A checklist of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: Additions and nomenclatural revisions Author Savage, Jay M. Author Bolaños, Federico text Zootaxa 2009 2005 1 23 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274674 18fdce33-1292-46c0-bc02-5715b238cd17 1175-5326 274674 SAURIA Macartney, 1802 11F/30 + 3*G (79) (73 +6*) FAMILY ANGUIDAE J. E.Gray, 1825 4G (7) Celestus J. E.Gray, 1839 ( 3 ) Celestus cyanochloris Cope, 1894 (527) Celestus hylaius Savage & Lips, 1993 (529) Celestus orobius Savage & Lips, 1993 (529) Coloptychon Tihen, 1943 ( 1 ) Coloptychon rhombifer (W. Peters, 1876) (532) Diploglossus Wiegmann, 1834 ( 2 ) Diploglossus bilobatus (O'Shaughnessy, 1874) (530) Diploglossus monotropis (Kuhl, 1820) (531) Mesaspis Cope, 1877 ( 1 ) Mesapis monticola (Cope, “1878”, 1877) (533) FAMILY CORYTOPHANIDAE Merrem, 1820 2G ( 4 ) Basiliscus Laurenti, 1768 ( 3 ) Basiliscus basiliscus (Linné, 1758) (428) Basiliscus plumifrons Cope, 1875 (430) Basiliscus vittatus Wiegmann, 1828 (431) Corytophanes Merrem, 1820 ( 1 ) Corytophanes cristatus (Merrem, “1821”, 1822) (432) FAMILY EUBLEPHARIDAE Boulenger, 1883 1G ( 1 ) Coleonyx J. E. Gray, 1845 ( 1 ) Coleonyx mitratus (W. Peters, 1863) (481) FAMILY GEKKONIDAE J. E.Gray, 1845 5 + 2*G (12) (8 + 4*) Subfamily GEKKONINAE J. E. Gray, 1845 2+2*G (6) (2 + 4*) * Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 (3) * Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836 (484) * Hemidactylus garnotii C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836 (785) * Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès, 1818), ( Abarca 2006 ) * Lepidodactylus Fitzinger, 1843 ( 1 ) * Lepidodactylus lugubris (C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836) (486) Phyllodactylus J. E. Gray, 1828 ( 1 ) Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmann , “1834”, 1835 (487) Thecadactylus Oken, 1817 ( 1 ) Thecadactylus rapicauda (Houttuyn, 1782) (488) Subfamily SPAHERODACTYLINAE Underwood, 1954 3G (6) Gonatodes Fitzinger, 1843 ( 1) Gonatodes albogularis (C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836) (490) Lepidoblepharis Peracca, 1897 ( 1 ) Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma (Noble, 1916) (491) Sphaerodactylus Wagler, 1830 ( 4 ) Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus Harris & Kluge, 1984 (494) Sphaerodactylus homolepis Cope , “1885”, 1886 (494) Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus Hallowell , “1860”, 1861 (495) Sphaerodactylus pacificus Stejneger, 1903 (496) FAMILY GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE MacLean, 1974 6G ( 6 ) Anadia J. E.Gray, 1845 ( 1 ) Anadia ocellata J. E. Gray, 1845 (518) Bachia J. E. Gray, 1845 ( 1 ) Bachia blairi (Dunn, 1940) (520) Gymnophthalmus Merrem, 1820 ( 1 ) Gymnophthalmus speciosus (Hallowell, “1860”, 1861) (521) Leposoma Spix, 1825 ( 1 ) Leposoma southi Ruthven & Gaige, 1924 (522) Potamites Doan and Castoe, 2005 , ( 1 ) Doan and Castoe (2005) recognized Potamites as distinct from Neusticurus . The following species was called Neusticurus apodemus by Savage (2002) : Potamites apodemus (Uzzell, 1966) (523) Ptychoglossus Boulenger, 1890 ( 1 ) Ptychoglossus plicatus (Taylor, 1949) (524) FAMILY IGUANIDAE J. E. Gray, 1827 2G ( 3 ) Ctenosaura Wiegmann, 1828 ( 2 ) Ctenosaura quinquecarinata (J. E. Gray, 1842) (434) Ctenosaura similis (J. E. Gray, 1831) (435) Iguana Laurenti, 1768 ( 1 ) Iguana iguana (Linné, 1758) (437) FAMILY PHYRNOSOMATIDAE Fitzinger, 1843 1G ( 3 ) Sceloporus Wiegmann, 1828 ( 3 ) Sceloporus malachiticus Cope, 1864 (441) Sceloporus squamosus Bocourt, 1874 (442) Sceloporus variabilis Wiegmann, 1834 (443) FAMILY POLYCHROTIDAE Fitzinger, 1843 3 + 1*G ( 32 ) ( 30 + 2* ) Some authors (e.g. Jackman et al . 1999 ; Poe 2004 ) prefer to place all “anole” lizards, including the next three genera below, into a single genus, Anolis ( sensu lato ). We prefer to continue recognition of these taxa as phylogenies in the cited papers confirm that each constitutes a well-supported monophyletic group of species. Ctenonotus Fitzinger, 1843 ( 1 ) * Ctenonotus cristatellus (C. Duméril & Bibron, 1837) (452) Dactyloa Wagler, 1830 ( 4 ) Dactyloa chocorum (Williams & Duellman, 1967) (456) Dactyloa frenata (Cope, 1899) (454) Dactyloa insignis (Cope, 1871) (455) Dactyloa microtus (Cope, 1871) (455) Norops Wagler, 1830 ( 25 + 1* ) Norops altae (Dunn, 1930) (468) The following species was recently collected (UCR 20081-20082) in the area near Buenos Aires, Puntarenas: Norops auratus (Daudin, 1802) , addition to fauna Norops aquaticus ( Taylor, 1956 ) (458) Norops biporcatus (Wiegmann, 1834) (475) Norops capito (W. Peters, 1863) (476) Norops carpenteri (A. A. Echelle, A. F. Echelle & Fitch, 1971) (469) The following species was originally based on specimens from western Panama , but Köhler and Sunyer (2008) identified a specimen (UCR 8477) from Cero Nimaso, Limón Province as this species: Norops cryptolimiforns ( Köhler & Sunyer, 2008 ) Norops cupreus (Hallowell, “1860”, 1861) (458) Norops fungosus (C. Myers, 1971) (477) Norops humilis (W. Peters, 1863) (460) Norops intermedius (W. Peters, 1863) (462) Hulebak and Poe (2006) synonymized Norops pandoensis Savage & Guyer , “1998”, 1999 recognized as valid by Savage (2002) with the following species: Norops kemptoni (Dunn, 1940) (473) Norops lemurinus (Cope, 1861) (463) Norops limifrons (Cope, 1862) (470) We recognize as distinct the following species, included in Norops humilis by Savage (2002) , because the diagnositic characters provided by Taylor (1956) for Anolis humilis marsupialis amply distinguish it as a distinct taxon from N. humilis and N. quaggalus as recently redescribed by Köhler et al. (2003) : Norops marsupialis ( Taylor, 1956 ) Norops oxylophus (Cope, 1875) (472) Norops pachypus (Cope, 1875) (464) Norops pentaprion (Cope, 1862) (477) Norops polylepis (W. Peters, “1873”, 1874) (473) The following species, included in Norops humilis by Savage (2002) , was removed from synonymy by Köhler et al . (2003) : Norops quaggulus (W. Peters, 1863) The following species was recently collected (UCR 20552-20553) in the area near Limón: * Norops sagrei (C. Dumeril and Bibron, 1837), addition to fauna Norops sericeus (Hallowell, 1856) (465) Norops townsendi (Stejneger, 1900) Norops tropidolepis (Boulenger, 1885) (467) Norops vociferans (C. Myers, 1971) (478) Norops woodi (Dunn, 1940) (479) Polychrus Cuvier “1817”, 1816 ( 1 ) Polychrus gutturosus Berthold, 1845 (445) FAMILY SCINCIDAE J. E. Gray, 1825 3G ( 3) Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 ( 1 ) Mabuya unimarginata Cope, 1862 (503) Mesoscincus Griffith, Ngo , & Murphy, 2000 ( 1 ) Griffith, Ngo, and Murphy (2000) recognized Mesoscincus as distinct from Eumeces . The following species was called Eumeces managuae by Savage (2002) : Mesoscincus managuae (Dunn, 1933) (502) Sphenomorphus Fitzinger, 1843 ( 1 ) Sphenomorphus cherriei (Cope, 1893) (504) FAMILY TEIIDAE J. E. Gray, 1827 2G ( 6 ) Ameiva Meyer, 1795 ( 5 ) Ameiva ameiva (Linné, 1758) (508) Ameiva festiva ( Lichtenstein & von Martens, 1856) (510) Ameiva leptophrys (Cope, 1893) (511) Ameiva quadrilineata (Hallowell, “1860”, 1861) (512) Ameiva undulata (Wiegmann, 1834) (513) Aspidoscelis Fitzinger, 1843 ( 1 ) Reeder et al . (2002) recognized Aspidoscelis as distinct from Cnemidophorus . The following species was called Cnemidophorus deppii by Savage (2002) : Aspidoscelis deppii (Wiegmann, 1834) (515) FAMILY XANTUSIIDAE Baird, 1859 1G ( 2 ) Lepidophyma A. Duméril, 1851 ( 2 ) Lepidophyma flavimaculatum A. Duméril, 1851 (498) Lepidophyma reticulatum Taylor, 1955 (500)