A revision of the Mexican Anolis (Reptilia, Squamata, Dactyloidae) from the Pacific versant west of the Isthmus de Tehuantepec in the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Puebla, with the description of six new species
Köhler, Gunther
Pérez, Raúl Gómez Trejo
Petersen, Claus Bo P.
Méndez, Fausto R.
Cruz, De La
journal article
Anolis subocularis
Davis 1954
Figs. 90–94
Anolis subocularis
Davis 1954: 3
; type locality: “one mile southwest of Tierra
900 ft.
: TCWC 8675.
Etheridge 1959
Cochran 1961
Davis & Dixon 1961
et al.
Smith & Taylor 1966
Liner & Dundee 1969
Webb & Baker 1969
Fitch & Henderson 1973
, Fitch 1976, Fitch
et al.
Smith & Smith 1976
Fitch & Hillis 1984
, Flores-Villela 1993,
Flores-Villela & Gerez 1994
Lieb 1995
et al.
Lieb 2001
Poe 2004
Liner 2007
Urbina-Cardona & Flores-Villela 2010
Wilson & Townsend 2010
et al.
, Köhler 2014,
et al.
Anolis nebuloides
Mosauer 1936
Norops subocularis:
Savage & Guyer 1989
Nicholson 2002
et al.
. A small to moderate-sized species (SVL in largest male 55.0 mm, largest female 47.0 mm) of the genus
Poe 2004
that differs from all Mexican and Central American anoles except
A. boulengerianus
A. carlliebi
A. immaculogularis
A. quercorum
A. sacamecatensis
by having a combination of (1) strongly keeled ventral scales; (2) usually a patch of three greatly enlarged supraocular scales; (3) 13–18 rows of slightly to moderately enlarged dorsal scales that are smaller than ventral scales; (4) moderately long hind legs, longest toe of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to level of posterior border of eye or beyond, ratio shank length/SVL 0.25–0.31; and (5) a large pinkish red dewlap in males and a small red dewlap in females.
Anolis subocularis
differs from
A. carlliebi
A. quercorum
A. sacamecatensis
by having longer legs with the longest toe of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to level of posterior border of eye or beyond, ratio shank length/SVL 0.25–0.31 (vs. to ear opening or to a point between ear opening and eye, ratio shank length/SVL 0.20–0.26).
Anolis subocularis
differs from
A. boulengerianus
A. immaculogularis
in male dewlap coloration in life (pinkish red with paler areas around gorgetals in
A. subocularis
vs. pinkish red without paler areas around gorgetals in
A. immaculogularis
and orange yellow with paler areas around gorgetals in
A. boulengerianus
) and in hemipenial morphology (hemipenis unilobate with a single apical field void of ornamentation and without an asulcate processus or asulcate ridge in
A. subocularis
vs. hemipenis slightly bilobate with two apical fields void of ornamentation, one on each lobe and with a finger-like asulcate processus and an indistinct asulcate ridge in
A. boulengerianus
A. immaculogularis
). Also, in
A. subocularis
the subocular scales separated from supralabials by one scale row or these scales in contact (vs. subocular scales are usually broadly in contact with supralabials in
A. boulengerianus
A. immaculogularis
Anolis subocularis
in life. (a) SMF 96257; (b) SMF 96258; (c) SMF 96262; (d) SMF 96257; (e) SMF 96258; (f) SMF 96261; (g) SMF 96262. (a–b, d–f) are males, (c, g) are females.
Anolis subocularis
: head scalation in (a,c,e) SMF 96259; (b,d,f) IBH 26568. Scale bars equal 1.0 mm.
Anolis subocularis
is a small to moderate-sized anole (maximum recorded SVL 55.0 mm in males, 47.0 mm in females); dorsal head scales in internasal region keeled, uni- to tricarinate, other dorsal head scales mostly keeled in prefrontal and frontal region, smooth or keeled in parietal region; moderately deep prefrontal depression present, shallow parietal depression; 4–7 postrostrals; anterior nasal single or divided, the lower scale in contact with rostral and first supralabial; 6–8 internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles well defined, weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles subequal or larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles commonly in contact or separated by a complete row of scales, separated by two rows of scales in
one specimen
KU 320871
); 0–3 scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, longer than wide, larger than ear opening; enlarged supraoculars usually a patch of 3 greatly enlarged scales in a single row, separated from supraorbital semicircles by a complete row of small scales, or these scales narrowly in contact; 1–4 scales between enlarged supraoculars and superciliaries; 3 elongate superciliaries, anterior one longest, followed posteriorly by a series of 4–5 rounded or squarish scales of moderate size; usually 3 enlarged canthals, the second canthal largest; 5–9 scales between second canthals; 7–13 scales between posterior canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 21–36 strongly keeled loreal scales in a maximum of 5–6 horizontal rows; 6–8 supralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars keeled, completely separated from supralabials, or these scales narrowly to broadly in contact (1–3 suboculars in contact with 1–4 supralabials); ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening keeled, juxtaposed, about four times larger than granulars posterior to ear opening; 5–7 infralabials to level below center of eye; 2–6 postmentals (commonly 4 or 5), outer pair slightly to distinctly larger than adjacent median postmental scales; 0–2 (commonly 0 or 1) enlarged sublabials in contact with infralabials on each side; keeled granular scales present on chin and throat; male dewlap large, extending from level below anterior margin of eye to level of chest; 7–8 horizontal gorgetal-sternal rows with 8–14 scales per row; modal number of marginal pairs 2–4; female dewlap very small; a nuchal crest and a dorsal ridge present in males; scales on middorsum strongly keeled, subimbricate with rounded posterior margins; 13–18 middorsal scale rows slightly to moderately enlarged, with a gradual transition to lateral scales; lateral scales keeled, granular, more or less homogeneous; 36–49 dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males,
36–53 in
females; 22–34 dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in one head length in males,
22–26 in
females; ventral scales on midsection larger than largest dorsal scales; scales on midventer strongly keeled, imbricate, slightly mucronate; 35–49 ventral scales along midventral line between levels of axilla and groin in males,
32–42 in
females; 24–40 ventral scales contained in one head length in males,
18–28 in
females; 96–134 scales around midbody in males,
96–106 in
females; tube-like axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales weakly to strongly keeled; males almost always with a pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales; tail moderately compressed in cross section, tail height/tail width
1.05–1.50 in
1.07–1.64 in
females; all caudal scales strongly keeled, homogeneous, although an indistinct division in segments is discernible; dorsal medial caudal scale row hardly enlarged, strongly keeled, not forming a crest; scales on anterodorsal surface of brachium imbricate, strongly keeled, unicarinate, slightly mucronate; scales on dorsal surface of antebrachium subimbricate to imbricate, strongly keeled, unicarinate, slightly mucronate; 22–28 subdigital lamellae on Phalanges II–IV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 6–7 subdigital lamellae on distal phalanx of Toe IV of hind limbs; digital pads dilated, about twice the size of distal phalanx. In all specimens examined, the longest toe of the adpressed hind leg reaches to level of tympanum or to a point between shoulder and tympanum. For variation in selected scalation and morphometric characters see
Table 10
Anolis subocularis
: nasal region in (a) SMF 96293; (b) SMF 96257; superciliary region in (c) SMF 96258; (d) IBH 26568; chin region in (e) UMMZ 130946; (f) IBH 26568; cloacal region in (g) SMF 96843; (h) SMF 96842. Scale bars equal 1.0 mm.
Anolis subocularis
: dorsal scales in (a) SMF 96259; (b) SMF 96258; flank scales in (c) SMF 96259; (d) IBH 26568; ventral scales in (e) SMF 96259; (f) IBH 26568. Scale bars equal 1.0 mm.
The coloration in life of an adult male from Acapulco (
SMF 96257
Fig. 90d
) was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color Raw Umber (22) grading laterally into Ground Cinnamon (270) and with Antique Brown (24) chevrons and lateral stripe edged above and below by broken Ferruginous (35) line; dorsal surface of hind limbs Brussels Brown (33) with Cinnamon-Rufous (31) bands; dorsal surface of forelimbs Ground Cinnamon (270) with faint Grayish Horn Color (268) bands; venter Pale Pinkish Buff (3) with Salmon Color (58) stipples in ventrolateral region; chin Cream White (52) with Glaucous (289) Speckles; ventral surface of limbs and tail Ground Cinnamon (270); dewlap Light Mauve (205) grading into Medium Rose (233) with Pale Buff (1) gorgetals; iris Verona Brown (37).
The coloration in life of an adult female from near Tierra Colorada (
SMF 96262
) was recorded as follows: Dorsal ground color Brownish Olive (276) with Sepia (279) indistinct chevrons; dorsal surface of limbs Olive Brown (278); ventral surfaces of body, limbs and tail Pale Buff (1); dewlap Pinkish Flesh Color (253); iris Yellow-Green (103).
Hemipenis of
Anolis subocularis
(SMF 96257): (left) sulcate view; (right) asulcate view. Scale bar equals 1.0 mm.
The completely everted hemipenis of
SMF 96257
Fig. 94
) is a small, unilobate organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by well developed sulcal lips and opening into a single apical field void of ornamentation; no asulcate processus or asulcate ridge present; no surface ornamentation discernible.
Natural History Notes:
In the area of Acapulco and Tierra Colorada, the habitat of
Anolis subocularis
is mostly relatively open forest with rocks and boulders on hilly terrain. The lizards we observed were perching head down on up-standing tree trunks and on vertical surfaces of boulders.
Geographic Distribution and Conservation
. As currently known,
Anolis subocularis
is restricted to the Pacific versant in the south-central and southeastern portions of the Mexican State of
and adjacent southwestern
at elevations between 10 and
993 masl
Fig. 76
). Given its usual abundance wherever this species occurs, it seems justified to classify
A. subocularis
as Least Concern based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (
IUCN 2012
Specimens examined
1 mi
S El Treinta: FMNH 105055, 105086;
1.3 mi
N El Treinta,
700 ft
: UMMZ 119077; Acapulco: MCZ R-32080, USNM 46678;
1.5 mi
S Acapulco,
10 m
MVZ 71866
17.7 mi
ESE San Marcos:
KU 320878
4 mi
N Acapulco: FMNH 105063; Río Aguacatillo,
30 mi
N Acapulco: TCWC 968;
1 mi
SW Tierra Colorada: TCWC 8674-75;
4.4 mi
(on road) S Tierra Colorada along branch of Río San Miguel: UMMZ 130946;
7.5 mi
ESE Marquelia,
18.4 mi
E Copala turnoff:
KU 320883
8.9 mi
N Cruz Grande:
KU 320870
-72; Acapulco: USNM 46679, 46755; Acapulco, Jardin Botanico,
250 m
SMF 96257
; Acapulco, Zona Arqueológica Palma Sola,
345 m
IBH 26566
SMF 96258
; junction Mex Hwy 95 and Rio Papagayo,
183 m
: UTA R-11512; near Palo Gordo,
290 m
IBH 26565
SMF 96261
-62, 96469; near Tierra Colorada: FMNH 106126-30; road from Marquelia to San Luis Acatlán, near Jolotichan,
228 m
SMF 96460
-66; road to Sitio Arqueológico Tehuacalco,
470 m
SMF 96259
; Sitio Arqueológico Tehuacalco,
620 m
IBH 26568
SMF 96260
; Tierra Colorada: USNM 133725-39; Mex Hwy 200, 11 km ESE Copala,
80 m
: MCZ R-167239–41;
2 mi
S Garrapates: MCZ R-56003;
6 km
S of Putla de
993 m
: MVZ 106736.
Taxonomy of the Mexican anoles related to
Anolis nebulosus
Wiegmann 1834
Anolis nebulosus
Wiegmann 1834
was the first Mexican anole species described. No specific type locality was given in the original description.
Smith & Taylor (1950b)
restricted the type locality to Mazatlán,
Smith (1939)
Anolis schmidti
from “Manzanillo,
FMNH 1667). Recently,
Nieto Montes de Oca
et al.
A. schmidti
to the synonymy of
A. nebulosus
Since we cannot adequately address the geographic variation in external morphology and molecular genetic data in this species complex at this point, we assign the species name
Anolis nebulosus
to our samples. However, it is likely that what we call
A. nebulosus
at this point actually is a complex of several species. A comprehensive study of this species complex is needed in order to clarify the taxonomy of this nominal species.