New records for the bryophyte flora of Corsica Author Hugonnot, Vincent Le bourg, 43380 Blassac (France) vincent. hugonnot @ wanadoo. fr text Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2019 2019-10-02 20 14 153 158 journal article 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2019v40a14 1776-0992 12215529 Hedwigia striata (Wilson) Bosw. SPECIMENS EXAMINED . — France . Corse-du-Sud, Quenza, aiguilles de Bavella, on acidic rock outcrops, 4.V.2017 , 1420 m a.s.l., V.Hugonnot s.n. ; plateau de Cusciunu, on acidic rock outcrops, 4.V.2017 , 1420 m , V. Hugonnot s.n. ; Evisa, forêt d’Aitone, on acidic rock outcrops, 4.V.2017 , 1320 m a.s.l., V. Hugonnot s.n. Remarks It was observed on siliceous rocks fully exposed or semishaded, in mixed stands with H. ciliata (Hedw.) P. Beauv. or H. stellata Hedenäs on the same rock and did not seems to differ much ecologically. The forest stands were attributable to Pinus nigra subsp. laricio forest of the Galio rotundifolii- Fagenion sylvaticae Gamisans (1977) 1979. Until now, H. striata could be considered as an Oceanic species ( Blockeel & Bosanquet 2016 ). For now, it is only recorded in Europe ( Belgium , France , Great Britain , Norway , Ireland , Portugal , Spain and Sweden ) and northwest Africa ( Morocco ) ( Buchbender et al. 2014 ; Gallego et al. 2014 ; Blockeel & Bosanquet 2016 ; Ellis et al. 2016 ). It was previously recorded in continental France in Lot Department by Ellis et al. (2016) , where it is probably much more widespread. Hedwigia striata belongs to the H. ciliata -complex together with two other species H. ciliata and H. stellata ; and used to be neglected until the phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus ( Buchbender et al. 2014 ). The identification offers no special difficulties owing to a set of clear-cut morphological characters from which only the first can be appreciated in the field: the leaves are more or less longitudinally plicate, the decurrent basal margins of the leaves are provided with papillae and double teeth and the cilia of mature perichaetial leaves are less numerous and straighter than those of H. ciliata or H. stellata ( Gallego et al. 2014 ) .