Parmelioid lichens (Parmeliaceae) in southernmost South America Author Elvebakk, A. TromsØ University Museum, University of TromsØ - Arctic University of Norway, N- 9037 TromsØ, Norway. arve. elvebakk @ uit. no Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINA, FRAM - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment, N- 9296 TromsØ, Norway. jarle. werner. bjerke @ nina. no Author Bjerke, J. W. Author Støvern, L. E. Department of Marine and Arctic Biology, University of TromsØ - Arctic University of Norway, N- 9037 TromsØ, Norway. Present address: Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, N- 9269 TromsØ, Norway. leif. einar. stovern @ skogoglandskap. no text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-06-20 173 1 1 30 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.173.1.1 1179-3163 5142714 Omphalodium pisacomense Meyen & Flot. (1843: 223) Reported from Santa Cruz by Calvelo & Liberatore (2002) . Redón (1985) reported it from basaltic volcanoes in the eastern Patagonian steppes, in a study dealing with a trans-continental Fuego-Patagonian gradient. However, he did not indicate any localities for the lichens he reported, not even which country it was collected from. However, Etayo & Sancho (2008) reported it from the Chilean National Park Pali-Aike, and we can confirm that it is common on volcanic rocks there and on the basaltic volcano caldera of Morro Chico, also in Chile . Specimens examined: CHILE . XII REGIÓN DE MAGALLANES : Parque Nacional Pali-Aike , near Cueva de Pali- Aike , 52 ° 05’S , 69 ° 47’W , 200 m , on volcanic rocks in a steppe landscape, Elvebakk, A. 00:757 ( TROM ) ; Morro Chico , 52 ° 03’24”S , 71 ° 25’25”W , 150 m , on basaltic rocks, 30 Dec 2014 , Elvebakk, A. 13:085 ( MAF ; TROM ) .