New names in Cinnamomoides, Cinnamomum and Neolitsea (Lauraceae), and Pterospermum (Malvaceae), fossil and living Author Doweld, Alexander B. text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-10-27 326 3 189 201 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.326.3.3 1179-3163 13698859 Cinnamomum kalbaricum Doweld , nom. nov . Cinnamomum grandifolium Cammerloher (1925: 477) , nom. illeg ., non ( Ettingshausen 1853: 45 ) Schimper (1872: 844) . Holotype :— INDONESIA . Borneo Island , West Kalimantan , Sungai Bulu [“Soengai Bloe’oe”], Expedition Nieuwenhuis 1896–1897, Jaheri 533 ( BO ; isotype , L barcode L0035803 ). Eponymy:—From Kalbar, the abbreviated name of Kalimantan Barat ( West Kalimantan ), locus classicus . Note:—The extant species Cinnamomum grandifolium Cammerloher , which is in current use ( Soh 2011 ), is a later illegitimate homonym of the fossil-species Cinnamomum grandifolium (Ettingshausen) Schimper , which was established based on fossil leaves from the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) sediments of Bad Häring, Tyrol , Austria (≡ Daphnogene grandifolia Ettingshausen 1853: 45 ). The fossil-species was ineffectively typified by Meller (2010: 128) , who designated ‘type’ and ‘isotype’ from two original specimens of Ettingshausen’s collection, but infringed on the requirements of Art. 7.10., effective from 1 January 2001 , to include the phrase “designated here” ( hic designatus ) or an equivalent. Therefore, a valid lectotypification of Daphnogene grandifolia Ettingshausen is still required. Lectotype (designated here):— AUSTRIA : Bad Häring, Tyrol , [leaf], Ettingshausen coll. (Geologische Bundesanstalt, Vienna , Austria GBA 1853/001/0047 A ); the fossil specimen was previously selected and re-illustrated by Meller (2010 : pl. 11, fig. 11 = Ettingshausen 1853 : pl. 31: fig. 10).