Review of the New World Edaphus MOTSCHULSKY (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 120 th Contribution to the Knowledge of Euaesthetinae Author Puthz, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2014 2014-07-31 46 1 799 827 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5306839 0253-116X 5306839 Edaphus falinianus nov.sp. (figs 32, 53) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype (): FRENCH GUIANA : Wanaboo (near Nason), Merowinje River , 40m , 4 o 43’35’’N , 54 o 26’36’’W , FIT, 31.V.-5.VI.1999 , Falin & DeDijn : in the KSEM . D e s c r i p t i o n: Macropterous, reddish brown, shiny, aside of setiferous punctures impunctate; pubescence recumbent. L e n g t h: 1.6mm (forebody: 0.9mm ). PM of the ht: HW: 39; DE: 27; LE: 11; LT: 1; LG: 5; PW: 47; PL: 37; dlbc: 33; EW: 64; EL: 550; SL: 45. M a l e: Sternite 8 (fig. 32). Sternite 9 acute apicomedially, no fields of ha present. SpP about twice as long as the median lobe, with a double trumpet, vs about as large as the apical portion of the median lobe. Aedeagus (fig. 53), apical portion of the median lobe broadly lanceolate, median lobe with 4 strong setae in distal third, parameres much shorter than median lobe, broadened apically with two strong, short setae apically and one short seta in about the middle. Head distinctly narrower than pronotum, eyes large, finely facetted, temples very short, oblique, ptfF distinct, slightly angular, ampF much broader than each of the alpF, shallowly convex, no special separation between ampF and clp. Antennae fairly long, when reflexed distinctly extending to the posterior margin of the pronotum, club 2-segmented, segment 10 slightly longer than broad, segment 11 about one third longer than segment 10. Pronotum much longer than long, sides anteriorly strongly convex, strongly concavely constricted behind; lbc distinct, no mbc present, but 6 (-8) small bf. Elytra subquadrate, broader than long, sides moderately dilated posteriad, shoulders simple. Mbct3 about half as long as the tergite. C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: This new species resembles strongly E. congener PUTHZ but may be distinguished by the greater size, stronger elevated alpF, longer antennal segment 10 and shorter mbct3; see also the key. E t y m o l o g y: This species is named in honour of the collector Dr. Zachary Falin ( Kansas ).