AN UPDATED CHECKLIST AND KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BOLIVIAN BEGONIA, INCLUDING ONE NEW SPECIES Author Moonlight, Peter Author Fuentes, Alfredo F. text Edinburgh Journal of Botany 2022 2022-08-18 79 407 1 66 journal article 10.24823/EJB.2022.407 1747-0036 10553332 5.27. Begonia subcaudata Rusby ex L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub., Revista Univ. ( Cuzco ) 33(87): 81 (1944). Type: Bolivia , Yungas , 6000 ft , 1885, H.H. Rusby 683 ( holotype NY [ NY00118650 ], isotype NY ) . L.B. Smith & B.G. Schubert, Revista Univ. (Cuzco) 33(87): 81 (1944) ; R.C. Foster, Contr. Gray Herb. 184: 138 (1958); D.C. Wasshausen et al. in P.M. JØrgensen et al. (eds), Cat. Bolivia , Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 129: 386 (2013) . Distribution and ecology . Endemic to Bolivia . Etymology . The specific epithet subcaudata refers to the species’ subcaudate leaf base. Nomenclatural notes . Smith and Schubert cited a sheet of H.H. Rusby 683 in the New York Botanical Garden herbarium in their protologue of Begonia subcaudata Rusby ex L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub. ( Smith & Schubert, 1944a ). There are two sheets of this collection in New York , so following the recommendations of McNeill (2014) these would normally both be treated as syntypes . The second, unbarcoded specimen was, however, deposited in New York in 1948, 3 years after publication of the protologue. The first, barcoded specimen is therefore the holotype of Begonia subcaudata . Identification notes . Begonia subcaudata is the only species of Bolivian Begonia sect. Hydristyles with leaves that are less than half as wide as they are long.