9ef5-d983-44bd-b394-e2fbe54d3acf 0035-418 1DD348B0-2E77-4597-9844-3405D65874E4 Scaphisoma sapitense Pic, 1915 Figs 107-111 Scaphosoma sapitense Pic, 1915a: 15 . Lectotype : MNHN ; ; by present designation, labelled: Lombok Sapit 2000’ April 1896 H. Fruhstorfer /TYPE (red)/ Scaphosoma sapitense Pic (handwritten by Pic)/ Lectotype Scaphisoma sapitense Pic det. Löbl, 2014 . Additional material examined: NMPC , MHNG ; 10 ex. ; with the same data as the lectotype. SMNS , MHNG ; 27 ex. ; Lombok , Sapit-Sembalun Bumbung 14.-16. Feb 1994 900-1500 m , Bolm lgt. SMNS , MHNG ; 2 ex. ; Lombok , Sapit SE slope of Mt. Rinjani , 14.-16.Feb 1994 Bolm lgt. SMNS , MHNG ; 17 ex. ; Lombok , Senaro , N slope of Rinjani , 2.-5. Feb. 1994 1100 m Bolm lgt. Redescription: Length 1.90-2.15 mm , width 1.25- 1.35 mm . Head, pronotum and venter of thorax dark reddish-brown to blackish. Elytra light reddish-brown to yellowish, with darkened bases and adsutural areas, each elytron with dark brown to black discal spot. Latter variable in size, usually not touching sutural stria. Abdomen with basal sternites usually dark brown, apical sternites, exposed tergites and appendages about as light as prevailing elytral surface. Pronotum and elytra lacking microsculpture. Antennae long, length/ width ratio of antennomeres as follows: III 14/9: IV 36/7: V 50/8: VI 55/8: VII 52/14: VIII 45/11: IX 55/14: X 52/15: XI 63/15. Antennomere III subtriangular. Pronotum finely punctate, with lateral margins evenly rounded, lateral margin carinae visible near base or in basal half in dorsal view. Apex of scutellum exposed. Elytra with lateral margin carinae entirely exposed in dorsal view, apical margins truncate, inner apical angle rectangular, not prominent in male, prominent and tooth-like in female, situated posterior level of outer angles, sutural margin not raised, sutural striae deep, parallel, at base somewhat curved, not extending laterad pronotal lobe, adsutural areas flat. Elytral punctation fairly coarse, dense, punctures well delimited, puncture intervals mostly about as large to twice as large as puncture diameters. Hypomera smooth. Mesepimera longer than interval to mesocoxa. Metaventrite microsculptured on areas between submesocoxal lines and metacoxae, with median area slightly convex, two indistinct apicomedian impression, punctation on apicomedian area fine but distinct, on lateral areas very fine. Submesocoxal areas 0.04 mm , about as fifth of intervals to metacoxae, submesocoxal lines subparallel, with coarse margin punctures. Metanepisternum flat, hardly narrowed anteriad, with inner margin almost straight, impressed below margin of metaventrite. Tibiae straight. Abdomen with microsculpture consisting of transverse striae. Sternite 1 with distinct mediobasal punctation, very finely punctate on remaining surface. Submetacoxal areas 0.06-0.07 mm , submetacoxal lines convex, with coarse margin punctures. Male : Protarsal and mesotarsal segments 1 to 3 distinctly widened. Inner apical angle of elytra not prominent. Aedeagus (Figs 107-111) 1.30-1.37 mm long. Median lobe and parameres symmetrical, strongly sclerotized. Median lobe with large basal bulb, ventral branch of apical process short, in apical half weakly inflexed, with subapical dorsal denticle, dorsal branches of apical process slightly shorter than ventral branch, articular process not prominent. Parameres in axis with median lobe, slightly sinuate and narrowed apically in lateral view, gradually narrowed toward level of tip of median lobe in dorsal view and with finely crenulated inner margin; pores scattered, situated in basal halves. Internal sac complex, with tuft of dense denticles, overlapping median row of sclerotized scales, membranes with scale-like structure. Female : Inner apical angle of elytra prominent, toothlike. Distribution: Indonesia : Lombok. Comments: The original description, based on specimen/s from Lombok: Sapit, gives only the colour pattern and body length. Achard (1920: 131) reported the species from “Lombok: Sapit, altitude 2000 mètres et Pringabaja (H. Frühstorfer, avril 1896 )”. In fact, the altitude on the labels is in feet, and the specimen from Pringabaja was misidentified. Achard (l. c.) mentioned also the shape of the sutural striae and of the 3rd antennomere, found the colour pattern variable, and described a new variety, infasciatum , distinguished from the nominal form by the elytra lacking a dark discal spot. His infasciatum is a distinct species and his statement about the variable colour in S. sapitense is erroneous. Specimens with the same locality labels as the lectotype and housed in the NMPC are possibly syntypes but not considered as such, in absence of evidence that they were used by Pic for the description.