Description of a new species from Africa in genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914, with additional taxonomic and faunistic information on two other Coccothera species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini) Author Larsen, Knud text Metamorphosis 2023 2023-06-15 34 1 50 58 journal article 10.4314/met.v34i1.5 2307-5031 14119348 BC399325-A93E-4C05-B224-5252DA446D76 Coccothera albolineana spec. nov. Figs. 12 –16. CCF07CF5-99BE-4CFE-81F4-C6F247E5356B Material examined Holotype : , Kenya : Central : Naro Moru , 0°9'4.99" S , 37°0'37.57" E , 3–6.xi.2013 , 1960 m , leg. D. Agassiz , S. Beavan, R . Heckford, K . Larsen & M. Ngugi , coll. KL later ZMUC; gen. prep. 4372 KL . Paratypes : Kenya : 1 spec. Rift Valley , Lake Elementeita , 6000 ft , 15.xii.1999 , leg. D.J.L. Agassiz , coll. Agassiz ; gen. prep . 4373 KL ; 1 spec. Rift Valley , Gilgil , 2100 m , 00˚32' S, 36˚22' E, 26.xi.2005 , leg. D.J.L. Agassiz , coll. Agassiz ; gen. prep . 4374 KL ; 2 spec. Central : Naro Moru , 00°09'04.99" S , 37°00'37.57" E , 3–6.xi.2013 , 1960 m , leg. D. Agassiz , S. Beavan , R. Heckford , K. Larsen & M. Ngugi , coll. KL ; gen. prep. 4371 & 4375 KL . Republic of South Africa : 1 spec. Limpopo : 10 km WNW Louis Trichardt , Madi A Thavha Lodge , 23°01'02" S , 29°49'40" E , 1008 m , leg. K. Larsen & A. Kingston ; gen. prep . 4701 KL . Figure 11 C. nicomacha (Meyr.) ♀ P. 2721 LA, Tanzania, Morogoro. Imagines differ from C. spissana by the large black area in the upper half of the median fascia and with the round blotch divided by three to four fine black lines placed towards apex; from C. albolineana spec. nov. it differs by the larger size and by the dividing line on the fore wing which is shiny grey, not white. The male genitalia have a short rounded valva with a few thorns ventrally at the cucullus and a sausage shaped phallus. The female genitalia have a semicircular sterigma and two medium sized thorn-shaped signa. The subgenital sternite is broad and less emarginated dorsally. Figure 12 C. albolineana spec. nov. ♀ P. 4701 KL, 8 mm. RSA, Louis Trichardt. Biology Only the ten mentioned specimens and the type specimen from Zimbabwe are known. They are found from October to March. Localities are indistinct dryer savannah or bush land. Host plant is unknown. Distribution Zimbabwe , Namibia , Tanzania , Ethiopia . Figure 13 C. albolineana spec. nov. ♀ P. 4371 KL, 8 mm. Kenya, Naro Moru. Remarks Description Imago: ( Figs. 12–13 ). Wingspan 7–8 mm . Head grey, with white tipped scales, dorsally longer and raised scales. Thorax as head, abdomen dark grey. Antenna 50% of forewing, grey with fine white rings. Labial palps short, coloured as head, legs the same but with white spurs. Forewings triangular with slightly indented termen, ground colour dark grey to black with fine light beige strigulation bordered with a fine white cross line. Median fascia darker grey bordered towards basal blotch by a shiny metallic line reaching two thirds from dorsum in the middle partly interrupted by a small black spot. Speculum shiny metallic bordered dorsally with small black spots. Between speculum and costa, a small white area divided by four fine black lines gradually shorter against costa. Four white costal strigula. Termen with a black basal line, cilia grey. Hindwings deep brown, sometimes white towards base. At termen a bright light basal line. Cilia with a narrow deep brown shadow followed by a light area dorsally white. Underside of wings deep grey at base of hindwings sometimes lighter. Figure 15 C. albolineana spec. nov. ♀ P. 4701 KL, RSA, Louis Trichardt. Male genitalia: ( Fig. 14 ). Valva short, evenly wide with a round exceedingly small cucullus, weakly haired and with two tiny thorns ventrally. Pedunculus very weak and phallus short, sausage shaped with emarginated curved apex. Female genitalia: ( Figs. 15 –16). Labium irregular, apophyses anterior short, broader at apex. Sterigma circular with sclerotized lamella postvaginalis. Subgenital plate strongly emarginated dorsally. Ductus bursa short and bursa with two tiny thorn-shaped signa. Figure 14 C. albolineana spec. nov. ♂ P. 4372 KL, Kenya, Naro Moru. Diagnosis Coccothera albolineana spec. nov. is defined by its small size, the white dividing line between basal blotch and median fascia and the round white blotch towards apex divided by four fine black lines. Speculum is dorsally half bordered with well-defined black spots. The male differs from C. nicomacha in the exceedingly small valva with tiny teeth at cucullus ventrally and in the shape of phallus. In the female genitalia it differs in the shape of sterigma Figure 16 C. albolineana spec. nov. bursa, P. 4701 KL, RSA , Louis Trichardt. with sclerotized lamella postvaginalis and the strongly emarginated subgenital sternite, shorter ductus bursa and two very tiny thorn-shaped signa in bursa. Biology Only the six mentioned specimens are known, found from November to December. Localities are more dense forest savannah. Host plant is unknown. Distribution Kenya : Central and Rift Valley Republic of South Africa : Limpopo province . Etymology The species is named after the characteristic white markings which make the species quite easy to identify.