Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. Author Smith, F. text 1858 British Museum London book 8127 C86CFDBF-61D9-48EE-9C2E-325FC0462B10 24. Polyrhachis furcatus . Pl. IV. fig. 20. B.M. Worker. Length 2 1/4 lines.-Head and thorax black; abdomen and legs rufo-testaceous. Head smooth, shining and impunctate; the anterior margin of the clypeus rounded; the mandibles triangular, their inner margin denticulate; antennae with the scape black, the flagellum rufo-testaceous, the basal joints fuscous. Thorax coarsely rugose, armed on each side anteriorly with a long, stout, slightly curved, acute spine; the metathorax with two long, stout, bent, slightly divergent, acute spines. Abdomen smooth, shining and subglobose, the peduncle with a sort of elevated pedestal, from the summit of which are produced two elongate spines, hooked and acute at their apex. Hab. Burmah.