Checklist of the freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Mongolia Author Marinskiy, Vadim V. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-01-01 4317 1 45 78 journal article 32235 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.1.2 d9650b33-97b2-4d9c-867b-79cd628daf8f 1175-5326 880022 Cd399D08-1Db1-4319-Aa0D-Db560C7C38Df Gyraulus chinensis ( Dunker, 1848 ) ( Table 6 , figS. 6 I, J) Regional distribution. According to our data, G. chinensis iS Very widely diStributed in Mongolia and dwellS there in habitatS of VariouS type, large mountain lakeS to Shallow floodplain poolS. To the beSt of our knowledge, G. chinensis waS not regiStered in thiS country by preViouS workerS (See Table 1 ), though it might haVe been mentioned under other nameS Such aS Anisus acronicus ( StarobogatoV 1970 ) and A. ( Gyraulus ) borealis (ProzoroVa et al . 2009) . SeVeral empty ShellS of Mongolian planorbidS identified aS Anisus ( G. ) draparnaldi (Sheppard, 1823) and examined by uS in ZIN proVed to be SpecimenS of G. chinensis . Extra-limital distribution. ThiS Snail iS Very common in different partS of Central and South ASia (Meier- Brook 1983 ; Glöer et al . 2014 ) and New Guinea ( Appleton & Miranda 2015 ). AlSo it haS been regiStered aS a nonindigenouS SpecieS in Europe ( Glöer 2002 ; Beran & Glöer 2006 ), WeSt IndieS, AuStralia, and different African countrieS ( Appleton & Miranda 2015 ). Morphology. ThiS commonneSt in Mongolia SpecieS of Gyraulus can be defined conchologically aS haVing a Shell without Spiral Scupture whoSe Surface iS almoSt Smooth or, more often, coVered by well ViSible axial Striae (See fig. 6 I ). The periphery of the body whorl iS eVenly rounded. Such featureS alongSide with the Structure of the copulatiVe organ and the proState (See fig. 6 J) correSpond to morphological characteriSticS of G. chinensis giVen by Meier-Brook (1983) and Appleton & Miranda (2015) .