Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
Garbino, Guilherme S. T.
Pós-graduação, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Avenida Antônio Carlos 6627, Pampulha, 31270 - 901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Lim, Burton K.
Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M 5 S 2 C 6, Canada
Tavares, Valéria Da C.
Laboratório de Mamíferos, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, CCEN / DSE, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus I, 58059 - 900 João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
journal article
Key to the species and subspecies of genus
1 Size small, forearm equal to or less than
42 mm
, greatest length of skull equal to or less than
23 mm
................... 2
- Size intermediate to large, forearm equal to or more than
43 mm
, greatest length of skull equal to or more than
23 mm
...... ................................................................................................... 3
2 First lower premolar longer than high mesiodistally; third cuspid of first lower premolar absent; crown of lower canine at the same level or higher than the tip of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone....................
Chiroderma gorgasi
- First lower premolar higher than long mesiodistally; third cuspid of first lower premolar present; crown of lower canine clearly below the level of the top of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone........................
Chiroderma trinitatum
3 Size large, length of forearm equal to or more than
56 mm
, greatest length of skull equal to or more than
28 mm
; first lower premolar in contact with the lower canine and second premolar...............................
Chiroderma improvisum
- Size intermediate to large, forearm length equal to or less than
54 mm
43–54 mm
), greatest length of skull usually equal to or less than
28 mm
23–28 mm
); diastema between first lower premolar and second lower premolar...................... 4
4 Size large, forearm length
47–54 mm
, greatest length of skull
26–29 mm
; dorsal pelage brown or dark brown; basal and terminal bands of the dorsal hairs of a same color................................................................ 5
- Size intermediate, forearm length
43–50 mm
, greatest length of skull
23–26 mm
; dorsal pelage brown, light brown or buff; base of dorsal hairs darker than terminal band................................................................... 6
5 First lower premolar large, with approximately ⅔ the height of second lower premolar; crown of lower canine clearly below the level of the top of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone; paraoccipital processes present.......................................................................................................
Chiroderma doriae doriae
- First lower premolar small, with approximately ¼ the height of second lower premolar; crown of lower canine approximately the same height as the top of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone; paraoccipital processes absent.....................................................................................................
Chiroderma salvini
6 Tip of noseleaf unnotched; facial stripes bright and conspicuous; posterior process of the palate absent; first upper incisors with convergent tips....................................................................................... 7
- Tip of noseleaf notched; facial stripes dark and inconspicuous; posterior process of the palate present; first upper incisors with parallel or divergent tips................................................................................ 8
7 Length of forearm usually more than
48 mm
45–50 mm
); greatest length of skull equal to or more than
25 mm
25–27 mm
); high-crowned first lower premolar (⅔ the height of second lower premolar; low-crowned lower canine, with the tips clearly below the level of the top of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone....................
Chiroderma doriae vizottoi
- Length of forearm equal to or less than
47 mm
43–47 mm
); greatest length of skull equal to or less than
25 mm
23–25 mm
); low-crowned first lower premolar (¼ the height of second lower premolar); high-crowned lower canine, with the tips approximately the same height as the top of the coronoid process of the mandibular bone................
Chiroderma scopaeum
8 Length of forearm
46 mm
on average (
41–52 mm
); distributed east of the Andes...........
Chiroderma villosum villosum
- Length of forearm
44 mm
on average (
41–47 mm
); distributed west of the Andes.............
Chiroderma villosum jesupi