Description of two new subgenera of Trichotichnus, with new brachypterous species from New Guinea and Sumatra (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and notes on three previously described species Author Kataev, B. M. text Russian Entomological Journal 2022 2022-12-31 31 4 373 384 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.31.4.06 0132-8069 13179216 Lecanomerus maculipennis ( Baehr, 1997 ) , comb.n. Trichotichnus maculipennis Baehr, 1997: 132 . MATERIAL EXAMINED. Paratype : , “Cairns: N. Qld / Kamerunga at M.V.L., 17: July: 1972 A. & M. Walford-Huggins 6368 / Walford-Huggins Collection Carnegie Museum Accession 35338” ( ZSM ) . REMARKS. This species was described from three males and one female collected in Queensland ( Australia ) within the genus Trichotichnus , but all its distinctive features including the long and evenly curved mandibles, characteristic color pattern of elytra and a spongy vestiture on the male pro- and mesotarsi indicate that it belongs to the pelmatelline genus Lecanomerus Chaudoir, 1850 . Acknowledgments. The author is very grateful to Borislav Guéorguiev (NMNHS), Michael Balke and the late Martin Baehr (ZSM) for providing the specimens treated in this study. The study was performed within the framework of State project no. 122031100272-3.